by Don Chaney

Don Chaney is the former mayor and a long-time resident of Crane.

Article #32
Taken from the Crane News, date published unknown.


     Ernie Davis was quite a character.  He was manager of the Chamber of Commerce here in Crane.  The year escapes me.  He was a very outgoing person and was very well liked and very active in our Lions Club and also the VFW.  When he left Crane, he went to work for the VFW.  My information later was that he advanced with them until he was the head or close to the head of that organization in the national headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana.  His influence on our Lion's Club remains today.  While in the service, he lost his right arm in combat.  Therefore, when we voted by the usual "Raise your right hand" he could not officially vote.  We changed our voting procedure by intstructing "Raise your left hand".  This allowed this Lion to vote.  Your guessed it - Our Crane Noon Lion's Club to this day used this system in remembrance of a real fine fellow and a good Lion member.

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