Contributing to Freestone Frontiers


Freestone County Genealogical Society has created an email address to be used for sending queries or information for use in the publication. Please understand, this is NOT an address to ask for "look ups". It is to send queries and/or information to be placed in FREESTONE FRONTIERS, which goes out to all members, other genealogical societies and libraries.

Many people are on the Internet and therefore, do their queries in that manner. We need to remember that there are lots of people who do not have a computer or access to one. One of these people may be the one person who knows the answer to your question. OR, they may know someone who does know and show the query to that person.

You may want to send family information for publication in Freestone Frontiers

Bible Records: If you have access to family Bible records, please, scan a copy of each sheet and send. If scanning is not an option, Freestone Frontiers will publish a transcription from a Bible.

Family Group Sheets and Ancestor Charts: Your offering these for publication is a good way to get in touch with distant relatives that may have more information and will share it with  you.

Family Histories and/or Family Stories: There are so many stories that "just need telling", again. You may be in possession of family information that reveals itself in the form of a story that has passed down orally. Though many people feel they are not capable of "writing" the family stories, most are surprised at how well it goes, once they get started.

If you make an attempt, and it is just not going together as you feel it should, there are people in Freestone County Genealogical Society who are willing to work with you to get your story written. You will have the opportunity to make the final approval.

Do you have an obituary that you would like to share in Freestone Frontiers? The Freestone County newspapers have given their permission for Freestone Frontiers to reprint these if the newspaper is given credit. If you have one that was published in another paper, permission may be obtained for a reprint.