The beginning of the Methodist Church in Comfort can be traced to the Sunday school started in the home of Mrs. J. M. Goforth soon after the family came to Comfort in 1902. Church services had also been held in private homes until 1910. In a few years the membership had grown to such extent that larger quarters became necessary, so activities were moved to the community church. Ministers were invited from neighboring churches in Boerne, Center Point, Kerrville and San Antonio until one of their own was appointed. 1
"In 1923 Bro. S.J. McLean came, serving until 1927. It was during his term that, through the foresight and generosity of Mrs. Pauline J. Gaddis, ther present church building was erected in 1924 and dedicated to the memory of her husband Eugene F. Gaddis. Mrs. Gaddis gave of her time and money, inspiring the people of the community to bring field stones in from the countryside so that the outside of the church and parsonage would blend into, and be a part of, the Hill Country." 2