Kneupper Cemetery
Provided by Joel Honeycutt and Pat Althaus
Blanco County Historical Commission,  101 Pitchfork, Johnson City, TX 78636.

Transcribed by:
Prepared for the TXGenWeb Blanco County Web Site by Wanda Qualls

Location:  Twin Sisters Area - Turn off of Hwy. 281 south of Blanco; about
7 1/2 miles; onto Ranch Rd. 473 (left turn).  Go 1 mile, turn right and cross
the Little Blanco River to house.  Cemetery is 500 feet from the house across
the creek in a horseshoe shaped area.

Name: Carl Kneupper
Birth: 1864 in Texas
Died: around 1929
Parents: John and Apolonia Kneupper, both born in Nassau
Siblings: Anton; Peter; Catherine; John; Christian; Josephine;
Mary; Margaret (as of 1880 census)
Married: Sarah Bartles
Children: Paul; Alfred; Hermann; Olga Kneupper Ludhauf;
Pauline Kneupper Sueltenfuss; another girl who married an Edge

(The Temple place in 1984)

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