CHS Class of 1908

Coleman High School - Coleman, Texas

Commencement Exercises

Of Coleman High School
Excellent Program

On last Friday evening the Coleman High School closed its session with an extra fine program, at the Opera House.

The program commenced with a very fine selection rendered by Miss Louvenia Estes.  Rev. Gillon delivered the invocation.

Miss Clay Belle Leeper delivered the salutatory, her subject being "The Power of Youth."  Those who were fortunate enough to be present and hear Miss Clay Belle could but realize the true power of youth as well by the personal power of this beautiful youthful graduate as by the pretty words, sentences, composition, delivery and thoughts on her subject.

Mrs. Edgar Beakley added to the program a great deal of pleasure by giving her hearers a delightful solo.  Mrs. Beakley's renditions are of the highest class and it is always a pleasure to hear her.

Miss Verna Hewell, one of the sweet girl graduates, delivered an oration, the subject of which was "Advantages of Difficulties.  It was a fine piece wonderfully delivered, but she experienced no difficulties in making her oration the very finest, however, she has the advantage of being a charming entertainer in speech.

Miss Clay Belle Leeper gave a very fine piano rendition.

Master Stuart McGregor, the representative of the junior class, spoke upon the subject, "The Man Ahead of His Time."  He was somewhat ahead of his time in being able to deliver a logical, well spoken senior oration in his junior year.  He is a boy ahead of his time in making a manly oration.

Miss Mabel Dickinson gave "The History of the Class" in which she is one of the graduates, and a prophesy of their future years.  Her history was certainly fine and brought good, hearty laughs form her audience during its progress.  Her own history is the sweetest ever and we prophesy for her a bright future.

The school gave a very fine chorus, assisted by the following of Coleman's sweet singers:  Misses Fay Johnson, Iva Dibrell, Amelia Alexander and Mrs. Edgar Beakley.  Miss Lola Warren played the accompaniment.

Master Robin Fullerton delivered the valedictory address, his subject being "Twentieth Century Opportunities."  His address was logical, forcible and mixed with humor.  The audience was granted an appreciated opportunity to hear a masterly address of this young boy graduate.  He holds the opportunities of the twentieth century in his hand, and no doubt this young man, the valedictorian of his class, will ever be faithful in clasping them tighter and tighter, until by merit and alertness he takes his stand among the foremost of this country.

Mr. Marcus Weatherred, in a very beautiful speech, presented diplomas to Master Robin Fullerton, Misses Clay Belle Leeper, Verna Hewell and Mabel Dickinson.

(The Coleman Voice, Friday, June 5, 1908, page 1.)

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