County Judge, County Attorney,
and Court Reporter

County Judge

1927-1930 - Ben F. Allen
1931-1932 - S. C. Harrell
1933-1934 - R. C. Nothstine
1935-1940 - E. D. Smith
1941-1946 - John J. Watts*
1947-1965 - Joseph A. Beyer
1966-1973 - C. (Pete) Bennett
1974-1994 - Charles E. Blue
1995-1998 - Arlen White
1999-1999 - Charles E. Blue**
1999-2000 - Arlen White
2000-2006 - Donnie Henderson
2007-Present - John Farmer

*In September of 1946, John J. Watts
resigned as County Judge and the Court
appointed Joseph A. Beyer to serve the
remainder of the year.
**In July of 1999, Charles E. Blue
resigned as County Judge and the Court
appointed Arlen White to serve until
November of the year 2000.

County Attorney

1927-1928 - T. G. Jackson
1929-1932 - E. D. Smith
1933-1934 - J. A. Beyer
1935-1936 - J. B. Cotton
1937-1940 - J. A. Beyer
1941-1948 - Charles H. Poteet
1949-1952 - C. (Pete) Bennett
1953-1962 - Ken G. Spencer
1963-1974 - Don E. Williams
1975-1980 - James McDonald
1981-1997 - Gene Clack
1998-Date - James McDonald

Court Reporter

1927-1935 - Whit Wade, Sr.
1935-1942 - Whit Wade, Jr.
1942-1951 - Jane Ross
1952-1955 - Ernest Swanson
1955-1994 - Fred Swanson
1994-Date - Kim Stubblefield

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