Coleman Primary Flying School - Coleman, Texas
Class of 43 - B

The Mister
(Page 25)



Donald G. Baldwin                                                                   Joseph Victor Barnett
 351 West Main Street                                                                                                617 North Beard      
Hillsboro, Ohio                                                                                                         Ada, Oklahoma    
Occupation:  Store Clerk, Tire Repair Man                                                                   East Central State College             

   George S. Bartley                                                                         William W. Bassler  
          108 Petrie Avenue                                                                                              2631 West Kentucky Street
Rosemont, Pennsylvania                                                                                               Louisville, Kentucky 
           Occupation:  Army Veterinary                                                                      Occupation:  Furniture Designer, Draftsman

Hugh L. Bates                                                                                   John T. Beach
              Route 1, Box 35-A                                                                                                   122 Jefferson Avenue          
  Anchorage, Kentucky                                                                                                 Cresskill, New Jersey
 Occupation:  Mechanic                                                                                               Occupation:  Mail Clerk

   Robert M. Bendele                                                                     Robert Patrick Bingham
710 East Second Street                                                                                                714 W. Aldine Avenue
Delphos, Ohio                                                                                                              Chicago, Illinois               
   Occupation:  Clerk                                                                                                        Wright Junior College


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The Coleman County Historian

This page last updated September 26, 2010
© 1982 - 2010 Ralph Terry.  All rights reserved.