Hickory Creek Boys & Girls & Liberty 4-H
(January 23, 1930, The Greenville Messenger)

Hickory Creek

The Hickory Creek Boys and Girls assembled in the high school room of the Hickory Creek school building Thursday morning, January 16th for the purpose of re-organizing the all Boys and Girls Club.  Mr. Edmund Singleton, County Agent, called the house to order and after discussing 4-H Club work, Miss Nena Roberson, Home Demonstration Agent, conducted the meeting while the 1930 officers were elected:
President--Geraldine Gilmer
Vice-President--Joe Wilson Felty
Secretary--Oneta Moore
Reporter--Theda Nell Felty
Song Leader--Geraldine Gilmer
Fourteen members were present, five girls were absent on account of being in school at Leonard and Celeste.  We are very glad to be re-organized and hope we can make this our best club year.  WE shall expect Miss Roberson and Mr. Singleton the third Thursday of each month.--Reporter

Liberty 4-H Club
The Liberty 4-H Club girls met January 16th at the school house.  The following officers were elected for the coming year:
President--Bernie White
V-President--Maurine Rice
Secretary--Elsie Hart
Treasurer--Bennie Perry
Reporter--Elise Hart
Miss Grace Hart was re-elected Local Leader and Miss Lillie Foster Assistant.
We will meet next Wednesday evening at the school house.  We hope to have every member present as we are going to make plans for ht year and get our regular club work started.--Reporter

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