The Wellington Leader

Do you have news articles about Collingsworth?

Articles are transcribed as they were written. Any blatant errors are as they appeared. Occasionally an article may contain language that some may find offensive. It isn't our aim to offend, merely to provide historical information for research purposes. [transcribed by Angela Hartman]

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 2 Jan 1930, Thu
Jim Richards and Miss Jewel Moore Married Recently
Ceremony is Performed On Christmas Day at Frederick, Okla.
  Jim Richards, manager of the Allen-Figh Motor Company in Wellington, and Miss Jewel Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Moore of this city, were united in marriage December 25 at Frederick, Oklahoma. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Stigler, pastor of the Baptist Church of that city.
  The bride is quite well known in Wellington where she has always been a prominent member of the younger set. She was graduated from Wellington Hich School in 1925, and later attended John Tarleton College at Stephenville from which institution she was graduated with honors. She has been teaching school locally since she completed her college education.
  The groom is the son of G.M. Richards of Wellington. He has made his home in this city for the past three years, since moving to this place to take over the Allen-Figh managment. Before coming to Wellington, Mr. Richards was employed for seven years by the Clarendon Motor Company, Ford dealers in that city. He is a graduate of Clarendon High School and later studied in Clarendon College.
  Mr. and Mrs. Richards will make their home in Wellington where their friends wish them abundant happiness and success.

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 2 Jan 1930, Thu
Card of Thanks
  To the Christian people of Wellington and those of the Chamber of Commerce we wish to express our thanks as prisoners of your jail for the many nice things that were sent us for Christmas, and especially the cake that Mrs. Jack Harrison sent us. We want to thank the Nazarene people and the Baptist people for the prayer services that they held here in jail for us.
  We want to thank Mr. and Mrs. John Cristoph for the many kind things they have done for us. We want everyone to know we always enjoy these little visits and prayer services, for I, myself, am a Christian and belong to the Baptist church at Abra. Although I am charged with an awful crime I thank God that I know and I know that He knows I am not guilty, although I have been taken away from my loved ones. But I trust and believe in my Maker and that He will save me and protect my wife and baby and I want the prayers of all Christian people who may read this and I want the good people to pray to God for the protection of my wife and baby through our troubles.
--John T. Hays

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 2 Jan 1930, Thu
  I want to thank the Christian people of this town for the many things they have done for us boys in jail through our troubles and through Christmas. We also want to thank the Chamber of Commerce for what they did for us.
  Want to thank Mr. and Mrs. John Christoph for they have been more than kind to us. We want you to know we enjoy the visits and the prayer services held here in jail. I belong to the Baptist church at Oklahoma City and have been living a Christian life for the past two years. The crime that I was charged with I know and God knows that I was guilty of it. They have taken me away from my loved ones, but I trust and believe that the Lord will save and protect my wife and baby. I want to thank the people that took care of her while she was here. May God bless them. And I want the prayers of the Christian people of this community through the long years that I have to put up. May God bless you all is my prayer.
--G.R. Cooke

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 2 Jan 1930, Thu
Boyd Barjenbruch and Mildred Pigg Married Recently
  Miss Mildred Pigg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Pigg, was married to Boyd Barjenbruch at Hollis, December 14. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Barjenbruch.
  The bride is a graduate of Baylor University where she obtained her B.A. degree. At the present time she is teaching in a ward school in Wellington. The groom attended Texas Technological College in Lubbock.

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 2 Jan 1930, Thu
Mrs. G.N. Hite Buried Sunday
  Mrs. G.N. Hite died at her home in Wellington Friday, December 27 after a lingering illness. She was 57 years of age when death occurred, having been born May 25, 1872 at Marietta, Ohio. She made her home in Wellington for the past 13 years and was well known to the citizenship of this city where she was held in highest esteem.
  Funeral services were held Sunday, December 29, at 3 p.m. from the First Methodist Church, conducted by E.B. Bowen, pastor. Mrs. Hite was a member of the Methodist church and had lived the life of a devoted Christian worker. Pall bearers at the funeral servictox, Earnest Jackson, N.L. Cudd, as were B.W. Boarman, J.E. Mat Percy Wells and Clark Anderson.
  Interment was made in Wellington cemetery with Ray Goodson in charge of burial arrangements.
  Relatives surviving are her husband, G.N. Hite of this city; six sons who are Leo Hite of Wichita Falls; Bruce, Victor, Harold, Joe and H.C. Hite all of Wellington. Three brothers survive, and they are Charles W. Varley of Whitesboro, J.A. Varley of Los Angeles and W.D. Varley of Earl, Arkansas. Three grandchildren also survive. They are Billie Joe Hite of Wellington, Betty Louise Hite of Wichita Falls and an infant son of Leo Hite of Wichita Falls.

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 2 Jan 1930, Thu
Gladys Smith and Carl Rodgers Wed
Bride is Daughter of Rev. and Mrs. I.A. Smith of Slaton.
  Miss Gladys Smith, the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. I.A. Smith of Slaton, was united in marriage December 25 with Carl Rodgers of Wellington, the ceremony being solemnized by the brides father who was formerly pastor of the First Methodist Church in this city.
  The Bride was graduated from the Wellington High School in 1928 and attended school at the West Texas State Teachers College in Canyon for one year.
  The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rodgers who live near Wellington. He secured his education in the local schools and is well known to the people of Wellington. At present time he is employed by the City Laundry.
  Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers visited with friends in Spur. They will make their home in Wellington.

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 2 Jan 1930, Thu
Negro Robs Slay Store, Securing $80 in Hold-Up
  Securing $80 in money during his short visit at the Chas. D. Slay store in North Wellington, a bold negro bandit successfully enacted a hold-up last Monday night. Mr. Slay was in the rear of the building at the time when the hold-up occurred, and the negro entered the store when Clyde Brown, employee, was in the store alone. He covered Mr. Brown with a pistol and took $80 from the cash register before leaving the store. He has not as yet been apprehended.

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 2 Jan 1930, Thu
Card of Thanks
  We wish to express our thanks and our gratitude to the many people who came to our assistance during the recent illness and death of our father J.J. Shaw. Especially do we appreciate the beautiful floral tributes. We deeply appreciate each kind word and each thoughtful deed which helped ot lighten our burden. That God may bless each of you is our constant prayer.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Dud Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shaw
Mrs. Dollie York.

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 2 Jan 1930, Thu
Mrs. Deskins Wells
Phone 16
Woodmen Circle Officers Elected For 1930
  The Woodman Circle, on December 27th, elected the following officers for 1930: Guardian, Mrs. J.M. Shields; Adviser, Mrs. T.L. Reed; Attendant, Miss J.C. Dean; Musician, Mrs. Ollie Raburn; Outer Sentinel, Mrs. Arthur Hudson; Inner Sentinel, Mrs. J.A. Leach; Banker, Mrs. E.B. Haralson; Past Guardian, Mrs. Wade Arnold.
  On January 10 the organization will meet at the home of Mrs. Arnold to install its new officers and to attend to regular business.

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 2 Jan 1930, Thu
Family Reunion Held In King Home at Dodsonville Christmas
  A family reunion was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman King in Dodsonville Christmas day.
  The following were present: Parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Alexander of Childress, children present, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Jeffries and son Tommie of Childress, Dr. and Mrs. J.B. Hollis and sons of Magnum, Mr. and Mrs. R.Q. Smith of Fort Worth, Mrs. Henry Dial of San Angelo, and small son Max, Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Holler and daughters Misses Lillian and Maurine Holler of Hollis, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Alexander of Hollis, Spooks Alexander of Hollis, Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Hunt and son Raymond and daughters Misses Dorothy and Bessie Hunt of Wellington and the host and hostesses Mr. and Mrs. Herman King and family.

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 2 Jan 1930, Thu
Woods Goforth and Miss Pearl Webb Married at Sudan
  Woods Goforth and Miss Pearl Webb were united in marriage during the Christmas holidays at Sudan, the home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Webb, parents of the bride. Miss Webb formerly lived in this county before her parents moved to Sudan and is known to many people here.
  The groom is the son of Mrs. N.E. Freemaster who reside in this county and he is well known to the people of his section.
  Mr. and Mrs. Goforth plan to make their future home at Quail.

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 2 Jan 1930, Thu
"Benny," Porter at Ritz Theater Dies Christmas
  Benny Atkins, porter at the Ritz Theater, died Christmas day from pneumonia, and was buried in the Wellington cemetery Monday afternoon of this week.
  Flowers from a number of Wellington people were sent to his funeral, and his relatives from Dallas and Shreveport were in attendance at the funeral.
  Benny was one of the best known negros in Wellington.

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 2 Jan 1930, Thu
Mrs. Jewel Nowlin Married Recently to Shamrock Man
  Mrs. Jewel Nowlin was married Christmas day at Chickasha to W.W. Clark of Shamrock. The ceremony was solemnized at the First Baptist Church in that city by Rev. J.W. Bruner.
  Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Clark made a trip to Oklahoma City, Enid and Lindsey, after which they returned to Shamrock where they will make their home. They were accompanied to Chickasha by Reece Nowlin and Lexie Dell Gillespie.
  Mrs. Nowlin is well known to Wellington people, having been employed here for the past three years in the Little Mercantile store, and having resided in this county for a number of years.

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 9 Jan 1930, Thu
Family Reunion Held at the Home of J.S. Dorn
  Christmas day was a very happy occasion for a large number of relatives of J.S. Dorn at the family home in Wellington. Mrs. J.S. Dorn conceived the happy idea several days before Christmas of having Christmas Day spent at her home in a reunion of brothers and sisters and their children, in honor of and for the especial pleasure of her father, A.S. Reynolds of Esto, Florida. The father and most of the family connections were present, and the day was happily spent in interesting conversation, songs, prayers and spiritual talks. Forty people enjoyed the two turkeys, three chickens, and all relished accessories. The elder Reynolds has been a preacher in the Church of Christ for more than 56 years and has two sons who are Chrisitan preachers. They are W.F. Reynolds of Dublin and O.M. Reynolds of Weatherford. At the ripe age of almost 77, the father is still quite active in body , mind, and able to work and preach very acceptable.
  The following were in attendance at the reunion: A.S. Reynolds of Esto, Florida; Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Reynolds and four children of Lelia Lake; Mr. and Mrs. E.N. Reynolds and daughter of Iowa Park; Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Reynolds, two sons, their wives and two children of Hollis; Carrie Reynolds of Wellington; Mr. and Mrs. O.M. Reynolds and three children of Weatherford; Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Dorn and two children of Wellington; John Reynolds and two children of Childress; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Morrison and two children of Clarendon; A.A. Reynolds of Chicago. These relatives make a total of forty, as follows; nine children, eighteen grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Two sons and a daughter were not present.

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 9 Jan 1930, Thu
Hays Infant Dies
  Billie Gene Hays, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Hays died January 5 at the age of 5 days, having been born December 31, 1929. Interment was made here with Ray Goodson in charge of burial arrangements.

The Wellington Leader (Wellington, Texas) 21 Jan 1932, Thu
Sheriff's Sale
The State of Texas, County of Collingsworth
  Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a certain order of sale issued out of the Honorable District Court of Collingsworth County, of the 21st day of December 1931, by Lenore Sherwood Horn, clerk of said Court, for the sum of twenty two hundred twenty seven and 50-100 dollars and cost of suit, under a judgment of foreclosure of vendor's lein, in favor of Walter Darlington in a certain cause in said court, No. 1523 and styled Walter Darlington vs E.H. Melton and Rochester Hadaway, placed in my hands for service, I, C.E. McKinney as Sheriff of Collingsworth County, Texas, did on the 31st day of December 1931, levy on certain Real Estate, situated in Collingsworth County, Texas described as follows, to-wit:
  All of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section No. 32 in Block No. 15, of the H.&G.N. Ry. Co. Survey in Collingsworth County, Texas, and levied upon as the property of E.H. Melton and that on the first Tuesday in February 1932, the same being the 2nd day of said month, at the Court House door, of Collingsworth County, in the Town of Wellington, Texas between the hours of 10 A.M. and 4 P.M., by virtue of said levy and said order of sale I will sell said above described Real Estate at public venue, for cash, to the highest bidder, as the property of said E.H. Melton.
  And in compliance with law, I give this notice by publication, in the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks immediately preceding said day of sale, in the Wellington Leader, a newspaper published in Collingsworth County.
Witness my hand, this 31st day of December, 1931.
C.E. McKinney, Sheriff Collingsworth County, Texas