
DAVIS Rent House
213 E. Hosack

DESCRIPTION:One story cottage similar to cottage at 101 S. Landa, same block, opposite corner.; brick pattern to suggest quoins; also door and window hoods; handsome porch columns, chanfered with scroll brackets and panel insets; roof cornice also has wood panel insets and scroll brackets. double entry, paneled doors, rectangular transoms.

HISTORYThe house was probably built by Conrad Adam and his wife, Adelbertha about 1890. The house was sold in 1895 to Hugo B. Wendler. It remained in the Wendler family until 1956 when L.E. McQuinn purchased it. They in turn sold to Joe and Maggie Zoeller. It was last sold in 1965 to Harry Davis who purchased the property for rental property.

Source: Boerne Public Library files.

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