Dear John:
This is a photo of Charles Bishop Woodward and Ida Beatrice Slaughter with their infant daughter (Carrie) Caroline Edith Woodward. Since Carrie was born in late November 1896, this photo was probably taken in the following Spring (due to the seemingly good weather). Charles was born November 2, 1873 to Caven Woodward and Julia Newton Woodward in Atascosa Co. Ida was born September 22, 1876 to Billie Slaughter and Caroline Vickers Slaughter. Carrie married (Bill) Wm. Fielding Thompson, Jr. in 1917 and remained in Pearsall for the rest of her life. If you have any further questions or have other information to share, please contact me. Again, thanks for all you do for us. Dad and I are planning a trip to Pearsall and surrounding area sometime in the Spring. Would like to meet you and "see whatcha got"! Dad is 88 years old and was born and raised in the Pearsall area--he has tales; he has tales!!! And he loves to share--but he prefers the verbal approach to sharing.

Carol Woodward Noble

TXGenWeb, Frio County - Frio County "Tidbits"