Wednesday Afternoon June 20, 1934 Boiler Blast Proves Fatal To Oil Worker Funeral servives are to be held from the residence here at 11 a.m. Thursday for Roscoe Holmand, 28, oil field worker, who was killed instantly late Tuesday when a boiler about which he was working exploded. Holmand's body was badly mutilitated by the blast. Another worker, E E Johnson, also of Longview received serious inuries in the blast. He was brought to a sanitorium here and was reported resting well Wednesday. Holmand's parents, Mr and Mrs Tom Holmand of Oil City, La., arrived here Wednesday. Two sisters also live at Oil City. A brother, who lives at Cisco, Tx., will arrive sometime Wednesday to complete funeral arrangements. Rev. John L Whorton, pastor of the First Baptist church here will be in charge of the final rights. Burial will be in Grace Hill cemetery with Forman's in charge.