Coleman, Texas |
This street page contains a description of this street, located in Coleman, Texas, together with the numbers numerically arranged. It also shows the intersections, whereever the different streets cross. These addresses are linked to other pages which contain information, photos, etc., when available, about the people and homes or buildings that have been at that address, at different time periods, with the source of information given. |
North Nueces Street is the 6th street west of Commercial Avenue.
east side:
108 |
west side:
103 105 111 113 117 |
Cottonwood Street intersects | |
east side:
210 216 |
west side:
211 215 217 |
Peach Street intersects | |
east side:
300 304 |
west side:
301 307 311 319 |
Pear Street (previously called Plum Street and West Second Street) intersects | |
east side:
420 |
west side:
411 417 |
Plum Street intersects
ENDS SOMEWHERE BEFORE THIS POINT Santa Fe Railway intersects North Nueces Resumes at West Gross Street |
east side: | west side:
701 715 |
West Overall Street intersects | |
east side: | west side:
801 811 815 |
Church Street intersects | |
east side: | west side:
901 907 909 |
West Lackland Street intersects | |
east side: | west side:
1001 1005 1007 1017 |
Colbert Street intersects | |
east side:
1100 1108 |
west side:
1101 1107 1111 (1314) 1117 |
West Ripley Street intersects | |
east side:
1206 1216 |
west side:
1201 1215 |
Post Street intersects | |
east side:
1306 |
west side: |
Story Street intersects | |
east side: | west side:
1401 1415 |
Park Street intersects | |
east side:
1504 |
west side:
1501 |
North Nueces Street ends at Roosevelt Street |
the Coleman County website. |
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