616 South Frio Street
Coleman, Texas

Legal Description:  Clow's 1st Addition to the Original Townsite of Coleman,
Block 7, Southeast Quarter


There are no maps of this area of Coleman prior to 1923.  There were probably no dwellings on this block prior to 1923.

The dwelling at what became 616 South Frio Street was a vacant lot in 1916 and 1923.

1916 map

1923 map

A dwelling was built between 1923 and 1929 at what became 616 South Frio Street.

"In 1929, Paul W. Dukes, and his wife Sarah, were residing at 616 South Frio Street.  He was a driller.  Also living at this address was George Dukes, a clerk at Owl Drug Store; and Miss Roslyn Dukes, a student."  (Coleman City Directory, 1929 - Hudspeth.)

1930 map

1948 map

south and east sides - 2005

east and north sides - 2005

In March 1990, Wayne Jones sold the property at 616 South Frio Street to Max Jones in December 1998, who sold it to Jerry Bob and Sarita Sue McAlister, who sold it to Renee Trip in November 2021.

Coleman - Street Index
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