Coleman, Texas |
This street page contains a description of this street, located in Coleman, Texas, together with the numbers numerically arranged. It also shows the intersections, whereever the different streets cross. These addresses are linked to other pages which contain information, photos, etc., when available, about the people and homes or buildings that have been at that address, at different time periods, with the source of information given. |
High Street is the 12th street west of Commercial Avenue.
High Street originally began at West Live Oak Street, southwest of the Coleman Public School building and north through the kiln yard of the brick plant. This part of High Street was closed before 1920 and a railroad spur was run into the brick plant from between West Gross Street and Plum Street. |
east side: | west side: |
east side: | west side: |
east side: | west side:
301 303 307 315 |
east side: | west side:
401 |
east side: | west side:
501 509 511 515 |
east side:
716 |
west side:
601 605 |
east side: | west side:
701 717 |
east side:
802 806 |
west side:
801 803 815 823 |
east side: | west side:
901 907 |
GC&SF Railway High Street continues at West Ripley Street |
east side: | west side: |
east side:
1300 |
west side: |
east side: | west side: |
east side: | west side: |
the Coleman County website. |
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