by Don Chaney

Don Chaney is the former mayor and a long-time resident of Crane.

Article #67
Taken from the Crane News, published May 25, 2000.


     I wrote my first column for The Crane News 3 years ago.  To be exact, April 24, 1997.  Since this time,  I have written many.  They were printed when space allowed.  Once in awhile my memory has come up with something that I thought might be interesting.  Through the years and through the many changes of physical appearances, changes of population and all around changes in everything.  I have enjoyed living in Crane.  Once in a while, some of our surrounding towns, I am approached by some nice looking, well dressed and prosperous appearing young man who will say "I sacked groceries in your store when I was in school."  Or,"You gave me my first job.  You made me come and ask for the job myself."  We gave Derrell Vines his first job or so he told me not long ago.  Now he is retiring as a PHD at Texas Tech.  Also we remember Larry Sheppard, Phil Pierce, Robert Pierce, Phil Thompson, George Thompson and a host of others, including Donnie Henderson.

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