Good Man Gone to His Reward by J. R. Borland obituary of William Anderson McCoy |
The Tow News |
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hallmark and Mrs. Isora McGinty are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hallmark near Lampasas. |
Mr. and Mrs. Don Steffey and son, Carl Ray, attended the McCoy reunion near Burnet Thursday and Friday. |
Buford Norton of Portales, New Mexico, visited in the O. K. McDonald home Thursday. |
Miss Olene January of Bend, Texas spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Morgan. They returned home with her for a short visit Saturday. |
Mrs. O. M. Hallmark attended a bridal sower for Mrs. Malcolm Walters at Cherokee Saturday afternoon. |
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Behrns, Miss Thelma Behrns, Wilton Behrns and Doyle Dean Bibles spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bibles in Leander. |
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Maxwell and children of Leander, and Douglas Morgan of Burnet visited relatives here Wednesday. |
Miss Latrelle Duncan of Llano spent the latter part of the week with her aunt, Mrs. L. A. Hallmark. |
Mrs. W. S. Farris and Norwood Farris visited relatives in Burnet Thursday. |
Mrs. Tom Garret was a business visitor in Burnet the first of the week. |
Mrs. Audrey Dodd of Burnet is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allie Hallmark. |
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Naruna News |
Mr. F. M. Bodenhamer is attending court in Burnet this week. |
J. R. Watson is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Watson for a few days. |
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Mrs. Grace Hammond and son, Wilton, of Lampasas, visited her brother, Marshall Newton and family Thursday. |
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Briggs News |
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Stewart and children of Burnet were Sunday guests of A. W. Stewart and daughter, Miss Maxine, and other relatives. |
Mr. A. R. Baker and son, Hubert, of Bertram were Sunday guests of their son and brother, L. E. Baker and family. |
Mrs. Charlie Warden of Bertram was a week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Nichols and family, and brother, E. E. Wooten and family. |
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Morris are at home after a few days stay in Marlin where he has been under treatment for rheumatism; glad to report him improving. |
Rev. E. C. Young, Methodist pastor at this place, is conducting a revival at Chapel Hill. |
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Baker of Bertram were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Millage and daughter. |
Miss Rayma Dillingham left Monday for Brownwood where she will be a student in the Daniel Baker College. |
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Dillingham and daughters, and Joy RuthMary Evelyn, and Dorothy Nell Pulliam attended the Old Settlers Reunion at Round Rock Saturday night. |