February 4, 1909 Died From Blood Poison Monday at 7:50 p.m. death releived A. B. Carroll from intense suffering from blood poisoining, which started from a small sore on his mouth and later got into his entire system. Mr. Carroll was brought home Saturday night from Mineral Wells, where he had gone in the hope of regaining his lost health. When the summons came, he as at the home of his sister, Mrs. George Shaw in this city. Mr. Carroll was about 28 years old; a native Texan, had been in the employ of the T & P Railroad company as fireman for about four years; was a good man, highly esteemed by all who knew him; a member fo the B of L.F. & E. in which his life was insured for $1,000. The funeral was conducted from the home of Mrs. Shaw Tuesday at 3 p.m. by Dr. A. A. Duncan, after which the remains were taken in charge by the B of L.F. & E. and interred at Grace Hill cemetery. We extend our sympathy to the sitsters and brothers of the deceased.