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Winnie Davis Camp No. 108 UCV

News Regarding Later Meetings


Newspaper Clipping of Meeting Notice

January 1893. Officers were reported as R. P. Mackey, Capt. and W. M. McKnight Adj. In Dec. 1893 officers were Tom Yates and J. P. Cooper [Confederate Veteran, Vol. VI, No. 1, Jan. 1893 and Vol. VI, No. 12, Dec. 1893]

February 1894.  Twenty-six members were present at the regular monthly meeting of Camp Winnie Davis.  Capt. Tom Yates was in command and W. J. F. Ross kept minutes.  E. A. DuBose, W. J. F. Ross and W. A. Boyce were appointed to a committee to organize transportation to the Birmingham reunion.  A. M. Dechman, P. A. Finley and W. J. F. Ross were appointed to present resolutions of respect to the memory of Capt. Peevey. A collection was taken up to be used to purchase a cabinet in which to keep war relics.  W. F. Ellison presented an old Enfield rifle which was captured by a Confederate soldier at Shiloh and carried by the captor through the rest of the war. [Waxahachie Enterprise]

March 1894.  Members of Camp Winnie Davis UCV met yesterday and resolved to attend the meeting in April of the State Confederate Veterans' Association.

July 1894  The regular meeting of Camp Winnie Davis, U. C. V. was held yesterday, Commander H. M. Rhodus presiding.

A letter from Mrs. D. A. Nunn was read. She is chairman of the committee on making June 3  (birthday of Jefferson Davis) a legal holiday in Texas .  A resolution was adopted endorsing this effort and pledging every possible endeavor by all members  to urge the passage of such a law.

M. W. McKnight, W. H. Kidd, and W. J. F. Ross were elected delegates to the reunion in Temple July 20 and 21st. Alternates: J. B. Wilson, Tom Yates and J. D. Carder.

Committees were appointed to prepare resolutions on the death of comrades S. P. Greene, adjutant general and chief of staff of the Texas Division, and J. M. Kirk of this city.

Application blanks for the Confederate States of America roll of honor in the Confederate museum at Richmond, Va. have been received.  Members who wish to perpetuate their names or those of deceased comrades should contact H. M. Rhodus, Commander.

[Note:  Samuel Percival Greene died in Fort Worth, Texas in late June 1894.  At the time he was, as noted, chief of staff to Major General K. M. Van Zandt, Commander of the Texas Division, U. C. V.]

Officers for Camp Winnie Davis. No. 108 J. B. Wilson and W. J. F. Ross [Confederate Veteran ,Vol. X, No. 7, July 1897]

1898?  Officers elected for the ensuing year of Camp Winnie Davis are: Commander, W. W. Kidd; 1st Lt. J. M. Harwell; 2nd Lt., J. B. Wilson; Adj. H. M. Rhodus; commissary, John Harrison; surgeon, Dr. R. P. Sweatt; Chaplain, Rev. N. Givens. Delegates to the reunion at Charleston will be elected next meeting - first Monday in May. [Waxahachie Enterprise - n/d]

1900. Officers for Camp Winnie Davis, No. 108: E. P. Stoker and H. H. Rhodus (Adjutant) [Confederate Veteran Vol VIII, May 1900]

April 1907.  Camp Winnie Davis held its regular meeting yesterday afternoon in the Fraternal Union hall.  A large number were in attendance and the meeting was full of enthusiasm. Delegates to the reunion at Richmond, Va. will be elected at the next meeting and veterans will select the route by which they will travel.  A vote of thanks was extended the Fraternal Union for use of their hall for six months. [Waxahachie Daily Light, April 3, 1907]

May 1907. Captain J. B. Wilson, chair of the committee in charge of transportation to Richmond, requests all veterans and others planning to make the trip report at the office of Capt. E. P. Anderson as soon as possible and choose the route they wish to take.  If a party of fifteen or twenty is made up to go over one road, it is possible that sleeper accommodations can be secured from Waxahachie to Richmond. [Waxahachie Daily Light, Tues. May 7, 1907]

Notice to All Soldiers

Who Served Under [Gen. Nathan Bedford] Forrest

Headquarters, Forrest's Cavalry Corps,
Hickman, Ky. April 12, 1907
Every soldier who at any time during the war served under Gen. N. B. Forrest and remained true and faithful to the end, is entitled to recognition and membership in the corps.

All field and company officers now living are hereby reappointed to the same position, with rank held by them at the close of the war and are hereby directed to notify every member of their old commands to meet them in Richmond May 30 and 31 and June 1, 2, and 3, to   re-organize the commands.

Officers and members of this corps are hereby notified to attend a business meeting at the University College of Medicine, Richmond ,at 10 am May 30.  It will serve as an office and will be kept open at all hours during the entire reunion.  Cots for free use will be put into many of the rooms and beautiful souvenir badges, similar to those given out at New Orleans and Memphis, will be given to those who have not heretofore received them. All members are requested to wear a badge.

 By order of H. A. Tyler, Lt. Gen. Commanding
Chas. W. Anderson,Col. Adj. Gen. and Chief of Staff.
[extract of article in Waxahachie Daily Light May 7, 1907]

December 1907. The regular meeting of Camp Winnie Davis, United Confederate Veterans, was held Monday afternoon in the city hall auditorium.  Motion was made and carried that newspaper men, daughters and sons of veterans be invited to meet with the Camp at any time they might see fit.  New officers will be elected on the first Monday in January 1908 and an annual report given by the Adjutant. [Waxahachie Daily Light Tuesday, Dec. 3, 1907]

March 1908. Winnie Davis Camp 108, U. C. V. met in regular session at City Hall,  with some 35 veterans present.   Capt. W. A. Boyce had been previously appointed to raise a company of Confederate veterans [for what purpose not stated].  Boyce reported the amount necessary to equip each soldier in accordance with the adopted regulations.  Motion made and carried unanimously that all veterans present wishing to join the company enroll their names now.

Next meeting was scheduled for Saturday, 14th inst, at 2:00 p.m. for purpose of completing organization and electing officers.  The following 24 names were enrolled:

W. A. Boyce, J. B. Wilson, J. M. Harwell, B. F. Forrester, Y. C. Edmondson, W. R. Norman, E. T. Stokar, M. B. McKnight, J. J. Delk, W. A. Watson, C. M. Finlay, J. P. McCaleb, H. M. Rhodus, W. L. Perry, Wm. Stiles, T. S. Criddle, J. M. Price, W. J. F. Ross, W. R. Kidd, W. F. Price, John E. Poindexter, S. H. Guthrie, J. D. Carder and W. J. Stevenson.

It is hoped that all old comrades who can do so will not fail to be on hand on the 14th and join this noble band of old battle-scarred veterans.  You will have but little to do except on special occasions and then only as guards of honor.  Your fighting days have past.  Now stand by and look on and enjoy the sights at our reunions.

W. L. P. Leigh, Adjutant.
[Ellis County Mirror, March 5, 1908]

[Note: The reason for a new "organization" is not clear. Perhaps someone with more knowledge of the Camp's history  can add an explanation].

[A second version of the above transcription has been found on Barbara Knox's computer. Barbara had the idea that she could rewrite editorials to make them sound better, and would do this even when transcribing historical documents. These two articles are no doubt one in the same as one or both could have been rewritten by her. It would be wise to locate the original newspaper clipping(s) to verify the facts for yourself. -- Rob Yoder]

Ellis County Mirror, March 5, 1908

Winnie Davis Camp 108 UCV, met in regular session at city hall, about 35 old veterans being present. Capt. W. A. Boyce who, at a former meeting, was appointed to raise a company of old Confederate veterans, made a verbal report as to amount necessary to equip each soldier in accordance with the adopted regulations. After which a motion was made and carried unanimously, that all veterans present wishing to join the company to enroll their name now, that another meeting be held on Saturday, 14th inst., 2 p. m. for the purpose of completing the organization and electing officers. The following signified their intention of joining and had their names enrolled, twenty-four in number, viz:

W. A. Boyde, J. B. Wilson, J. M. Harwell, B. F. Forrester, Y. C. Edmundson, W. R. Norman, E. T. Stoker, A. B. McKnight, J. J. Delk, W. A. Watson, P. A. Finley, J. P. McCaleb, H. M. Rhodus, G. W. L. Perry, Wm. Stiles, T. B. Criddle, J. W. Price, W. J. F. Ross, W. H. Kidd, W. F. Price, Jno. E. Poindexter, S. H. Guthrie, J. D. Carden, W. J. Stevenson.

It is to be hoped that all old comrades who can do so will not fail to be on hand, on 14th inst. at 2 p. m. and join this noble band of old battle-scarred veterans. You will have but little to do except on special occasions then only as guards of honor. Your fighting days have passed. Now stand by and look on and enjoy the sights at our reunions.

W. L. P. Leigh, adjutant, Camp Winnie Davis
108 UCV

Contributed by Ruth Walsh [10 May 2000]

March 1, 1914


Whereas, "Sims Watson" Chapter UDC of Waxahachie, inspired by a spirit of patriotism as broad as our National Constitution, and with hearts that swell with emotion, as they recall the history and traditions of the unmerited of suffering of their beloved southland, during the short heroic and spotless life of the Southern Confederacy, and desiring to express in a lasting testimonial their admiration for the loyalty, fortitude, and heroic devotion of all true Confederate soldiers, who survived the cruel war, and for those who fell on crimson fields or languished and died in hospitals during the year 1912, erect upon the court house square in Waxahachie, at a cost of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars, of Texas granite, a Monument of the Memory of Ellis County Soldiers who were the Gray, dead or living.

Therefore, Be it Resolved: That Camp Winnie Davis No. 108, UCV (among whose membership are representatives of every state of the south, and of every great division of the Confederate army, many of whom participated in the great battles of the war) tender to all the Daughters of Sims-Watson Chapter their most sincere thanks for this lasting expression of their love and esteem for all brave Confederate soldiers who faltered not, wavered not, but stood heroically beneath the "stars and bars" until the Matchless Lee said, "It is finished."

Resolved. That the Members of this Camp would be pleased to have the UDC to feel and know that the gratitude and respect shown the Old Conf. Soldiers by northern women, is esteemed by them the richest reward of Merit.

Resolved. That as Conf. soldiers, we desire to thank the generous public who made the completion of this work possible, by cheerful contributions.

Resolved. That these resolutions be tendered to the UDC and that they be begged to accept same in the spirit they are offered.  As their shadows grow longer, may the soft twilight of their declining lives dispel the shadows [that] hang over the valley of death.

B. F. Marchbanks, Adjutant Camp Winnie Davis, Waxahachie, reports the following losses in that membership for the past year:

L. M. Lackland was born in Richmond, Va. He joined the 45th Texas Infantry, Hood's Brigade in 1861.  He was wounded and discharged, went to Texas, joined Sibley's Brigade in 1862, again discharged upon a surgeon's certificate.  He died June 23, 1914 at his home in Waxahachie. [The Confederate Veteran Magazine Vol. VXXXIII,. July 1915]

See related article: The Passing of Camp Winnie Davis


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