Confederate Pension Applications

Veterans Pension Applications are located at the Texas State Electronic Library and, while they charge a fee for copies, it is very reasonable and they always are helpful and considerate.

The information in the applications is very complete and usually contains parents, spouse, date of birth, date of marriage, how long in Texas, present address and how long at present address. They will also contain other family members in the references or Interrogatories, which is usually by family members.

A rejected application means usually that their service could not be verified, that they did not serve long enough, or they took the oath of allegiance before Lee surrendered the Army of the Appomattox. There can be more than one application also. If there is more than one, when you request information, all applications by that person is sent.

Also view the widow's pension for Phebe Brock, wife of Young Allen Brock of Odessa.

Pension Claims filed in Ector County

Claimant: Aldridge, Mary A.
Pension Number: 37222
Husband: Marcus De Lafayette
Pension Number:

Claimant: Brock, Phebe
Pension Number: 10916
Husband: Young Allen Brock
Pension Number:

Claimant: Daniel, C. J. (Mrs)
Pension Number: 10916
Husband: J. F.
Pension Number:

Claimant: Dunn, Maggie Bishop
Pension Number: 51121
Husband: Aaron W.
Pension Number: 12887

Claimant: Flanagan, James Ervin (Mrs)
Pension Number: Application Rejected
Husband: James Ervin
Pension Number:

Claimant: Grammer, Sarah
Pension Number: 11893
Husband: Joe C.
Pension Number:

Claimant: Hilburn, Sarah Elizabeth
Pension Number: 39157
Husband: Seborn Webb
Pension Number:
Claimant: Hudson, M. O. (Mrs)
Pension Number: 30504
Husband: William Marion
Pension Number: 18925

Claimant: Hudson, William Marion
Pension Number: 18925
Pension Number:

Claimant: Jones, Frances I.
Pension Number: 34460
Husband: George Donald
Pension Number:

Claimant: Jones, George D.
Pension Number: 21377
Pension Number:

Claimant: Lewis, Cornelius M.
Pension Number: 21879
Pension Number:

Claimant: Shannon, Lou
Pension Number: 24516
Husband: Lemuel Hilliard
Pension Number: