Coleman, Texas |
This street page contains a description of this street, located in Coleman, Texas, together with the numbers numerically arranged. It also shows the intersections, whereever the different streets cross. These addresses are linked to other pages which contain information, photos, etc., when available, about the people and homes or buildings that have been at that address, at different time periods, with the source of information given. |
West Mesquite Street is the 6th street south of Live Oak Street.
north side:
108 110 |
south side:
111 |
north side:
204 206 |
south side:
201 211 |
north side:
304 306 310 |
south side:
315 |
north side: | south side:
403 407 413 415 |
north side:
500 504 516 |
south side:
501 509 511 515 517 |
north side:
606 608 612 700 702 704 708 724 |
south side:
607 609 615 701 721 725 |
Drainage Ditch |
north side:
808 812 900 906 912 916 |
south side:
801 803 805 901 905 907 909 911 913 |
north side:
1000 1006 1014 1016 |
south side:
1001 1005 1009 1011 1015 |
begins on north side |
north side:
1100 1104 1114 1116 |
south side:
1101 1111 1113 1115 |
A small alley continues west - up the hill |
the Coleman County website. |
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