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Italy News-Herald, Russell W. Bryant Editor


June 8, 1962

A tip of our hat to a remarkable woman!  Widowed a number of years ago, she has sent her six children through high school and college - the youngest receiving his degree from the University of Texas last week.

To the best of my knowledge the boys have all fulfilled their military obligations - except the last who is getting ready to do that now - and all have excellent and responsible positions.  One daughter is married and the other, having completed training, is a registered nurse in Dallas.

This woman worked for a number of years in garment plants until the opening of the Dunlee Paper Products (Ennis Business Forms, Inc.) She was one of the original employees in the box factory and still works there.  She has also been representative of the News Herald in Milford for about 15 years.

If you haven't guessed by now, I refer to Mrs Myrtle McAlpin!  I am sure that all who know her will join me in extending congratulations and thanks for a wonderful job as a mother of a fine set of citizens.

December 25, 1959

The Italy postoffice received a heavy sack of mail last week. It contained a number of parcels all destined for Italy (in Europe). They even had custom declarations slips on them.

July 3, 1963

Italy received international publicity Monday when President Kennedy told his Italian audience that he was bringing greetings from United States cities with Italian names and listed 20 Florences, seven Romes, seven Venices and several others and finished by adding that there is "even an Italy, Texas."

February 3, 1966. A friend of mine in Dallas jumped to conclusions some time ago. "I met a lady from your town recently," he fold me "A Mrs. Evans." As I tried to think of someone by that name he added "Dale Evans mother". He missed the name Smith but did catch the information that she was "Dale Evans mother."

It seems that Dale Evans had spoken shortly before at a Houston meeting and referred to her father, the late Hillman Smith, as residing in Italy. The reporter had so written his story but the editor had changed it to Fort Worth which the reporter considered a reflection on his accurary. He was quite happy when I confirmed that he was correct!

My sister-in-law, Jeanette Bryant ,who writes a column for the Sinton Enterprise wasn't so confused recently as she was puzzled. In going through her exchange copy of the News Herald she spotted a personal item about Mrs. Roy Rogers visiting her mother. "And who do you have to be to rate a headline in the Italy News Herald? she commented.


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