Transcribed by Melba Haralson May 9, 2005 Houston Post Sunday, September 25, 1932 LONGVIEW OIL THEFT INDICTMENTS MOUNT Longview, September 25 - (U.P.) Eight more indictments for alleged oil theft and one murder indictment were included in the report of the Gregg County grand jury Saturday. The grand jury made a sweeping investigation of oil theft charges, as a result of recent agitation for such a probe, and two indictaments were returned Friday in addition to those Saturday. Those indicted were Lee Adams, W F Kemp, C M Cork, J F Hopkins, H B Loveall, B L Furlow, Lee Hayden, and A R Cullom. The murder indictment was returned against Bruce Evans in connection with the killing of Clifton Parker on September 10, 1932.