Kreuzberg Road

HISTORY: The old C.W. Bergmann house stands on the highest part of 154 acres on Kruezburg Road. Built by C.W. Bergmann who came to the U.S. from Germany when he was six years old.
The concrete cornerstone installed over the front door when the house was built is still there with CWB 1892 cut in it. This was the custom in Germany to install these cornerstones on homes and some families have continued to do so here. Mary and Melvin Dorrow purchased the home in 1960.
The original rock two story house had two rooms down, and two upstairs that were never ceiled. Through the years there have been several additions to the original structure. The window sills were 22 inches wide and the rock was rough. In the kitchen there had been a "cool box" on the north wall. This is a box built on the outside with a door to the kitchen allowing food to be kept cool in winter while the kitchen was warm.

Source: Boerne Public Library files. From article: Liebe, Billie, "1892 Bergmann Home Owned by Mary and Melvin Dorrow", THE BOERNE STAR, Thurs. Feb. 23, 1884. No photo available.

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