
123 N. Main St., Boerne

HISTORY: Above is a picture of this station in 1935 showing three men in front of the station. These men are Sidney Whitworth, Dan Schuetz and Oscar Rust- ready for work--it is not known who owned the station.

In 1949 an advertisement for Lane's Service Station indicates M. M. Lane is now the owner of this business. Later the station switched from Gulf Oil to Exxon and had various owners and operators. At present time the station has been remodelled and is called Valley Mart.

Update in 2020: This building has been remodelled by removing the gas pumps and the drive-through. The front on main street has been redesigned as an outdoor eating area with large limestone boulders defining the area where tables with large umbrellas are arranged. The busines is "Sweet and Salty."

Source: Boerne Public Library files.

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