Hezekiah S Risher was in Commanche Co
mid 1800's. He and some of the family are buried in Gustine at
Union Cemetery.
The following are some of his descendants.
These graves and more photographed & documented November 13, 2006
by gggchildren of Hezekiah S. Risher & spouses
.------------Kay Risher
Union Cemetery, Gustine, Comanche County, TX is located 2 miles west
on Hwy 36 on a north east corner of an intersection. The layout
has most stones in row with lines running parallel to the side road.
Walking toward Hwy 36 is "going south." The oldest marked grave--Susan
A Speed first wife of CC Speed--is marked with an iron historical
on a pole. On this trip we only had time to draw the layout around this
oldest area.
East of J. C. Speed, son of Sarah Alice Risher Lucas Speed going north
Born May 22, 1880
Died June 22, 1880
O. L. Bolton Dec 8, 1827 -July 3, 1881;
Nancy, wife of O. L Bolton Apr 5, 1833 - Apr 20, 1892 ( *Nancy
Risher was the daughter of James Risher, Jr.; niece of Hezekiah S.

Tombstone of O. L. Bolton
Born Dec. 8, 1827
Died July 3, 1881

of Nancy Risher, wife of O. L. Bolton
Born Apr. 5, 1833
Died Apr. 20, 1892
2 unmarked spaces;
Jesse Ligh son of P.W. & E. V. Bolton Dec 8, 1887- Sept
20, 1889;
Tombstone of Jesse Ligh Bolton
Born Dec. 8, 1887
Died Sep. 20, 1889
Beggs graves; Bean graves;
East of Hezekiah S. Risher grave going north
J. C. Speed May 22, 1880- June 22, 1880 (see above)
S. A. Speed, wife of C. C. Speed, Feb 19,1851 - May 22 1880 (hand
mark to look like a 9 ) * Sarah Alis Risher Lucas 2nd wife of CC;
of Sarah Alis Risher Lucas Speed
Born Feb. 19, 1851
Died May 22, 1889
S. M. Speed, wife of C. C. Speed, Feb 19,1845 -June 13, 1879 (Historcal
marker as oldest Grave)
*Susan Mary Rogers dau of Mary Elizabeth
Duckworth Rogers Risher;
Columbus C. son of C. C. & S. A. Nov 26, 1887 - Nov 10, 1890;

Tombstone of Columbus C. Speed
Born Nov. 26, 1887
Died Nov. 10, 1890

of Susan Mary Rogers Speed
Born June 15, 1845
Died June 13, 1879
S. A. Speed, wife of C. C. Speed, May 10, 1857- Sept. 24,1914
(3rd wife of C. C.);
C. C. Speed Oct. 21, 1846 - Oct. 21, 1923;
2 broken markers;
next row (starting placement West of Columbus Speed) going south
Willie son of G. W. & M. T. Lassetter July 27, 1887 - Apr 22, 1891;
Meldred daughter of G. W. & M. T. Lassetter born July 24, 1885 and
died May

of Willie Lasseter
Born July 27, 1887
Died Apr. 22, 1891

of Meldred Lassetter
Born July 24, 1885
Died May 17, 1887