818 High Street, Comfort
HISTORY: This building, designed by Alfred Giles, was
originally a 3-room building built in 1880 for Peter Joseph Ingenhuett. The west
parlor wing was added in 1894. The hotel was operated until 1893 by Charles
Karger who was a brother to Mrs. Peter J. Ingenhuett. Then the hotel was run by
Ernst Ingenhuett, a son of the Peter Ingenhuett's. Ernst ran the hotel for about
10 years during which time his family lived there for a while. In 1894, the
building was enlarged to 18 rooms.
In 1909 Louis and Mathilda Faust
purchased the hotel. They operated it until 1946. After that the building fell
into decline. It was in the 1980's that Dr. and Mrs. Bob Potter acquired the
building. They restored it and it again became an attractive operating business
with antiques and "Bed and Breakfast" accommodations.
This building was
designated as Texas Historical Landmark in 1985.
Source: Boerne Public Library files.
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