4 generations of Ross
Served in the (1) Civil War, (2) Spanish
War-Walter Ross, (3) WWI, and (4) WWII.
Walter Ross Buried Thursday, Dec 29 in Mount
Zion Cemetery
Walter Ross, a pioneer citizen of Bertram,
suffered a heart
attack early Wednesday morning, and was carried to
the BertramHospital at about 9:30 that morning. He
passed away at about 12:15
(noon) Wednesday, December 28th, (1955).
Mr Ross was born May 28, 1865 in Paducah, Kentucky.
He moved to
Bertram in about 1891. He was a veteran of theSpanish-American
War, serving with honor and bravery in
Mr. Ross was united in marriage to Miss Sallie
Reed in
1901. Three children, two daughters and one son were
born to thisunion. He was a member of the Bertram
Masonic Lodge, No. 583, A.F.
& A.M. Mr.Ross worked in the cotton ginning
business for about60 years. For a number of years,
he was manager of the C.N.Moses Gin
Company at Bertram.
Funeral Services were held at 3:00 o'clockThursday
December 29th at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
with Rev. JoeEustis officiating, assisted by Rev.
Thomas S. Ballard.
Bertram Masonic Lodge, No. 583 conducted graveside
services at the
Mount Zion Cemetery. Burial was under the direction
of the ClementsFuneral Home.
Pall bearers were Leonard Kirk, J.B. Goode, B.F.
Warden, Jr.,
Ernest Crum, Doss Smith, Milton Ruble, Granville
Knox, and
Dayton Reed Warden.
Survivors are his devoted wife, Mrs. Sallie
Ross of
Bertram; two daughters, Mrs. Hazel Barnett of
Austin and
Mrs. Katherine Nicholson of DeRidder,
Louisiana; one son
Carlos S. Ross of Corpus Christi; and one
brother, Aylmer
Ross of Austin. He is also survived by four
grandchildren and
three great-grandchildren.
for more information about this
family, go to
Chart of Walter Ross
and Sallie Reed