February 24, 1910 J.F. Coble Dead Another Veteran of the Confederacy has crossed over the river to rest under the shade of the trees. The death of J. F. Coble, which occured at his home in this city last Thursday at 7:30 p.m. removed another name from the rapidly diminishing list of those who valiantly fought for the Confederate cause. Mr Coble was born in Alabama in 1829, making him 81 years of age; came to Texas in 1854, settling where Hallsville now stands and a few years later, moved to Longview; united in marriage in April 1865. The funeral was conducted from the house Saturday at 10 a.m. and the remains were laid to rest in Grace Hill cemetery. he is survived by an aged widow and five children, all of whom are married and to them we extend our sympathy.