Boerne Church of Christ
6 SW IHwy. 10

HISTORY: The Church of Christ in Boerne met for the first time on October 10, 1945. It began with a ten day tent meeting. As one early member, Jo Cravey, recalls, " A hard norther blew in, nearly knocking the tent down." W.S. Boyett, her brother from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma did the preaching and Robert Simmons, of Kerrville, led the singing. After this successful meeting, members met in the home of Mrs. Sue Lewis Downey and Mrs. Clara B. Ramsey. During the next eighteen months, plans for purchasing land and erecting the first building came to fruition and a site on Bandera Street was selected with construction completed in 1947. The members met there until December, 1961, at which time the building was erected on the corner of San Antonio and Turner Streets.
When an offer came from David and Lindabeth Vaughan to purchase this building to be used as a funeral home, the church members decided to accept and build a new building on property it owned west of Highway 10. Arrangements were made with the school district to use school facilities until a new building could be built. The new building was dedicated on January 23, 1994.

Source: Boerne Public Library files.

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