Letter from Mary Blassingame, published in the State Gazette,
Austin, Texas, May 24th, 1856, following Calvin Blassingame's letter of May 8, 1856.


Messrs. Editors --

Dear Sirs -- There having appeared in several papers, a partial statement of the facts in relation to the Blanco tragedy, I deem it a duty that I owe myself and children, as well as in justice to the memory of my murdered husband and son, to aly all the facts before an enlightened community, that they may pass censure upon whom censure is due. You will therefore, confer a great favor upon distressed widow by publishing the following facts.
Woodson and Calvin Blassingame, who were murdered by a mob on the Blanco, on the 14th of last month, the former my husband, and the latter my son. My son Calvin, who had been with with J.H. Callhan, went to his (Callahan's) house, on the 8th day of April last, to have a settlement with him, when my son said that Callahan told him that his father, Woodson Blassingame, had been talking disrespectful of him and his family. That he, Woodson Blasingame, had said that his (Callahan's) expedition to Mexico, was more for plunder than anything else. Calvin told him, that he did not think his father had ever said any such thing, nor had he spoke disrespectful of him or his family; if he had, he certainly would have heard him, and asked Callahan for his author, which Callahan refused to give, and said to Calvin that he did not want him and his father to deny it, for it would do no good, and also said, that he did not wish him and his brother to take up for their father, as he had nothing against either of them, but if they took their father's part, he could whip a cavayard of them, and for Calvin to tell his father to meet him on the half way ground, that evening. If he did not, he Callahan, would get his witness and come to his house that evening or next morning. Calvin then started home, when Callahan followed him and again told him to tell his father to meet him on the halfway ground, that he did not wish to go to a man's house to have a difficulty, but if his father did not meet him, he should certainly come to his house; that he had intended going cow hunting, but he had no further use for cows, until that matter was settled; that he had rather die, than live under such charges, and that he would either kill, or be killed. Some hour or two afterwards, Calvin came home and told his father the word that Callahan had sent him. J.H. Callahan, Maulheel Johnson, Clem Hinds and Thos. Johnson all armed with six shooters and Maulheel Johnson, with a rifle, rode up to the fence and hailed. When I went to the door, Callahan asked me if my husband and Calvin were at home. I answered in the affirmative. About that time the firing commenced, and J.H. Callahan and Maulheel Johnson were killed, and Clem Hinds wounded. This took place in the afternoon, and my husband and son made no effort to escape, although they had all chances, but remained at home until the next day, when they, together with myself, were arrested and carried before Justice Long (CCs note: Lange?), when the trial was postponed until Monday afterwards. We were all carried to Justice Long's house, and guarded by a large number of men. We all expressed ourselves willing to be tried by the laws of our country. On Sunday night everything defensive was taken out by one of the guards; such as knives, chairs, stools, even to the fire-stick, when Woodson Blassingame observed to the guard to leave him something to defend himself with -- One guard had been stationed all the time in the inside of the house, at the door. In the night, some person hailed to the guard on the outside, when the guard asked him what he wanted. He answered that he had come to relieve him. The guard then went out of the house, shuting the door after him; after a few minutes whispering near the door, the door was opened again, and three men made their appearance; two remained at the door, and one came in and went to the fire, and gathering a piece of fire, came and examined around the bed where my husband, son and myself were lying. he then ordered us several times to get up and go out of the house. I then commenced screaming, and calling on Esq'r Long, for assistance and protection, also begging not to be murdered; pleading that we were willing to abide the laws of our country. I had hold of my husband by the arm, and he had hold of me in like manner. The individual then caught me by the feet and tried to pull me loose from my husband, ordering me to hush hollowing, that I did not known what I was screaming about; not succeeding in getting me loose from my husband, he let go and went to the door, and spoke to the other two men, and asked them why they did not come in as they had promised to do, when all three came to the bed and the first individual again tried to break me loose from my husband by pulling at my feet. Not succeeding, he came to my head and caught me by one arm; struck me twice on the cheek, and caught me by the throat and choked me until I quit hollowing, and also broke me loose from my husband; they then dragged my husband out of the door, and returned and dragged my son out; my husband never spoke, but my son called on them not to murder him, and asked what harm he had done to one of them that they should wish to murder him. So soon as they had cleared the door, I ran out of the house and ran for the river. I had got a short distance from the house, when I heard six or eight guns fire. I then crossed the river and got into a ticket, and there remained until morning, when I was found by Mr. Ed Burleson and carried to Mr. George's house, at which place I was tried, before Esq'rs Harmon and Long and sent to Jail in New Braunfels, where I was imprisoned until I was taken out by a writ of habeas corpus, and carried to San Antonio, before his honor Judge Devine, where the matter was investigated, and I was liberated by his honor Judge Devine, there being no ground for my detention.
I will here take occasion to state, that Wesley Callahan, a son of JH Callahan, was sworn, and his evidence coroborated with what Calvin Blassingame told his father; and that his, Wesley's father, shot off his six shooter, and reloaded just before starting to my husband, and observed that he did dislike, very much, to have to go to a man's house to have a difficulty, and that his father appeared much excited.

Your obd't serv't
Mary Blasingame

8 May 1856

The State Gazette newspaper, Austin, Texas, Oct. 24th, 1857, carried the following item pertaining to the Blasingame Affair:

The Sheriff of Comal County attempted lately to arrest Pharr, charged with aiding in the murder of Woodson Blassingame, the particulars of which awful and barbarous tragedy, we gave our readers some year and half ago. The Sheriff was unsuccesful, while one of the deceased Blassengame's sons was shot and severly wounded by some unknown person. The event took place at a camp meeting at Pittsburg on the Blanco.

Also see Calvin Blassingame's letter to his friends in Stringtown and San Marcos.

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