Coleman Primary Flying School - Coleman, Texas


Today, the school has been closed for over 65 years, but has remained as the Coleman Municipal Airport.  The building and barracks were torn down or moved to other locations, some being used today in other capacities.  The slabs on which the hangers stood, have been in use in recent years, as floors for manufacturing businesses.

A list of people who were at the Coleman Flying School, 1941 - 1945, that I have been or am currently in contact with:

From the Class of 44-H:
William D. Brown
2457 Okemos Dr SE,
Grand Rapids, MI 49506-5354 
(corresponded in 2004)

1st Lt. Jacob S. "Stan" Fishel
 (died in 2005)

More about Stan Fishel







Please send additional links, comments or suggestions to:
Ralph Terry - Coleman County Historian at:

This page last updated June 3, 2005
© 1982 - 2005 Ralph Terry.  All rights reserved.