Coleman Primary Flying School - Coleman, Texas
Class of 43 - B

The Mister
(Page 24)



Ralph W. Aldenderfer                                                                     Jerome F. Aldridge
         R. R. 4                                                                                                               3122 Creswell Street
Circleville, Ohio                                                                                                       Shreveport, Louisiana     
   Occupation:  Farm Operator                                                                                        Occupation:  Salesman    

   Winfred W. Alfred                                                                         Alexander Alvarado
                                                                                                                                  225 Moberly Street
Ladonia, Texas                                                                                                   San Antonio, Texas     
   Occupation:  School Teacher                                                                                   Occupation:  Buttermaker    

        Joe Angel                                                                              Tony T. Armendariz
        1007 South Pacific Street                                                                                         940 W. St. Francis          
  Las Vegas, New Mexico                                                                                           Brownsville, Texas     
                                                                                                                                      Occupation:  Aircraft Instrument Mechanic    

   Arney Rector                                                                     Charles E. Aulback
     East Wayne Street                                                                                       705 E. Market Street   
Bluefield, West Virginia                                                                                      Louisville, Kentucky                 
Occupation:  Service Station Manager                                                                  Occupation:  Stock Clerk           


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The Coleman County Historian

This page last updated September 26, 2010
© 1982 - 2010 Ralph Terry.  All rights reserved.