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FM 3351
One marker was placed at the gravesite of Samuel Boyd Patton. Another sign was placed to mark the road on FM 3351 in 1996.

Samuel Boyd Patton was born in 1787 in South Carolina. He died in 1869 and was buried in Kendall County on the land he pioneered, fought and settled. His grave site is on his old homestead beneath a huge, oak tree. Patton served in the War of 1812. He moved to Alabama where he held public office and served in the state legislature. In 1837 he moved to Texas where he was appointed to the Board of Land Commissioners and was a member of Congress of the Republic of Texas. He helped organize Blanco County and served as the first County Judge in that county from 1858-1860. He later (1865) served as County Judge in Kendall County.

Source: Boerne Public Library Files - Dec. 2002

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