712 N. Main
DESCRIPTION: One and one-half story Victorian house; six rooms and large screen porch which curves around the south side from the front; central dormers of hipped roof and projecting gables. Gingerbread trim on porch; Original wood floors
HISTORY: This house was built in 1907 by Henry Clemens for Louis and Wilhelmina Leesch, who had purchased the land in 1905. In 1941 Wilhelmina Leesch sold the house to Udo Harz. Udo was married to Lorene Koerner who for many years served as County and District Clerk of Kendall County. At the present time the house is still owned by the daughter of Udo Harz, Carolyn Harz Goodall. Ms. Goodall has recently done extensive restoration to the house.
Source: Boerne Public Library files.- December, 2007
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