Cass County

The New Era Newspaper Transcriptions
Jun 11, 1931 - Dec 29 1932

Transcribed by: Carol Lee Colunga

Announcements M.E. Church South
Sunday school will meet at 10 a.m. The pastor will preach at 11 a.m. and at 7 p.m. The Epworth League will meet at 7 p.m. Circle No. 1 of the Missionary Society will meet on Monday at 4 p.m. and Circle No. 2, on Tuesday at the same hour. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30.
R.E. Ledbetter, Pastor.

Mrs. Willie Mae Niblett and little daughter of Longview were guests of J.D. Hall and wife the past weekend.

Miss Ida Witt of Avinger visited her brother C.C. Lane and wife Saturday to Monday.

Willis Eitel of Marietta was a visitor here Tuesday.

Mrs. R.A. Holland, Miss Geraldine Holland of Commerce, F.A. Holland, wife and baby and Miss Aven of Electra were weekend guests of R.C. Truitt and wife.

Mr. Johnson and Lennox Truitt of Shreveport, La. were guests of R.C. Truitt and wife Saturday.

Hampy Amox and wife of Detroit, Mich., are visiting S.W. McLeary and the Amox families this week.

Mrs. Reba Guerrero of Tucson, Ariz., visited her sister Mrs. Jessie Stiles the past week.

Mrs. Geo. Stiles and daughter Miss Pansy Lee has returned from a visit in Texarkana.

B.F. Guest and family of Texarkana visited Mrs. A.M. Aycock and Mrs. E.G. McMillan this week.

T.J. Cook, Misses Mary Cook and George Edna Williams left Tuesday for Austin, where Misses Cook and Williams will assume their duties as teachers in the Austin Public Schools.

A.L. Glass and wife have returned from a two weeks stay in Hot Springs, Ark., Mr. Glass' health was greatly improved from his stay in that city.

T.F. Keasler and R.O. Daniel were visitors to Shreveport, La. Tuesday. They were accompanied as far as Marshall by Thomas Jack Mason.

J.N. Shepperd was at his post Monday morning in High School. Mr. Shepperd attended State University during the summer.

Thomas Mason of Dallas is visiting R.O. Daniel and family this week.

Misses Ione and Marguerite Cook of Dallas spent the weekend with Miss Lorene Reeder.

Mrs. J.H. Crosby and Miss Lila Riley of Houston were weekend guests of Hugh Meredith and wife.

B.J. McMillan Jr., of Port Arthur is visiting his mother B.J. McMillan this week.

Miss Claudine Innes has returned from Normangee and Huntsville and assumed her duties as teacher in Ward school.

J.T. Guthrie and wife, Mrs. Ollie Weems, Edgar Guthrie and Miss Thelma Mickert of Dallas were weekend visitors in the J.L. Guthrie and E.W. Turner homes.

E.W. Turner, wife and daughter Norma Lee attended the Rural Carriers meeting in Winnsboro Monday. Mrs. Turner was elected District President of the Ladies Auxiliary.

W.E. Newby, wife and children of Dallas were guests of relatives here Sunday and Monday.

Mrs. W.A. Culberson and children returned to their home in Greenville Monday after spending the summer with Mr. Culberson here.

Oney Hervey, wife and children of Greenville visited his parents A.G. Hervy and wife the past weekend.

Mrs. C.C. Arnold and children of Pittsburg were visitors in the J.H. Wilson home this week.

Howard Lyle of Ennis visited his mother Mrs. J.W. Lyle this week.

J.C. Hailey, wife and Mrs. Hailey attended the Postmasters convention in Winnsboro Monday.

Frank Horton, Hilton Horton and wife of Greenville were guests of Mrs. J.M. Crouch Sunday.

J.W. Reeder and wife, Mrs. R.J. Wise, G.B. Goolsby, Guy Goolsby and wife and Miss Ethel Goolsby attended the funeral of Chas. Taylor in Pittsburg Tuesday.

D.L. Sain and wife, Elwyn Glass and wife were visitors in Kernack Sunday.

Hugh Hope and wife of San Antonio, Miss Maggie Phillips of Greenville, visited friends here Tuesday.

Mrs. J.L. Shaddix and children of Shiro, are visiting relatives here and in Daingerfield.

Irl Crowder and wife of Commerce visited R.C. Truitt and wife here Sunday. Mrs. R.C. Truitt and children returned home with them.

Irl Crowder and wife of Commerce, R.C. Truitt and family were visitors in Shreveport, La. Monday.

Misses Lola Dees and Miss Lorene Neville have returned from Commerce, where they have been attending school.

Eugene Traylor and wife of Dallas visited his parents J.C. Traylor and wife Sunday.

J.L. Guthrie and wife had as their visitors Wednesday, Frank Guthrie and family of Fairlee, F.L. Goss and wife and Eugene Adams and wife.

Miss Mary Cook has returned from Dallas, and is visiting her parents T.J. Cook and wife.

J.D. Wright and wife of Dallas, visited Rev. W.W. Lineberger and wife this week.

Miss Evelyn Kessler has returned to Greenville, where she will resume her studies in Wesley College.

Vance Jenkins was a visitor in Greenville Tuesday.

Mrs. Eugene Hervey has returned from a visit with her parents J.L. Truitt and wife in Denton.

Dr. T.L. Witherspoon visited his parents in Norman, Ark., Saturday to Monday.

Kelton Crouch went to Greenville, Tuesday where he will attend Wesley College.

Jack Martin and wife of Fort Worth are guests of E.W. Turner and wife.

Mrs. Reuben Strickland, Misses Merle Porter, George Edna Williams, Genie Belle Smith and Carmen Strickland were guests of H.D. Nelson and wife the past week.

S.A. Orr of Avinger was a guest of his sister Mrs. J.M. Niblett Wednesday.

Miss Siddie Phillips has returned from her home in Marshall to assume her duties as Principal of Ward school. Miss Phillips attended N.T.S.T. College in Denton this summer.

Misses Gladys and Lucile Brian of Dallas were guests of Mrs. Loy Russell and other friends here the past weekend.

Mr. And Mrs. J.C. Traylor Entertain

Mr. And Mrs. J.C. Traylor in their gracious and charming manner entertained Tuesday, Sept. 8, at their home with a luncheon and progressive forty-two, honoring the H.U.G. Club.
The guests were met at the door by the lovely host and hostess.
They living and dining rooms were artistically decorated in cut flowers and ferns.
The luncheon table was a scene of beauty laid in white and yellow. The center piece being of 'antique Mexican lace' with a profusion of roses and ferns mingled with snow white clematis.
Each guests place was marked with tiny baskets of yellow and white.
The luncheon consisted of four courses after which progressive forty-two was played.

School Depository Notice

Sealed bids for Depository of School Funds for Hughes Springs Independent School District for the biennium ending August 31, 1933, under section 51 of school laws, will be received up to seven p.m. August 31, 1931.
All bids should be filed with J. D. Hooton, secretary of school board, or G.W. Mayfield, president of school board of Hughes Springs Independent School District.
G.W. Mayfield, President, Board of Trustees of Hughes Springs Independent School District.
J. D. Hooton, Sec.
August 11, 1931.

District Court

September term of District Court convened in Linden Monday with Judge Geo. W. Johnson presiding, District Attorney E.L. Lincoln, County Attorney Weldon Glass, District Clerk Robert Salmon, and Sheriff Nat S. Curtright present.
Grand Jury -I.N. Marett, Foreman, S.E. George, S.L. Rankin, H.A. Connor, H.D. Ray, C.M. Nelson, Genie Griffin, W.S. Daughety, Vernon Glass, Jr. T.J. Cash, B.C. Lynch, Caldwell Morris.
B.F. Collier, door bailiff, Fred Blalock, G.L. Hawkins, Riding bailiffs.
Attorneys present - T.D. Rowell Sr. Garwood Schluter, J.H. Benefield, Jefferson. J.A.R. Moseley, E.C. Bryson, E. Newt Spivey, Elmer L. Lincoln, Texarkana. Carney & Carney, O'Neal & Harper, W.E. Rabb, Atlanta. Bartlett & Harvey, C.R. Newland, H.D. Nelson, S.I. Cornett, T.D. Sansing, B.F. Whitworth, Wesson Bartlett, Parks McMichael, Weldon Glass.

Bible Students
A treat is in store for you.
Come out and hear an interesting and helpful lecture on one of the most important books of the Bible, Galations.
The community Prayer meeting has given intensive study to this book and its truths will be presented in a lecture by
The Rev. Mr. Gray
Baptist Church
Wednesday Sept. 16, 7:30 P.M.
Everybody invited.

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