The Strong Saga


Submitted by Felix Green, Sept 10, 2008

The Strong Saga

Mother Elizabeth and Father John

Estella Elizabeth Barnett and John Anderson Pierson met and soon formed a beautiful union of matrimony on December 26, 1909.  This union has produced a very interesting and fruitful history.  From it  ten children were born, four girls and six boys: Jeffery, Johnny, Althia, Zummer Lee, Oneta, Edward, Deon, Willie Louis, FCL and Louise.

Together they trained each one of their children to work at an early age and saw that they had specific responsibilities.  That was a must in that household.  Elizabeth and John were stern and strict parents.  They were also very protective of their children.

Estella Elizabeth was a quiet and lovely person who loved quilting, and cooking.  She raised Chickens, Ducks, and Genies.  She was a good church worker serving on the Usher Board.

John Anderson was a loveable person who was a jack-of-all-trades.  He loved nature and the farmland.  He would sing and play the guitar around the community.  He was a farmer that made Sorghum and Maple Syrup for the community, a carpenter, and he was the secretary of his Roman Johnson Church.

There are some historical land-marks in the Grapeland, Texas areas where a massacre gang had ran the parents out of their home in Slocum.  In the mist of this situation, the massacre gang had messed up John Anderson’s let by hitting him with a tree stump.  As a result they were in hiding for a while.  They had only been married for about 8 months when the riot took place at the end of July in 1910.  Blacks were Killed, Blacks were injured, and Granddaddy lost his leg.

This God-fearing training and home atmosphere brought about many favorable and rewarding returns in their offspring in the years that followed.  Some were talented and gifted to sing; some were called to expound the gospel, even now; some were industrious home-makers, loyal and faithful bread-winners and some were studious and pursued high academic training which produced teachers and nurses and doctors.