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Leland, the only settlement between Alma and the Trinity River, was first called "Spunkie's Ridge." Today, a farm-to-market road 1182 passes the place where once stood a gin, store and school.

J. C. Carter, from Georgia, located here in 1870, followed soon after by Samuel F. and Mary Webster. Their daughter, Madorah, married Carter. In 1884, Dr. R. A. McCall arrived from Mississippi and lived with the Carter family until his marriage to Miss Amanda Mackoy in 1884. His practice covered the eastern part of the county. Ben Whitfield operated a gin and the general store was owned and operated by J. C. Carter.

In 1894 a postoffice was established in a corner of the store with John C. Carter postmaster. Walter A. Womack became postmaster Aug. 21, 1897 and was replaced by William J. Wasson Oct. 25, 1897. J. E. Besse was appointed on May 19, 1899, but the appointment was rescinded Jan. 19, 1899 and went to William J. Wasson, who served until Jan. 19, 1905, when John H. Carter was appointed. The office was discontinued Oct. 5, 1906.

Dr. Jim Carter lived in the home of J. C. Carter in 1898 and, with other doctors, was kept busy fighting malaria and jaundice. C. E. Shiflett made wooden coffins and burials were made in the cemeteries at Chatfield and Rice in Navarro County. Dr. Carter also owned a small drug store across the road from the general store which was operated by John Hartley Carter (son of J. C.)

The Sessions and Nickleson schools in Navarro County served the educational needs of the community in early days. Hopewell school was built a short distance from the businesses.

The nearest house of worship was the Primitive Baptist church located at Price's Crossroads, a junction of two roads, one going east and west from Alma to Neil's Valley and the other from north to south into Navarro County. The church was built on land belonging to Columbus Neil, who offered to deed the property to the church members - they delayed until the land was sold to Mr. Herrington. Among the active members were the families of Webster, Thomason, Carter and Gipson. The latter was a lay preacher who often filled the pulpit. During inclement weather, he held services in his home. (See Hopewell).

Other families who lived around Leland were Hobbs, Eddy, Hill, Reynolds, Boggs, Brewer and Jinks. Jim Hobbs was the peace officer. The general store closed when J. C. Carter died, and the building was purchased in 1908 by S. Gipson, who re-stocked and opened it for business. Bill Cashion was the next owner until 1928 when J. M. Gipson (son of S. Gipson) bought it. The depression of 1935 forced the closing of the last Leland business.

Oil was discovered in this area in 1950 and the wells produced from five to fifteen barrels per day.


Hawkins, et al Ellis County Historp Workshop. History of Ellis County, Texas. Waco, Tex. Texian Press. 1972.
A Memorial and Biographical History of Ellis County, Chicago, Lewis Publishing Co. 1892.
U. S. Postal Records, Washiington, D. C.


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