Cemetery Surnames Index -- African American Cemeteries

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____Bell?? -- Hopewell
____mour?? -- Hopewell


Adams -- Culton -- Seale
Adison -- Seale
Adkins -- Sandhill
Admerson -- Spring Creek
Albert -- Sandhill
Alexander -- Moore -- Shiloh -- Spillers Store -- Spring Creek -- Boggy -- Paddick -- Perry
Allason -- Brushy Creek
Allen -- Hopewell -- Oakwood -- Sandhill -- Spring Creek -- Two Mile Paradise
Allison -- Brushy Creek -- Spring Creek
Amerson -- Brushy Creek -- Sandhill -- Spring Creek -- Turner
Amos -- Sandhill
Anders -- Oakwood
Anderson -- Brushy Creek -- Centerville -- Jewett -- Oakwood -- Sandhill -- Seale -- Spring Creek
Anthony -- Jewett -- Sandhill
Anzley -- Oakwood
Armstrong -- Oakwood -- Simon Tyron Family
Arnold -- Sandhill -- Spring Creek -- Turner
Austin -- Boggy -- Brushy Creek -- Jewett
Auston -- Brushy Creek
Avery -- Jewett


Bailey -- Culton
Baker -- Hopewell
Barnett -- Oakwood
Barthley -- Two Mile Paradise
Barton -- Friendship
Batchelor -- Oakwood
Batie -- Spillers Store
Battles -- Shiloh
Becks -- Centerville -- Friendship
Benson -- Centerville -- Friendship -- Jewett -- Seale -- Spring Creek -- Two Mile Paradise
Benton -- Culton -- Spring Creek -- Ward
Berryman -- Burton
Betts -- Jewett
Birdow -- Bluff -- Sandhill
Bisor -- Centerville -- Two Mile Paradise
Blackshear -- Bluff
Blacksher -- Brushy Creek -- Sandhill
Bladen -- Culton -- Pleasant Springs -- Ward
Boaz -- Sandhill
Bolden -- Moore
Booza -- Hopewell
Boozer -- Pleasant Springs -- Centerville -- Seale
Boson -- Spring Creek
Bostic -- Oakwood
Bowers -- Boggy
Bowman -- Culton -- Friendship -- Goliad
Brackens -- Shiloh
Branch -- Burton -- Culton
Breedlove -- Hopewell
Brewer -- Pleasant Springs
Britt -- Culton -- Oakwood
Brittentine -- Boggy
Broadway -- Ward
Brooks -- Culton -- Two Mile Paradise
Browder -- Centerville
Brown -- Burton -- Centerville -- Culton -- Friendship -- Jewett -- Oakwood -- Pleasant Springs -- Sandhill -- Spillers Store
         Two Mile Paradise -- Ward
Brunson -- Sandhill
Bryant -- Jewett
Buckneer -- Turner
Buckner -- Burton -- Culton -- Two Mile Paradise -- Ward
Bulton -- Centerville
Burks -- Brushy Creek -- Jewett
Burnett -- Culton -- Goliad -- Oakwood -- Spillers Store
Burton -- Brushy Creek
Busby -- Pleasant Springs
Butler -- Oakwood -- Spillers Store -- Two Mile Paradise
Buttler -- Two Mile Paradise
Byrd -- Turner

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Cain -- Two Mile Paradise
Caldwell -- Sandhill
Cammel -- Oakwood
Cammon -- Brushy Creek
Campbell -- Bluff -- Martha's  -- Pleasant Springs
Cannon -- Burton
Carlton -- Culton
Carpenter -- Sandhill
Carr -- Bluff -- Brushy Creek -- Oakwood -- Shiloh
Carrier -- Shiloh
Carrington -- Jewett -- Spring Creek
Carrol -- Jewett
Carroll -- Seale
Carson -- Centerville -- Friendship -- Oakwood
Carter -- Sandhill
Cato -- Oakwood
Cawthorn -- Oakwood
Chambers -- Burton -- Culton -- Turner -- Two Mile Paradise
Charles -- Centerville -- Oakwood
Chase -- Pleasant Springs
Chatham -- Brushy Creek -- Oakwood
Clark -- Centerville -- Hopewell
Clay -- Burton -- Pleasant Springs -- Spillers Store -- Two Mile Paradise
Clemons -- Two Mile Paradise
Cleveland -- Sandhill -- Spring Creek
Clevlan ? -- Sandhill
Clough -- Oakwood
Code -- Code Restland
Colbert -- Oakwood
Cole -- Hopewell
Coleman -- Culton -- Friendship -- Oakwood -- Shiloh
Collins -- Brushy Creek -- Spillers Store
Cooper -- Brushy Creek -- Friendship -- Jewett -- Moore -- Oakwood -- Sandhill
Copeland -- Pleasant Springs
Cotton -- Two Mile Paradise
Courtney -- Culton
Cox -- Sandhill
Craeg -- Jewett 
Craig -- Brushy Creek -- Culton -- Jewett -- Spring Creek -- Turner -- Two Mile Paradise
Craw -- Sandhill
Crawford -- Jewett
Curlton -- Culton -- Jewett -- Two Mile Paradise
Curry -- Oakwood
Curtis-- Culton

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Dabbs -- Oakwood
Daniels -- Oakwood
Davis -- Brushy Creek -- Burton -- Culton -- Friendship -- Hopewell -- Oakwood -- Pleasant Springs -- Sandhill -- Seale -- Shady Grove
         Spillers Store -- Two Mile Paradise -- Ward
Dawkins -- Burton -- Sandhill -- Turner -- Ward
Dawson -- Shiloh
Dean -- Sandhill
Deckard -- Oakwood -- Spring Creek
Denmore -- Oakwood
DeVaughn -- Bluff -- Bluff #2
Dilles -- Shiloh
Dixion -- Jewett
Dixon -- Boggy -- Culton -- Shiloh -- Turner
Doakes -- Culton
Docken -- Burton
Doggett -- Oakwood
Donaldson -- Two Mile Paradise
Donalson -- Spillers Store -- Ward
Donkins -- Burton
Donnelson -- Ward
Dorance -- Hopewell
Dorsey -- Sandhill -- Seale
Dotson -- Turner
Doty -- Moore
Dowling -- Brushy Creek
Drewery -- Culton
Drewey -- Culton
Drewy -- Culton
Dunbar -- Hopewell
Durden -- Brushy Creek
Durham -- Oakwood
Duster -- Spillers Store

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Eagans -- Jewett -- Oakwood -- Sandhill
Easley -- Jewett
Easterling -- Pleasant Springs
Echols -- Paddick -- Shiloh
Eddings -- Oakwood
Edwards -- Sandhill
Elem -- Hopewell
Eliam -- Hopewell
Ellis -- Oakwood
Emanuel -- Bluff -- Oakwood
Ephraim -- Culton
Ephran -- Sandhill
Evans -- Boggy -- Culton -- Spillers Store -- Spring Creek


Fanner -- Culton
Feinter -- Friendship
Felder -- Oakwood
Fells -- Two Mile Paradise
Ferguson -- Shiloh
Finley -- Sandhill
Fisher -- Oakwood
Fletcher -- Spillers Store
Fobbs -- Shiloh
Forge -- Sandhill
Fortson -- Seale
Foy -- Moore
Freeman -- Bluff


Garder ? -- Sandhill
Garrett -- Two Mile Paradise
Garrington -- Centerville
Garrison -- Culton
Gaston -- Sandhill
Gibson -- Bluff -- Culton -- Oakwood -- Sandhill -- Shiloh
Gilbert -- Sandhill
Gilford -- Oakwood
Gilmore -- Shiloh
Gipson -- Hopewell -- Oakwood -- Shiloh
Glover -- Oakwood -- Sandhill
Goodden -- Two Mile Paradise
Goodwin -- Two Mile Paradise
Goodwyn -- Two Mile Paradise
Gordon -- Oakwood -- Sandhill
Goree -- Oakwood
Gould -- Centerville -- Spillers Store
Grace -- Culton
Graham -- Bluff
Gramlin -- Oakwood
Graton -- Spillers Store
Grayson -- Friendship -- Jewett -- Sandhill
Green -- Bluff -- Brushy Creek -- Centerville -- Paddick -- Sandhill -- Spring Creek -- Turner -- Two Mile Paradise -- Ward
Greer -- Bluff
Gregg -- Hopewell
Gross -- Shiloh
Groves -- Academy Hill -- Centerville -- Oakwood

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Hadley -- Jewett
Hailey -- Hopewell
Hall -- Brushy Creek -- Culton -- Friendship -- Spillers Store -- Spring Creek -- Turner -- Two Mile Paradise
Hamilton -- Oakwood
Hamlett -- Oakwood
Hamton -- Bluff
Handsborough -- Hopewell
Handsbur -- Hopewell
Hanna -- Sandhill
Hannah -- Oakwood
Hardell -- Spring Creek
Harmon -- Bluff
Harper -- Jewett
Harrell -- Boggy -- Turner
Harris -- Bluff -- Culton -- Goliad -- Jewett -- Sandhill -- Spring Creek
Harrison -- Oakwood
Hart -- Oakwood
Haven -- Two Mile Paradise
Hayden -- Spring Creek
Hayes -- Sandhill
Haynes -- Friendship -- Jewett -- Oakwood
Haywood -- Two Mile Paradise
Heggens -- Moore
Heggins -- Moore
Hemphill -- Oakwood
Henderson -- Brushy Creek -- Goliad -- Hopewell -- Jewett -- Oakwood -- Pleasant Springs -- Sandhill -- Spring Creek
Henerson -- Academy
Henry -- Burton -- Centerville -- Oakwood -- Two Mile Paradise -- Wilson Lake
High -- Oakwood
Hill -- Turner
Holland -- Centerville -- Friendship
Holleman -- Academy -- Burton -- Centerville -- Oakwood
Hollemon? -- Oakwood
Holley -- Culton -- Holley -- Two Mile Paradise
Hollie -- Moore
Holmes -- Centerville -- Oakwood -- Pleasant Springs -- Seale
Holts -- Seale
Hopkin -- Shady Grove
Hopkins -- Burton -- Centerville -- Culton -- Oakwood -- Pleasant Springs -- Sandhill -- Two Mile Paradise -- Ward
Horn -- Centerville -- Sandhill -- Spring Creek -- Two Mile Paradise
Horne -- Centerville
Houston -- Burton -- Centerville -- Culton -- Moore -- Oakwood -- Spillers Store -- Turner -- Ward
Hubbard -- Seale
Hudson -- Centerville -- Oakwood -- Sandhill
Hughes -- Pleasant Springs -- Sandhill -- Two Mile Paradise
Hunter -- Culton
Hutchinson -- Shiloh -- Brushy Creek
Hutchison -- Oakwood
Hyson -- Sandhill

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Isadore -- Shiloh


J. J. -- Spring creek
Jackson-- Bluff -- Bluff #2 -- Hopewell -- Jewett -- Oakwood -- Pleasant Springs -- Sandhill -- Spring Creek -- Two Mile Paradise
Jacob -- Academy
James -- Boggy -- Hopewell
Jefferson -- Sandhill -- Turner
Jenkins -- Culton
John -- Friendship
Johnson -- Academy -- Bluff -- Bluff #2 -- Boggy -- Brushy Creek -- Burton -- Centerville -- Culton -- Friendship -- Hopewell -- Jewett
           Johnson Oak -- Moore -- Oakwood -- Perry -- Pleasant Springs -- Sandhill -- Seale -- Shady Grove -- Shiloh -- Spillers Store
           Spring Creek -- Two Mile Paradise -- Ward
Jones -- Boggy -- Martha's  -- Oakwood -- Sandhill -- Shiloh -- Spring Creek -- Turner -- Two Mile Paradise
Jordan -- Jewett -- Oakwood


Keeling -- Boggy -- Brushy Creek -- Oakwood
Kelley -- Ward
Kelly -- Burton -- Hopewell -- Moore -- Oakwood -- Spring Creek -- Ward
Kesselly -- Pleasant Springs
King -- Friendship -- Goliad -- Oakwood -- Sandhill -- Spring Creek -- Two Mile Paradise
Kinney -- Friendship
Kizze -- Culton
Kizzee -- Goliad -- Two Mile Paradise
Kuda -- Burton

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Lacey -- Burton -- Centerville -- Culton -- Pleasant Springs -- Sandhill
Lacy -- Burton -- Hopewell -- Oakwood -- Sandhill -- Two Mile Paradise -- Ward
Lambert -- Bluff
Landford -- Friendship
Lane -- Sandhill -- Shiloh
Lang -- Bluff #2
Langford -- Centerville -- Ward
Langham -- Two Mile Paradise
Lankford -- Boggy -- Centerville -- Culton -- Friendship -- Hopewell -- Spring Creek -- Two Mile Paradise
Lawarance -- Bluff #2
Laymon -- Ward
Leanard -- Brushy Creek
Lee -- Oakwood -- Ward
Lenard -- Brushy Creek
Lenton -- Sandhill
Leonard -- Brushy Creek
Levard -- Burton
Levels -- Brushy Creek -- Culton -- Sandhill -- Seale -- Two Mile Paradise
Lewis -- Brushy Creek -- Burton -- Centerville -- Culton -- Hopewell -- Lesesne Land -- Oakwood -- Sandhill -- Spring Creek -- Turner -- Ward
Linton -- Boggy
Littlefield -- Brushy Creek
Lott -- Turner
Lotts -- Spillers Store
Lowis -- Sandhill
Lusk -- Burton -- Culton -- Hopewell -- Seale -- Shiloh

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Mackmillion --Hopewell
Madison -- Centerville
Madkins -- Two Mile Paradise
Manning -- Culton -- Goliad -- Sandhill
Manull -- Turner
Marshall -- Burton -- Friendship -- Oakwood -- Pleasant Springs -- Sandhill -- Ward
Marshell -- Sandhill
Martin -- Culton
Mathews -- Shiloh
Mathis -- Boggy -- Hopewell
Mattison -- Centerville
Maxwell -- Friendship
Mayes -- Oakwood -- Spillers Store -- Spring Creek
Mays -- Boggy -- Culton -- Sandhill -- Spring Creek
McAdams -- Brushy Creek -- Jewett -- Sandhill -- Spring Creek
McCalister -- Oakwood
McCarty -- Oakwood
McCoy -- Bluff -- Turner
McCullar -- Burton
McCullough -- Hopewell
McDade -- Sandhill
McDaniel -- Centerville -- Spring Creek -- Two Mile Paradise
McElroy -- Oakwood
McGrew -- Centerville -- Culton -- Two Mile Paradise
McGrue -- Spring Creek
McIlveen -- Sandhill
McMillon -- Hopewell -- Tyron
McNealy -- Spring Creek
McShan -- Jewett
McWaters -- Spillers Store
Meredith -- Oakwood
Middleton -- Burton -- Culton -- Pleasant Springs
Miller -- Friendship -- Sandhill -- Two Mile Paradise
Mills -- Brushy Creek -- Friendship
Mims -- Turner
Moning -- Oakwood
Moody -- Oakwood -- Sandhill
Moore -- Boggy -- Centerville -- Hopewell -- Moore -- Oakwood
Morgan -- Centerville -- Friendship
Morris -- Shiloh
Morrow -- Hopewell
Mosley -- Brushy Creek -- Culton -- Sandhill
Motley -- Friendship -- Sandhill -- Two Mile Paradise -- Ward
Murkeldove -- Hopewell
Murphy -- Centerville -- Pleasant Springs-- Seale -- Spillers Store
Myers -- Myers Estate
Myles -- Spillers Store

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Nash -- Friendship
Nasinger -- Sandhill
Neace -- Jewett
Nealy -- Sandhill -- Shiloh -- Two Mile Paradise
Neely -- Sandhill
Neley -- Jewett
Nelson -- Centerville
Nelzo -- Jewett
Newman -- Burton
Newsome -- Oakwood -- Shiloh
Nicholas -- Sandhill
Nichols -- Oakwood
Nickerson -- Bluff
Norman -- Friendship
Norris -- Culton -- Turner
Northerton -- Jewett
Norward -- Sandhill
Norwood -- Sandhill


Oliver -- Moore -- Oakwood -- Sandhill
Osperme -- Culton
Overall -- Centerville -- Hopewell -- Martha's
Owens -- Bluff -- Emanuel Rose Garden -- Oakwood -- Sandhill -- Seale -- Two Mile Paradise


Palmer -- Spring Creek
Parker -- Brushy Creek
Parks -- Centerville -- Friendship -- Jewett -- Pleasant Springs
Payton -- 
Pearson -- Sandhill -- Turner
Perkins -- Brushy Creek -- Centerville -- Culton -- Friendship -- Jewett -- Moore -- Seale -- Spillers Store
Perry -- Bluff -- Oakwood -- Perry
Pettie -- Hopewell
Petty -- Brushy Creek -- Sandhill
Phillips -- Burton -- Centerville -- Hopewell -- Sandhill -- Spillers Store -- Two Mile Paradise
Pickett -- Centerville -- Two Mile Paradise
Pips -- Oakwood
Pistole -- Jewett
Plummer -- Paddick -- Shiloh
Pointer -- Friendship
Polk -- Culton -- Friendship -- Seale -- Spillers Store -- Spring Creek -- Two Mile Paradise
Pope -- Moore -- Seale
Powell -- Hopewell
Price -- Bluff -- Culton -- Hopewell -- Oakwood -- Sandhill -- Shiloh
Proctor -- Oakwood -- Sandhill -- Shady Grove -- Spillers Store -- Two Mile Paradise
Pullins -- Pleasant Springs

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Raford -- Sandhill
Raines -- Burton
Rains -- Pleasant Springs
Randle -- Sandhill
Randolph -- Oakwood
Ransom -- Sandhill
Rayfort -- Sandhill
Raylor -- Shiloh
Reed -- Boggy -- Friendship -- Sandhill -- Shady Grove -- Spring Creek -- Two Mile Paradise
Reeves -- Oakwood
Reid -- Shady Grove
Relerford -- Oakwood
Rhinehart -- Two Mile Paradise
Rice -- Centerville
Richard -- Burton
Richards -- Oakwood
Richardson -- Shiloh
Riley -- Jewett
Ringer -- Brushy Creek
Rivers -- Friendship
Robbins -- Burton -- Centerville
Roberson -- Jewett -- Moore -- Two Mile Paradise
Robinson -- Boggy -- Centerville -- Culton -- Friendship -- Hopewell -- Jewett -- Sandhill -- Spring Creek -- Two Mile Paradise
Robirson (sp?) -- Friendship
Robison -- Turner
Roblow -- Jewett
Robson -- Centerville
Rogers -- Brushy Creek -- Culton
Roschild -- Sandhill
Ross -- Brushy Creek -- Spring Creek
Roundtree -- Two Mile Paradise
Rucker -- Jewett
Russell -- Burton
Rutledge -- Bluff

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Samuels -- Spring Creek
Sanchez -- Hopewell
Sanders -- Brushy Creek -- Jewett -- Oakwood
Santiford -- Burton
Sapp -- Centerville
Sayles -- Sandhill
Scott -- Hopewell -- Jewett -- Oakwood -- Pleasant Springs -- Sandhill -- Seale
Seal -- Jewett
Seals -- Friendship -- Jewett -- Sandhill
Secrease -- Oakwood
Selman -- Moore
Sewell -- Shiloh
Shabazz -- Oakwood
Shannon -- Friendship -- Spillers Store
Shaw -- Boggy -- Seale
Sheppard -- Bluff -- Sandhill
Shurman -- Lesesne Land
Silman -- Friendship
Simmons -- Oakwood -- Perry -- Pleasant Springs
Simms -- Boggy -- Hopewell
Simpson -- Friendship -- Goliad -- Moore -- Turner -- Two Mile Paradise -- Ward
Sims -- Centerville -- Shady Grove -- Spring Creek -- Turner
Slaughter -- Spring Creek
Small -- Spillers Store -- Two Mile Paradise
Smith -- Boggy -- Brushy Creek -- Burton -- Centerville -- Culton -- Oakwood -- Paddick -- Pleasant Springs -- Sandhill
         Spillers Store -- Spring Creek -- Ward -- Williams Family
Smith-Townsell -- Burton
Spencer -- Hopewell
Sperling -- Spillers Store -- Brushy Creek
Spirling -- Brushy Creek
Spurling -- Brushy Creek
Steele -- Ward
Stell -- Sandhill
Stewart -- Oakwood -- Sandhill
Strain -- Shiloh
Streater -- Brushy Creek
Stroud -- Brushy Creek
Stuberfield -- Sandhill
Stull -- Friendship
Sueing -- Spillers Store
Summons -- Boggy
Sutton -- Sandhill

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Tatum -- Burton -- Jewett
Taylor -- Bluff #2 -- Brushy Creek -- Burton -- Centerville -- Culton -- Moore -- Oakwood -- Sandhill -- Spillers Store -- Spring Creek
          Two Mile Paradise -- Ward
Tennell -- Brushy Creek
Terrel -- Two Mile Paradise
Thomas -- Brushy Creek -- Centerville -- Culton -- Hopewell -- Oakwood -- Sandhill -- Two Mile Paradise
Thomason -- Centerville
Thompson -- Friendship -- Sandhill -- Spring Creek
Thomson -- Sandhill
Timble -- Culton
Tinnel -- Brushy Creek
Toliver -- Oakwood
Townsell -- Burton -- Two Mile Paradise -- Ward
Towsend -- Friendship
Tryon -- Culton -- Hopewell -- Paddick -- Shiloh -- Simon Tryon Family
Tubbs -- Burton -- Centerville -- Hopewell -- Oakwood -- Sandhill -- Spillers Store
Tucker -- Turner
Turner -- Oakwood
Tyra -- Bluff #2


Unknown -- Hopewell -- Jewett -- Oakwood -- Ward


Valts -- Two Mile Paradise
Vaults -- Goliad


W.M.H. -- Spring Creek
Wade -- Shiloh -- Turner
Wagner -- Boggy -- Perry
Walderman -- Oakwood
Waldon -- Oakwood -- Sandhill
Walker -- Brushy Creek -- Culton -- Oakwood -- Spillers Store -- Spring Creek -- Two Mile Paradise
Wall -- Oakwood
Wallace -- Burton -- Centerville -- Jewett -- Oakwood -- Sandhill -- Two Mile Paradise
Walton -- Culton
Ward -- Jewett
Ware -- Culton -- Spring Creek
Warren -- Friendship -- Jewett
Washing -- Spillers Store
Washington -- Boggy -- Burton -- Centerville -- Culton -- Friendship -- Oakwood -- Pleasant Springs -- Sandhill -- Shiloh
              Spring Creek -- Two Mile Paradise -- Ward
Watkins -- Centerville -- Oakwood -- Shiloh
Watson -- Boggy -- Brushy Creek -- Spillers Store
Weathers -- Sandhill
Webb -- Hopewell
Weldon -- Centerville
West -- Brushy Creek -- Burton -- Hopewell -- Moore -- Pleasant Springs -- Sandhill -- Shiloh
Wheatly -- Jewett
Whitaker -- Jewett -- Moore
White -- Aaron White Family -- Bluff -- Friendship -- Oakwood -- Pleasant Springs -- Shiloh -- Turner -- Two Mile Paradise
Whitfield -- Oakwood -- Shiloh
Whitley -- Jewett
Whitten -- Shiloh
Wilder -- Burton -- Ward
Wiley -- Burton -- Hopewell -- Oakwood
Wilkerson -- Centerville -- Spring Creek
Wilkinson -- Centerville
Williams -- Bluff -- Boggy -- Brushy Creek -- Burton -- Centerville -- Culton -- Friendship -- Hopewell -- Jewett -- Oakwood -- Paddick
            Pleasant Springs -- Sandhill -- Seale -- Shiloh -- Spillers Store -- Spring Creek -- Two Mile Paradise -- Williams Family
Willis -- Shiloh -- Two Mile Paradise -- Ward
Wilson -- Brushy Creek -- Centerville -- Seale -- Spillers Store -- Two Mile Paradise
Winn -- Boggy -- Two Mile Paradise
Womack -- Hopewell
Woodard -- Oakwood
Woods -- Pleasant Springs
Woodson -- Sandhill
Wrens -- Spillers Store
Wriley -- Jewett
Wynn -- Culton

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Young -- Bluff -- Brushy Creek -- Culton -- Oakwood -- Pleasant Springs -- Shiloh


Zeno -- Sandhill