A Brief History of the Round Mountain Cemetery

Sent by Milton Hawkins

The Round Mountain Cemetery Association was officially formed in 1977.  By a deed dated 11 November 1978, Mabel Stribling and Sadie Sharp, sole trustees of the Round Mountain Cemetery, conveyed “one and one quarter acre including the grave yard” to the Round Mountain Cemetery Association, Inc.  (This parcel of land includes the North Section, the Center North Section, and the northern half of the Back Section as drawn on the Cemetery Map that accompanies this history.)

The deed contains the following description, which reveals something of the previous history of the cemetery:

A parcel of land conveyed by deed dated August 13, 1883 by John Gedlich to the Frontier Lodge No. 195 I.O.O.F [Independent Order of Odd Fellows]. . . ., lying and being situated on Cypress Creek in Blanco County, State of Texas, being part of Survey No. 507 in the name of J. A. Pierce.

At some point, through means not indicated in the 1978 deed, the property was conveyed from the Frontier Lodge to the trustees of the Round Mountain Cemetery, and then, in 1978, from those trustees to the present Association.

A second deed, dated 18 September 1979, records the conveying of a gift to the Round Mountain Cemetery Association, Inc., by Dorothy Sharp Kemp and Leonard Darrell Kemp of 2.503 acres of land lying along the southern border of the 1 ¼ -acre parcel described above.  The gift was made in memory of Damon D. Sharp and Anita Kroll Sharp.  (This second parcel includes the Center South Section, the South Section, and the southern half of the Back Section as depicted on the accompanying Cemetery Map.)

The Association has a president, a secretary/treasurer, and five directors, or vice presidents, one of whom is the executive vice president.  The annual meeting is held on the Saturday of the second week in October at 6:00 p.m.  An annual work day is held on the Saturday of the first week in May, with a rain day scheduled for the second or third Saturday, at the discretion of the directors.

Burial in the cemetery is free to anyone related by the third degree of consanguinity to a person who was buried in the cemetery prior to 1977, when the Association was formed.  Those not falling in that category may purchase a plot from the Association.  The price for each plot is currently $300.  Association dues are currently $10 a year and are paid by everyone, regardless of the manner by which he or she acquired rights to a burial space.

At the present time, Will S. Moursund is president of the Association; Gary Polvado is the secretary/treasurer.

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