Letter from

A.A. Ross to his wife, Clarissa Ross

29 April 1865, from Houston, Texas

Source: Original letter in the keeping of J.Sam Crowley, Mr. Ross' great-great-great grandson, of Carrollton, Texas.

Copy obtained from Art Wood of Burnet, Texas

Dear Wife,

I embrace this opertunity of writing you a few lines which leave me well and hope these few lines may find you and the children the same. There is nothing of importance here at present--only Lincons deth which you probbly have herd before now.

Dear wife, I was going to send a letter by John Poe yesterday, but did not know that he was going to go as soon as he did, and he did not know himself that he was going as soon as he did. I wood have been glad to seen him and knowd that he was going so soon as I had sum things to send to you. I have one quire of paper, one packeg of envelopes, 50 stamps, one pair shoes, one pairs cards to send to you and I will send them by the first chance that I have or bring them myself as soon as I get a chance to come home - although I dont know when that will be but I hope not long. I would have sent them by Mr. Manning but he had so many things to cary that I could not ask him to cary them. He will mail this at Livingston so you may know how this came. I received the letter that you sent me by Gibson and was glad to here that all was well and that David had come back home and I want him to stay at home until I come. When you write let me know how Coone and Shuger is and tell David that I want him to be a good boy and stay at home. I want to see you all very bad and I hope it wont be long before we all will go to our homes to stay.

Poscript. A.F. Pery was married to Miss Elisebeth Wells at Navasota which I dont expect you have herd. I have only drawd eighty dollars since I have ben here and I am going to send twenty dollars to you in a letter.

Write often and when you have a chance to send me a letter by hand do so and I will do the same. So Goodby Deare beloved Wife.

A. Ross

(PPS) A.B. Ross was born Sept. the 19th 1789 and he died July the 10th in the year 1837.


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