Home Demonstration Club News -1931

White Rock Club
The White Rock Home Demonstration Club met on September 4, 1931, with Mrs. Burlington. House was called to order by the president. Minutes were read and approved. Six members answered roll call with "My Favorite Watermelon Product." The good, ripe watermelon being more popular than any of the cooked products. Some recipes were contributed. Mrs. Robert Ross conducted the parliamentary drill. In serving refreshments, the hostess was assisted by Annie Alice Atherton and Lucy Atherton. Club Adjourned to meet with Mrs. D. O. Pearson on September 18, 1931.

The Prosperity Home Demonstration Club met Monday, September 7, 1931, in the home of Mrs. J. A. Glasscock. The house was called to order by the president. The roll call was answered by nine members. We were very happy to have Mrs. Tom Harris with us again after a long absence. Officers were elected for the following year: Mrs. Joe Sparks, president; Mrs. P. T. Baker, vice president; Mrs. Bert McCrae, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Ernest Brazil, reporter; Mrs. Frank Milton, assistant reporter. The club adjourned at 4:00 PM to meet with Mrs. Joe Sparks on September 21, 1931. We are expecting each member to be present on that day. We enjoyed a very pleasant social hour, during which time Mrs. Glasscock, assisted by her daughter, Miss Alma Glasscock, served delicious ice cream and cake.

The house was called to order by the president. The roll call was answered by eleven members, three of whom were new members. We were glad to welcome Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Russell Furr, and Mrs. Myrtle Warren into our club. We were sorry Miss Roberson could not be with us. There being no important business, the club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Myrtle Mulkey on September 15, 1931. Officers will be elected, also the program for 1932 will be planned. Each member be present, we need your cooperation to make our club a success. We enjoyed the social hour very much, a nice kitchen shower was given to Mrs. Lawrence Hunter. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. McBride, served a plate lunch with iced tea. Afternoon guests were Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Jackson.

(September 11, 1931, The Greenville Morning Herald)


Submitted by Sarah Swindell