From the Dallas Morning News
published at Dallas, Texas.
Submitted by Nita
November 17, 1885
An Interesting Case
The curious case involving an invasion
of the Indian Territory in pursuit of horse
flesh, brought by the U. S. vs Sheriff GEORGE
COOPER WRIGHT of Clay County and his
deputies, WILL BRITTON and LON BORSON, was before U. S. commissioner
BENTLY yesterday
on preliminary hearing. One witness for
the government, J. R. REISE / REESE, was
examined to show the sheriffs force
were seen with the horses in the Indian
Territory. The case will occupy several days and in the
point of details promises to
be one of the most interesting that has come up in
this city for a number of years.
The governments theory appears to be based on the
invalidity of the treaty with the
Indians, which makes outside interference
by the States under whatever pretense
illegal. From all the facts obtainable, it
appears that Sheriff WRIGHT attached 90
head of horses on the suit of MILLER vs RICE
and that the sheriff put the attached
property in charge of a man named MEYERS, who
is alleged to have been the agent of
RICE. The horses were run into
the Indian Territory and Sheriff WRIGHT with his
deputies crossed the Rubicon or Red River, overtaking
and seizing the animals which
they found penned five miles south
of Caldwell, Kansas. The MEYERS party, it is
asserted, then went into Kansas and, after organizing a
rescuing party, returned and
whipped out the Sheriffs party
by moral force of numbers and without a resort to
arms. Rice and MEYERS subsequently charged with horse theft,
and in retaliation, they
made complain against the sheriff and his deputies
for interfering with property in
the Indian Territory.