Inventories for some of these cemeteries are in the Historical Research
Center, Luling Public Library, 215 South Pecan, Luling TX 78648-2607. Index will be provided
as quickly as transcripts are available. For dates and any other information available, please
request at CCG&H Society. Be sure to include the
name of the Cemetery in which your relative is buried.
Name, Legal description (Abstract, Survey, Size) Map ID
CCCR= Caldwell County Cemetery Records
PCA Vx #x Pxx = Plum Creek Almanac, Volume, Issue and Page numbers.
Additional Cemetery Inventories
Check out Paul Smith's List he has copied several
Caldwell County Cemeteries, they have dates.
Alexander Family Cemetery A082, Clinton-William, acres .20,
Cemetery is located off FM20 East about 6 miles from Lockhart, near CR 210 & CR
Allen Family Cemetery A964, Curtis-James, acres .09, F11
Andrews Family Grave Site A156, James-George W., acres .01, I7
Arnic Talley Cemetery A003, Burleson-Joseph Sr., acres .12, G6
Atlanta Cemetery -- 3.5 acres in the Silas Fuqua League, Cemetery is located
near Luling, north of old US90 near junction with US183 (IH10) Turn North onto Arrow Lane, then East onto
Whisper Road. It is possible the Atlanta is also know by a
different name. G14
Some African American Cemeteries of Caldwell County
HOOKS. Submitted by Mabel Huff York in 2000.
Blackwell-Rector CemeteryA022, Roe-John, acres .70, F10 
Blalock or Browder Cemetery (Bastrop Co.)
Blewett/Bluitt CemeteryA001, Berry-Esther, acres .60, E9
Blewett/Bluitt Cemetery Photos
Bouldin Cemetery A299, West-Levi, acres .02, I13
Branyon -- A087, Cooper-Dillard, acres .48, F9
Brite-McMahan Cemetery A223, Nash-James, acres 1.8, G7
Bunton Cemetery, Dale A003, Burleson-Joseph Sr., acres 1.62, G5
Cabiness Grave Yard A195, Miller-John R., acres .5, G9
Cardwell Cemetery
Cemetario Santa Maria Hayda de la A188, Maxwell-Thomas, acres 2.3108, C7
Cemetero de la Colonia Mexicana A102, Floyd-Adolphin, acres 1.5, T23
Cherry A301, Way-Lewis, acres 1.0, J11
Clarissa West Gravesite A013, Hinds-Gerron, acres .001, F3
Clark Cemetery A156, James-George W., acres .75, I7
Clark-Fisher Cemetery
Clarks Chapel Cemetery A242, Pinchback-James, acres 2.85, G8
Clarks Chapel Hispanic Cemetery
Clark's Cemetery, Elm Grove Cemetery
Clear Fork Cemetery
Clearfork Baptist A194, McCearley-Plasied B., acres 7.68, G10
Cliett Cemetery A019, Morrison-Stephen B., acres .01, B10
Community (Catholic) Cemetery, Luling A024, Seale-Solomon, acres .5, S22
Copeland Cemetery A091, Damon-Squire, acres .01, H5
Crayton-Spruill Cemetery A021, Pettus-William, acres .50, MART3
Dale A003, Burleson-Joseph Sr., acres 2., G6
David Wiegand School Cemetery A298, Toby-Thomas, acres .44, C5
Davis, Edgar B. Gravesite A027, Weldon-Isaac, acres .01, H11
Delhi Missionary Baptist Cemetery A120, Hardeman-Bailey, acres 2.79, K9
Dial, John & Marilla Gravesite A209, McGinnie-V.M., acres .01, H11
Dickerson Cemetery A194, McCearley, Plasied, acres 4., G10
Dickerson-Greene Cemetery A194, McCearley-Plasied B., acres 1.70, G10
Dorn Cemetery A012, Henry-John, acres .5, D12
Doyle Cemetery A313, Yates-Thomas, acres .01, B5
This inventory is part of a group submitted by Mabel Huff York in 2000.
Ebenezer Lutheran Church & Cemetery A188, Maxwell-Thomas, acres 4., MXWL
Ebenezer Cemetery A corrected inventory, made in May 2001
by Lynn and Sharon Moore.
Ebbon Cemetery
Ebbon Comm. Fair Assn. Church & Cemetery A014, Hinds-James, acres 8.8, G12.
Elam Cemetery A024, Seale-Solomon, acres .03, E13
Elm Grove Cemetery
Fentress Cemetery
Fentress Community Cemetery A010, Gillan, Michael, acres 3.6, C11
Fentress Public Cemetery A012, Henry-John, acres 2.6, D12
Fentress African American Cemetery A026, Tinney-Ambrose, acres .5, H8
FLEMINGS This inventory is part of a group of
inventories submitted by Mabel Huff York in 2000.
Flores Family A181, Martinez-Pablo, acres 3., F3
Fuqua Cemetery A007 Fuqua-Silas, acres .01, G14
Gonzales Family Cemetery Longhorn Ranch & Cattle Co. Sub., Lot 35, I12
Gabriel Sisneros Gravesite A007, Fuqua-Silas, acres .01, F14
Gravesites -- Thomas, Koonsen, Matthews, Neil, West Gravesites
Guadalupe/Mendoza/Old Rest
Inventoried by Caldwell County Genealogical and Historical Society, Spring 2000, and published
in Plum Creek Almanac, Fall 2000. A157, Jackson-Isaac, acres 2.5 & acres .9, E3
Gunkel Family Cemetery A007, Fuqua-Silas, acres .04, G15
Hall Cemetery A007, Fuqua-Silas, acres .04, F15
Hall, A.C. Family Cemetery A286, Seydell-Francis, acres .06, F11
Hardeman-Ritcherson Gravesite A192m Floyd-Adolphin, acres .02, F12
HARDSHELL A100, Evans-Wistar, acres .5, H:10.
This inventory is part of a group submitted by Mabel Huff York in 2000.
Harris Cemetery A063, Connell-Sampson, acres .25, E2
Harrison Cemetery A289, Tyler-John, acres .2, E10
Highsmith Cemetery & S M PRM BAP CH G025, S. Highsmith, acres 1., J18
Hinds Cemetery A014, Hinds-James, acres .04, G11
HOOK This inventory is part of a group submitted
by Mabel Huff York in 2000. [Eastside Colored Cemetery] A009, George-James, acres 3.2, F7
HUFF This inventory is part of a group submitted
by Mabel Huff York in 2000. A102, Floyud-Adolphin, acres .4, F13
Humphrey Cemetery A019, Morrison-Stephen B., acres 2., B9
Isadora (San Isidro) Surveyed, Ernest Flores Garcia,
1997. A005, Dickinson-Almerion, acres 1.762, C10
Jeddo Cemetery
Jeffrey Cemetery A026, Tinney-Ambrose, (new) acres 3. & (old) acres 4.67, H8
Jewish Cemetery, Reed Second, acres .6, S23
Jewish, Luling, Cemetery
John Thomas Gravesite A157, Jackson-Isaac, acres .01, E4
Kelley Cemetery A248, Reavill-Nancy, acres 2., D12
Kelly A009, George-James, acres .06, F7
Kennedy A019, Morrison-Stephen B., acres 1.4, MART4
Koegler Hill (Old Methodist) Cemetery
A313, Yates-Thomas, acres 1.7, B7
Koonsen Gravemarker A248, Reavill-Nancy, acres .25, E11
KUKABUR This inventory is part of a group of
inventories submitted by Mabel Huff York in 2000.
Lane, Joseph(not open) A017, Lockhart-Byrd, acres .1, P18
Lane Cemetery A017, Lockhart-Byrd, acres 4.8, P18
Liberty Cemetery Surveyed 1997, CCG&H Soc. A003, Burleson-Joseph Sr., acres .45, H4
Liberty Cemetery -- List provided by Liberty cemetery folks.
Cemetery is located approximately 11.5 miles east of Lockhart and one mile south of
FM 672.
Lincecum Cemetery
Linscome A167, Killen-Wiliam H., acres .09, G6
Little May Hunter Gravesite A289, Tyler-John League, acres .01, D9
Live Oak Cemetery
Lockhart Mexican Cemetery Northside, Lot 15-17 PT 14, acres 1.4 O17
Lockhart Municipal Burial Park A017, Lickhart-Byrd, acres approx. 29., O17
Loehmann Cemetery A134, Hunter-Robert, acres .09, E11
Lone Oak Cemetery A018, Morris-Spencer, acres .9, F14
Luling Catholic Cemetery
Luling Civic Cemetery A102, Floyd-Adolphin, acres 2., F12
Luling Cemetery, Inc. A018, Morris-Spencer, acres 42., T24
Lytton Springs Cemetery O.T. Lytton Springs, Block 6, Lot 3 & 4, acres 5.97, LYTN
Lytton Springs Old Cemetery With Corrections, 1999.
A230, Pace-Gideon, acres .4, LYTN
Marines Cemetery G025, S. Highsmith, acres 6.57, I17
Martin Cemetery Near Niederwald, Hayes Co.
Martindale Cemetery A021 Pettus, William, acres 1., B8;
Martindale Cemetery Assn, acres 3.5, MART4
Masonic Cemetery A012, Henry-John, acres 3.6, D12
Matthews Infant Gravesite A104, Fishbaugh-Wm., acres .01 G13
Maxwell Methodist Cemetery
Maxwell Hispanic A199, MacNeill-Hector, acres 1.4, C7
McNeil Cemetery A013, Hinds-Gerron, acres 3.76, G13
Menzoda (Old Rest ) Cemetery New inventory included in Guadalupe 2000
inventory by Caldwell County Genealogical and
Historical Society.
Mercer Cemetery A038, Berry-James, acres 1.1, E12
Mexican Cemetery, Lockhart Northside, Lot 15-17 PT 14, Acres 1.4 O17
Mineral Springs Cemetery A115, Guadaluppe College, acres 1.5, E11
Mishenhimer A068, Crenshaw-Cornelius, acres 4.0, D6
Moreno Cemetery
Neely Cemetery A125 Hinds-James, acres .13, E5
African American Cemetery A102, Floyd-Adolphin, acres 3.6, S22
African American Graveyard A199, McNeill-Hector, acres 1., C8
Neill Gravesite A194 McCearley-Plasied B., acres .01, F10
New, Barnett & McAllister Cemetery A014, Hands-James, acres .2, D2
Niederwald Cemetery A191, Mott-JOhn, acres 1., D2
O'Bannon Cemetery A051, Burnett-William, acres .02, F11
Ohlendorf Cemetery A200, Morrison-Wiliam, acres .5, D5
Old Lytton Springs Cemetery
A230, Pace-Gideon, acres .4, LYTN
Old Highsmith Cemetery
Old Methodist (Koeglar Hill) Cemetery
Old Prairie Lea Cemetery
Old Rest (Menzoda) Cemetery New inventory included in Guadalupe 2000
inventory by Caldwell County Genealogical and Historical Society.
Pettytown Cemetery
Polonia Cemetery A201, McCulloch-H.E., acres 2., E5
Popps Cemetery A289, Tyler-John, acres, .03, E9
Prairie Lea Cemetery
Prairie Lea Hispanic Cemetery
Prairie Lea Public Cemetery
Ramsay, Mrs., Grave on John Davenport property
Ridout Cemetery A020, Neill-John A., acres .03, G8
Robertson Cemetery (Storey's Field)
A009, George-James, acres .75, F7
Saint John -- A102 Burleson-Joseph Sr., acres 3., F7
Saint Johns Catholic Cemetery A102, Floyd-Adolphin, acres 3., T23
Saint Mary Catholic Cemetery A017, Lockhart-Byrd, acres 7.5, G17
San Isidro (Isadora) Surveyed, Ernest Flores Garcia, 1997
A005, Dickinson-Almerion, acres 1.762, C10
San Juan, Fentress A012 Henry-John, acres 4.6, D12
San Juan, Prairie Lea Surveyed, Ernest Flores Garcia, 1999
San Juan, Reedville Surveyed, Ernest Flores Garcia, 2001.
A021, Pettus-William, acres 2.5, B7
San Manuel Cemetery A040, Benton-Dorothy, acres .01, F6
Santa Maria Aida Cemetery
Santa Maria Aida Cemetery Another inventory.
San Pablo, Lockhart Located on North 183, 1.4 miles from the Courthouse
in Lockhart Inventoried by Ernest Garcia, 2001.
A017, Lockhart-Byrd, acres 2.67, O16
Schawe, Maxwell
Inventoried by Lynn & Sharon Moore, May 2001.
A188, Maxwell-Thomas, acres .7, MXWL
Sims-Brite Cemetery A273, Swift-Arthur, acres .01, G7
Smith Family A065, Curtis-Elijah, acres .4, F11
Staples-Tuttle Cemetery G033, Robert Smith, acres 1.62, G16
Storch Cemetery A042, Brown-Edward, acres .04, H10
Storey's Field (Robertson) Cemetery
Taylor Cemetery A264, Spillers-William, acres .08, G7
Teas Cemetery A022, Roe-John, acres .5, F10
Torres & Mendex Gravesite A017, Lockhart-Byrd, acres .002, F7
Tuttle Cemetery original name - Pleasant Ridge Cemetery
Union Hill Cemetery A102, Floyd-Adolphin, acres 3.2, E12
Ussery Cemetery A024, Seale-Solomon, acres 1.1, E13
Vogle (Westfork) See Westfork.
A248, Reavill-Nancy, acres .01, E11
Weigand School, David A298, Toby-Thomas, acres .44, C5
Wells Cemetery A195, Miller-J9hn R., acres .97, G9
Westfork (Vogle) Cemetery A248, Reavill-Nancy, acres .01, E11
Wilkins-Henderson Cemetery A200, Morrison-William, acres .05, D5
Willie Samuel Harrison Gravesite A040, Benton-Dorothy, acres .01, F6
Withers, John, Gravesite (Yslas) A017, Lockhart-Byrd, 4x10, P18
Woodsmen of the World A012, Henry-John, acres 2.8, D12
Zapata Cemetery A200, Morrison-Wm., acres .7, D5
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The Genealogical and Historical Society
of Caldwell County Copyright © 1963-2019