DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1931, Re-S ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. The information in this file is in the public domain, as set forth by the TX State Legislature. However, we respect your right to privacy. If you find your name on this list and want it to be removed,please send a message to the county coordinator. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - ginagale@bigfoot.com July 22, 2000 These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible. http://www.usgwarchives.net// *********************************************************************** Name Birth Date Sex Mother Father Read, James Legrande Jr. 1-25-1931 M Viola Lindsey James Legrande Read Ready, George Thomas Inf Of 3-18-1931 F Minnie Lee Laird George Thomas Ready Reagan, Reba Claire 11-27-1931 F Myrtis Margaret Smith Thomas Wilburn Reagan Reagor, John Raymond Jr 9-24-1931 M Ruth Shouse John Raymond Reagor Reamer, Glendon Lee 1-19-1931 M Elizabeth Stanley John David Reamer Reames, Philip John Inf Of 6-13-1931 M Annie Rose Dempsey Philip John Reames Reaves, John Lindsey Inf Of 6-27-1931 M Rosetta Murphy John Lindsey Reaves Reckley, Donald Darvin 1-28-1931 M Zelma Aaron Wilber Arthur Reckley Reddick, Martha Elaine 11-27-1931 F Jessie Jaunita Watson James Eda Reddick Redding, Beverly Ann 6-18-1931 F Hellen Margurete Campbell Leman Maston Redding Redding, James Richard 1-26-1931 M Augusta Thiebut Claude Valden Redding Reddoch, M D Inf Of 3-31-1931 M Bertha Lisman M D Reddoch Redfearn, Evelyn Lorene 4-14-1931 F Meta Lenora Gramly George E. Redfearn Redmon, Loreta 5-13-1931 F Evalyn Long George Redmon Reed, Carl E Inf Of 6-3-1931 F Reba Bruster Carl E Reed Reed, Charles Inf Of 8-16-1931 F Effie Mae Ferris Charles Reed Reed, Cowlyn Lowise 2-12-1931 F Helen Barker R. Alton Reed Reed, David Enos 2-28-1931 M George Levine Green Enos Reed Reed, Donald Webster 9-15-1931 M Goldia Lucile Densmore Orvial Websester Reed Reed, Ida 8-15-1931 F Lucille Brown Jesse Reed Reed, Loretta 8-26-1931 F Cassie Reynols Hubert Reed Reed, Meretta 8-26-1931 F Cassie Reynols Hubert Reed Reed, Patsy Lou 3-21-1931 F Mabel Brown George Beaton Reed Reed, Ralph E. Inf Of 7-28-1931 F Edra Phillips Ralph E. Reed Reed, Raymond 10-20-1931 M Pearlie B. Patterson Marion Reed Reed, Rena Ernestine 8-8-1931 F Jessie Winn Ed Reed Reeder, Nathan Charles 9-22-1931 M Nannie Maddox W B Reeder Rees, Betty Alice 3-9-1931 F Helen Downs Jordon Emanuel Rees Reese, Joe Inf Of 4-27-1931 F Eula Guttery Joe Reese Reese, Lillian Ann 9-24-1931 F Lillian Beall Burton Willis G. Reese Reese, Loyd 6-3-1931 M Rosie Lee Mcadams James Reese Reeves, Bettie Joe 2-18-1931 F Beatrice E. Cantrell Lawrence G. Reeves Reeves, James Garland Jr. 12-1-1931 M Flora Martin James Garland Reeves Reeves, Jerline Clarese 11-28-1931 F Pauline Kathryne Kimbrough Frank Reeves Reeves, Joel Monroe Inf Of 3-11-1931 F Prudie Leona Smith Joel Monroe Reeves Reeves, Margaritte Maxine 6-19-1931 F Daisy Moore L Reeves Reichert, Thomas Lyle 8-14-1931 M Frances Margaret Benedict Edward Arthur Reichert Reid, Bert Thomas 1-11-1931 M Birtia Sarah Tuggle John Wallace Reid Reid, Claire Virginia 10-31-1931 F Ruth Sue Turk Walter Reid Reid, Leeman Fountain Jr. 6-22-1931 M Lucile Russell Leeman Fountain Reid Reid, Robert T. Inf Of 2-21-1931 M Gladys King Robert T. Reid Reilly, Bonnie Claire 2-15-1931 F Philo Crane Robert Banaport Reilly Reilly, Patricia Maureen 11-13-1931 F Willie Patricia Conway John Reilly Relyea, Spencer Cone Iii 4-20-1931 M Inez Ross Spencer C. Relyea Remele, Mary Nelle 4-30-1931 F Nelle Marie Laird Ward Huffman Remele Remley, Donald Wayne 1-14-1931 M Gladys Dickhoff Wayne Chester Remley Reneau, Edith Marie 5-4-1931 F Nina Lucille Campbell Wilber E. Reneau Rener, Joseph 1-21-1931 M Josephine Pasqua Bonnie Rener Rettman, Robert Henry 10-26-1931 M Sophia Bernard Robert H. Rettman Reutler, J. P. Inf Of 10-3-1931 F Gladys Nolan Bruce J. P. Reutler Reutler, Velva Louise 10-3-1931 F Gladys Nola Bruce Jacob Peter Reutler Reyes, Meliton 4-1-1931 M Ermenia Morines Luciano Reyes Reyes, Pete Inf Of 3-10-1931 F Aurora Rodriguez Pete Reyes Reynolds, Ernest Davis 2-12-1931 M Johnnie Mae Davis Alfred Lee Reynolds Reynolds, Hellen Mae 4-30-1931 F Emma Love O'neal Thomas Virgil Reynolds Reynolds, James A. Jr. 3-4-1931 M Ethlyn Mccombs James A. Reynolds Reynolds, Ronold Gene 1-8-1931 M May Hendrickson Daniel Berkley Reynolds Rhoads, Pat Henry 12-8-1931 M Doris Mae Quillin William Girard Rhoads Rhodes, James Milton 11-20-1931 M Erie Lunsford James Fred Rhodes Rhodes, John Henry 11-4-1931 M Myrtie Mae Fairris Frank Lathrorp Rhodes Ribble, Barbara Jean 7-31-1931 F Thelma Mae Harris David Alton Ribble Ribelin, Leroy Alvin Inf Of 10-16-1931 M Lucia Marie Gay Leroy Alvin Ribelin Rice, Bertha Marie 2-5-1931 F Erma Lee Harper Luther William Rice Rice, Beverly Jene 2-17-1931 F Jessie May Mckinney William Henry Rice Rice, Billy Jean 10-8-1931 M Lucy Crow Claburn Rice Rice, Bobbie Jean 9-8-1931 F Ethel Mae Van Horn Charles Franklin Rice Rice, Dorothy Louise 10-28-1931 F Roxie Miller Jerry Rice Rice, Juanita Ruth 3-13-1931 F Ruth Lefors Joseph Paul Rice Rice, Robert Cook 8-13-1931 M Alice Signaigo John P Rice Rice, Troy Leon 11-12-1931 M Edna Lusk P. H. Rice Richard, Joe William 10-22-1931 M Edna Day Smith William Lester Richard Richards, Billy Jean 3-13-1931 F Annie Iona Hudspeth Cecil Calvert Richards Richardson, Betty Jean 10-21-1931 F Clara Etta Hughes Homer Thomas Richardson Richardson, Charles T. Inf Of 6-29-1931 F Mamie Bonner Charles T. Richardson Richardson, David Porter Iii 6-19-1931 M May Evelyn Thevenet David Porter Richardson Richardson, Dorthea Fay 5-12-1931 F Alva Louise Allen Cecil Richardson Richardson, Joan 10-5-1931 F Rachel Theressa Harris Marvin Elmer Richardson Richardson, Joyce Dell 9-2-1931 F Essie Bell Morgan Clyde Lewis Richardson Richardson, Leonidas D. Casto 5-5-1931 M Odell Neece James Edgar Richardson Richardson, Richard Wesley 2-3-1931 M Ruby Gladden L. E. Richardson Richburg, Mary Edna 1-5-1931 F Edna Turnipseed W. E. Richburg Richey, Barney Vester Jr. 1-7-1931 M Sylvia Lois Tilly Barney Vester Richey Richter, Edward Carl Jr. 12-17-1931 M Bertha Marie Fraser Edward Carl Richter Ricker, Martin Miller Ii 4-13-1931 M Corrinne Culp Martin M. Ricker Rico, Manuel Jr. 3-1-1931 M Files Relgado Manuel Rico Riddell, Katherine Ann 12-6-1931 F Mary Lucille Mcgee Charles A. Riddell Riddle, Judge Howard Inf Of 3-28-1931 F Cleo Vera Scott Judge Howard Riddle Riddle, Rosa Jeannine 6-25-1931 F Rosa Mae Brown William Edward Riddle Riddle, Travis Talmage Inf Of 6-4-1931 M Beulah Eugene Pressler Travis Talmage Riddle Ridenour, Joe Thomas 9-24-1931 M Georgia Myrtle Carter Joe White Ridenour Ridgeway, Robert Gordon 11-20-1931 M Kate Gordon George Riley Ridgeway Ridgway, Robert Henry 12-27-1931 M Madeline Latson Robert Ridgway Ridner, Harold Martin 2-16-1931 M Boss Ridner Riek, Ferdinand Benjamin Inf Of 2-15-1931 M Mae Boeckling Ferdinand Benjamin Riek Riggins, James Jr. 1-4-1931 M Ledonia White James Riggins Riggs, Charles D. Jr. 1-17-1931 M Opal Mcneil Charles D. Riggs Riggs, Jack Lee 1-9-1931 M Gladys Mae Yates James Henry Riggs Riggs, Mary Anne 7-24-1931 F Annie Galloway Shelby Echol Riggs Riggs, Norma Frances 4-28-1931 F Lula Mae Higgs Frank Riggs Riggs, Peggy Jean 5-21-1931 F Fay Dell Myers Howard S. Riggs Riley, Lee Roy 11-23-1931 M Clara Elizabeth Patterson J. W. Riley Riley, Mattie Evalin 10-27-1931 F Lizzie Deering J. O. Riley Riley, Robert Wilson 3-22-1931 M Tina Gilbert A. D. Riley Rippey, Porter Oather Jr. 9-30-1931 M Annie Jewell Jackson Porter Oather Rippey Rippy, James Richard 7-8-1931 M Mary E. Glover Charles L. Rippy Ritchie, Ernest G. 1-10-1931 M Orie L. Lemerek Ernest G. Ritchie Rivas, Felicita Gloria 3-2-1931 F Ruth Kelly Brown Rivas Rivas, Gloria 12-27-1931 F Margarita Ramirez Margarito Rivas Rivera, George Robert 6-11-1931 M Concepcion Jimenez Ramon Rivera Rivers, Benjamen Frankli Inf Of 2-24-1931 M Evelyn Manda Townson Benjamen Franklin Rivers Rives, Dannie Sue 12-18-1931 F Lela D. Renfro James Granville Rives Rives, David Ray 8-7-1931 M Corinne Case Paul Rives Roach, Morris Demoss 11-25-1931 M Beula Elizabeth Demoss Morris Humphrey Roach Roan, Elbert Fay 11-9-1931 M Anabell Dodson E. L. Roan Roark, Billy John 9-28-1931 M Aline Miller S. Vernon Roark Robbins, Carrie Treou Nettie 10-10-1931 F Eugene Utsler Knnaette Columbus Robbins Robbins, Ivan Ferneal 3-10-1931 M Willie Lee Dodson Monroe Loftin Robbins Robbins, John Keith 4-10-1931 M Myrtle Coutney E. G. Robbins Roberts, Arthur Faris 10-10-1931 M Artie N. Bush Juber Roberts Roberts, Dan 11-14-1931 M Bertie Brewer Arch Roberts Roberts, Don 11-14-1931 M Bertie Brewer Arch Roberts Roberts, Harold O. A. 2-27-1931 M Mittie Bowie Jessie Roberts Roberts, John Edwin 10-6-1931 M Edna Sweatt Ben N. Roberts Roberts, Leon 6-5-1931 M Bessie Yates J. Hugh Roberts Roberts, Nancy Faye 6-30-1931 F Faye Doman Thomas E. Roberts Roberts, Robert Earl 11-29-1931 M Mary Jane Walker Ford Walter Roberts Roberts, Thomas Affred 12-9-1931 M Mary Louise Roberts Roberts, Will Inf Of 4-16-1931 M Clemmie Britt Will Roberts Robertson, Bobbie Iene 8-26-1931 F Catherine White Robert Robertson Robertson, Dorothy Jean Celessa 9-16-1931 F Ethel May Robertson Robertson, Janis Marie 5-14-1931 F Bernice Woods Raymond M. Robertson Robertson, Letitia Gene 6-4-1931 F Fannie Louise Grimes Eli Marion Robertson Robertson, William Derrell 8-12-1931 M Frankie Joyce Small Oscar David Robertson Robilio, Frank Calvin 6-28-1931 M Lena Blaylock Frank Robilio Robilio, Willie Jr. 7-5-1931 M Elsie Brown Willie Robilio Sr. Robinson, Catherine 2-2-1931 F Mamie Strait Leo Robinson Robinson, Fayrene 4-14-1931 F Elsie Lane J. D. Robinson Robinson, Floyd Dean Inf Of 8-28-1931 M Carolyn Louise Watson Floyd Dean Robinson Robinson, James Melvin 1-4-1931 M Gladys Maude Dunklin Murrel Lewis Robinson Robinson, Martha Hellen 3-14-1931 F Elvira Clark **Death File Number Exists** Robinson, Price Wayne 10-8-1931 M Myrtle Cunningham Walter Adams Robinson Robinson, Wanda Mae 12-21-1931 F Evelyn Clements William Roy Robinson Robinson, William Alton 1-29-1931 M Susie M Brown Henry A. Robinson Robinson, William Regina Inf Of 8-13-1931 F Dorothy Francis Bragg William Reginald Robinson Robison, Frankie Mae 10-5-1931 F Bessie Robison Robison, Louise Marie 9-18-1931 F Hazel Moss Hale H. Robison Robison, Ruby Pearl Emily 1-19-1931 F Effie Idella Shelton Rufus James Robison Rocha, Richard 1-28-1931 M Elena Equia Richard Rocha Rockland, Gloria 11-4-1931 F Marion Rockland Roddy, James William 12-31-1931 M Hildegarde Berschinski James R. Roddy Rodgers, Bernie Eugene 12-23-1931 M Lillian Aldora Soope Burleigh Rodgers Rodgers, Billy Don 6-24-1931 M Clara Belle Coplin Willie Walter Rodgers Rodman, Mary Ann 9-25-1931 F May Hires J. T. Rodman Rodrigues, Santo Inf Of 3-20-1931 M Pasquala Delatorre Santo Rodrigues Rodriguez, Abraham Inf Of 4-2-1931 F Inez Villareal Abraham Rodriguez Rodriguez, Armando H. 12-24-1931 M Manuela Hernandez Guillermo Rodriguez Rodriguez, Arnoldo Anastacio 4-15-1931 M Marciana Negrete Eluterio Rodriguez Rodriguez, De Inf Of 1-27-1931 M Fay Barbosa De Rodriguez Rodriguez, Jone Inf Of 12-8-1931 M Jessie Cornelius Jone Rodriguez Rodriguez, Jose 6-29-1931 M Victoria Ogeda Maximilin Rodriguez Rodriguez, Marie Victoria 6-29-1931 F Victoria Ogeda Maximilin Rodriguez Rodriguez, Rosemary 12-26-1931 F Rosemond Hoy Jose Ysauro Rodriguez Rodriguez, Santo Inf Of 3-20-1931 M Pasquala Delatorre Santo Rodriguez Rodriquez, Adem 5-11-1931 M Josephine Rivera Adem Rodriquez Rodriquez, Ben Inf Of 10-17-1931 F Juana Salez Ben Rodriquez Rodriquez, Concepcion 4-16-1931 F Inez Rodriquez Rodriquez, Minerva 11-8-1931 F Mirian Bisneb Thomas Rodriquez Rodriquez, Rosa 4-9-1931 F Amelia Sanchez Seferino Rodriquez Roehr, Sarah Joan 12-30-1931 F Edith Grace Mcilroy Paul Roehr Rogers, Charles Franklin 3-5-1931 M Johnnie Mae Bickford C. O. Rogers Rogers, Charlotte 12-29-1931 F Patsy Ruth Miller Roy L. Rogers Rogers, I. R. Inf Of 5-4-1931 M Jewell Sloan I. R. Rogers Rogers, Mary Ann 3-26-1931 F Eula Spradlin Canalus Rogers Rogers, Paula Clarice 12-9-1931 F Erma Estilene Owens Paul Gibson Rogers Rogers, Polly Jack 9-12-1931 F Opal Fae Shipley Willie Hugh Rogers Roland, Byrl Jean 10-14-1931 F Patra Pearl Milam George B. Roland Roland, Gloria Ann 12-19-1931 F Erna Anna Oliver Elmer Roland Roland, Jack T. Inf Of 10-2-1931 M Marie Wasoff Jack T. Roland Rollins, Mary Ruth 3-1-1931 F Exie Opal Averitt George Edgar Rollins Rollison, Betty Joyce 4-5-1931 F Mary Nell Rollison Howard R. Rollison Rollwage, Dorothy Helen 7-21-1931 F Thelma Wagnon Oliver Charles Rollwage Romero, Lupe Inf Of 3-13-1931 F Consuelo Duran Lupe Romero Roose, Martha Heloise 6-23-1931 F Earnest Gumm Brian Harcourt Roose Roots, Ola Juanita 12-7-1931 F Ola Harkey J. M. Roots Jr Roquemore, Dallas 6-10-1931 M Flossie Kendall Dubert Jesse Roquemore Roquemore, Lena Inf Of 9-4-1931 F Lena Roquemore Rosa, Dolores 2-24-1931 F Consepsion Torres Guadalupe Rosa Rosales, Andreas 2-4-1931 M Manuela Rosales Aurelia Rosales Rosales, Henrietta 8-24-1931 F Rosa Cantu Manuel Rosales Rosales, Herlinda 11-14-1931 F Otila Sanchez Enrique Rosales Rosales, Simon Inf Of 5-4-1931 M Maria Gutierrez Simon Rosales Rose, Arthur William Jr. 12-29-1931 M Rosalie Fischl Arthur William Rose Rose, Dorris Mae 9-5-1931 F Laura Bell Daniells Pressie Rose Rose, Fredrick 8-29-1931 M Maebelee Comer E C Rose Rose, James A. 5-11-1931 M Ethel Mae Rose Rose, Maurice 2-14-1931 M Hannah Galdgar Harry Rose Rose, Sidney 3-18-1931 M Mary Revitt David Rose Roseburg, John Inf Of 4-10-1931 M Annie Brown John Roseburg Rosenfield, Peter Adam 6-19-1931 M Claire Henrietta Burger Max John Rosenfield Jr. Rosenstock, Marvin 7-27-1931 M Juanita Maxwell Harry B. Rosenstock Rosmussen, Pete Inf Of 6-28-1931 F Mildred Black Pete Rosmussen Ross, Graham Craig 2-18-1931 M Grace Craig Joseph Reeves Ross Ross, James Weldon 2-24-1931 M Gladys Addis Ray Virgil Francis Ross Ross, Joseph Kenneth 8-23-1931 M Mary Dempsey Wilsie Arvel Ross Ross, Lollie Anne 6-23-1931 F Eulala Vera Hilley Claude Brown Ross Ross, Mary Jo 5-6-1931 F Florence Hathaway William M. Ross Ross, Norman Allen 1-20-1931 M Ruby Marcellite Braddy Aubrey Allen Ross Ross, William Lee Inf Of 5-6-1931 M Frances Ann Hurley William Lee Ross Rosser, Sterling Boyd Inf Of 11-14-1931 M Dreeben Octavine Pyron Sterling Boyd Rosser Rosson, Annie Vivian 11-27-1931 F Annie Cordella Swinford John Thomas Rosson Rothbone, John Zella Inf Of 1-21-1931 F Fay Madeline Schmitz John Zella Rothbone Rothfus, Martha Jean 1-8-1931 F Annie Poynter John Rothfus Rotunno, Ferdinando Anthony 7-15-1931 M Mary Shillaci Mario Rotunno Routt, Barbara Joyce 1-25-1931 F Velma Vernon J. O. Routt Rowan, Martha Louise 1-19-1931 F Aris Burneo R. R. Rowan Rowan, William Albert 12-15-1931 M Merle Miller C. L. Rowan Rowe, Audrey Ann 8-31-1931 F Norma B. Fitch Edgar C. Rowe Rowe, Elizabeth Margaret 11-7-1931 F Wilma May Mclean Herbert G. Rowe Rowe, Nancy Irene 8-21-1931 F Ollie Irene Freeman Gladstone Mclendon Rowe Rowell, Maureen Marilyn 10-22-1931 F Francis Louise Grambling William Torrdans Rowell Rowland, Patricia Ann 11-29-1931 F Ruby Patricia Kilpatrick John William Rowland Jr. Rowlison, Charles Dennis 4-16-1931 M Maggie Shepherd C. D. Rowlison Roy, Wilfred F. Inf Of 1-2-1931 M Mamie White Wilfred F. Roy Royal, Edith Joyce 4-18-1931 F Willie Fay Epps John I. Royal Royal, Linola 2-11-1931 F Ova Lee Royal Royce, Willie Pearl 9-23-1931 F Seleta Garret Pink Boyce Rub, Norma Marie 9-14-1931 F Thelma Olivia Burge Charles L. Rub Rubalcado, Lilia 2-28-1931 F Maria Cordova Juan Rubalcado Rubio, Jose 10-6-1931 M Maria Rodriguez Augustin Rubio Rublee, Lula 1-3-1931 F Lula Wheat W. A. Rublee Rude, Marilyn 11-3-1931 F Helen Wolfe Max Rude Ruis, Ines 1-20-1931 F Susana Villarreal David Ruis Ruiz, Ricardo Eustasio 3-29-1931 M Antonia Lara Philip C. Ruiz Rush, Bettie Joe 1-3-1931 F Lucille Shaw Stewart Rush Rush, Ra Metta 4-22-1931 F Vera Fulbright Ray Rush Rushing, Lanora 7-27-1931 F Maggie Lee Neville David Hudson Rushing Russ, Minnett Ray 10-9-1931 F Sylvia Golden Morris Russ Russell, Barbara Joan 10-20-1931 F Thelma Inez Tresenriter Isaac James Lafayette Russell Russell, Guy Milton 10-12-1931 M Ina May Majors Thomas Guy Russell Russell, Joan 3-24-1931 F Mildred Kate Rogers Samuel Lloyd Russell Russell, John Tully 2-5-1931 M Martha Mcnatt John Scott Russell Russell, Nancy Leone 10-25-1931 F Lula Leone Turner Hernando Mason Russell Russell, Norman Dyke Inf Of 3-25-1931 M Cora Belle Stark Norman Dyke Russell Russell, Paul R. Jr. 5-7-1931 M Christine A. Patton Paul R. Russell Russell, Richard Robert 11-19-1931 M Mattie Bennie Russell William Byron Russell Russell, Robert Max 8-7-1931 M Alma Martizeck M T Russell Russell, Sarah Margaret 10-29-1931 F Florence Adell Douglas John William Russell Ruth, Juanita Frances 3-15-1931 F Agnes Juanita Rul Hunter Stevie Francis Ruth Rutherborg, Mary Elizabeth 9-19-1931 F Constance Fraser Magnus Peter Rutherborg Rutherford, Walter Alan 11-9-1931 M Anna Louise Allen Ewell Ronald Rutherford Rux, John Francis Jr. 2-2-1931 M Vivian Marshall John Francis Rux Ruyle, Betty Jean 7-18-1931 F Dorothy Reeder Eddie Lee Ruyle Rye, Virginia Ann 12-17-1931 F Lois Nell Scudder Lester Morgan Rye Ryer, John Ray 8-31-1931 M Augusta Sylvania Kolaczkowski Richard Robert Ryer Sabedra, Delia 8-11-1931 F Euca Mesa Maxemina Sabedra Salanace, Ramona 3-29-1931 F Julia Charis Augestine Salanace Saling, Robert Lee Inf Of 7-20-1931 M Jenette Green Robert Lee Saling Salizar, Manuel Inf Of 10-27-1931 M Marie Villareal Manuel Salizar Samanago, John 11-10-1931 M Cruz Martinez Fernando Samanago Samaniego, Ledia 6-7-1931 F Loretia Megia Andres Samaniego Samples, Evalina Bell 6-28-1931 F Viola Nelson John Samples Samudio, Frank 4-16-1931 M Manuela Vasquez Paul Samudio Samudio, Lasoro Jr 11-24-1931 M Dolores Gomez Lasaro Samudio Sanches, Agabito Inf Of 7-24-1931 M Ester Cruz Agabito Sanches Sanches, Victoria 3-6-1931 F Juanita Gonzales Louis Sanches Sanchez, Beatrice 1-13-1931 F Dolores Garza Francisca Sanchez Sanchez, Juan 6-25-1931 M Manuelle Gutierrez Bonifacius Sanchez Sanchez, Julia 7-30-1931 F Carmen Martinez Samuel Sanches Sanders, Billie Ray 1-15-1931 M Ethel Sanders Sanders, David Leonard 6-19-1931 M Inez Wiggins L G Sanders Sanders, Frances Helen 10-11-1931 F Frances Irene Treece Jenevia Cullen Sanders Sanders, Inez Inf Of 3-11-1931 F Inez Sanders Sanders, John Carroll 4-10-1931 M Donna Russell Johnnie Sanders Sanders, Richard Jackson 6-8-1931 M Mary Evalin Meggo R J Sanders Sanders, Tildon Leon 8-13-1931 M Haley Allen Hoover Jefferson Sanders Sanders, Wesley Smith Jr 2-24-1931 M Louna Douglas Wesley Smith Sanders Sandlin, Roy Edward Jr. 2-17-1931 M Ruth Montgomery Roy Edward Sandlin Sanford, Gloria Alden 10-7-1931 F Mabel Painter John Alden Sanford Sansom, Guy F Inf Of 10-10-1931 M Eva Deniza Addington Guy F Sansom Sansom, Jacqulin 7-15-1931 F Jessie Mae Laurie S. J. Sansom Sansom, Mildred Anne 10-10-1931 F Eva Deniza Addington Guy F. Sansom Santerre, Gus Leo 9-18-1931 M Hazel Vivian Jones Mc Leo Santerre Sargent, Marvin Ray 1-19-1931 M Grace Moreland Earl H. Sargent Sartin, William John 9-3-1931 M Winnifred Brown William John Sartin Sasser, Loyd Lee 8-12-1931 M Dessie Ponder Loyd L. Sasser Satchell, Mildred Ann 1-26-1931 F Mary Conner Laurence Satchell Satterwhite, Marshall L. Inf Of 10-6-1931 F Mable Lee Renwick Marshall L. Satterwhite Satterwhite, Sherman Mon Inf Of 8-16-1931 M Ora Leee Copeland Sherman Montel Satterwhite Sattler, Walter Emeral Inf Of 5-22-1931 M Nora Dorthy Schulze Walter Emeral Sattler Saucedo, Humberto 10-12-1931 M Dora Moreno Louis Saucedo Saucier, Jene Dwane 9-25-1931 M Myrtle West A. L. Saucier Saucier, William Jack 1-21-1931 M Nellie Nichols Jack Saucier Sauls, Don Eugene 8-15-1931 M Maurice Baugh Armin Sauls Savage, James David 1-27-1931 M Bertha Ida Wright Joseph Roy Savage Saverance, Joan 7-11-1931 F Lavoe Johns William Franklin Saverance Sawyer, Doris Marie 1-13-1931 F Dorthy Reeves Osie L. Sawyer Sawyer, Thomas Jerald 1-8-1931 M Willie Frances Erickson George Almon Sawyer Scaling, Charles W. Inf Of 10-23-1931 M Martha Mae Arnold Charles W. Scaling Scanlan, Karl Borromaus 2-8-1931 M Helene Miller Cornelius Scanlan Scenters, Dorothy Mae 2-13-1931 F Gracie Medearis Willie Claude Scenters Schaellkopp, J. Fred Jr. Inf Of 9-29-1931 M Anne Tenison Craddock J. Fred Schaellkopp Jr. Schaerdel, Billy David 3-13-1931 M Faye Mccallon John Henry Schaerdel Schafer, Agnes Dolores 5-7-1931 F Lillian Vivian Smith Charles Sebastian Schafer Schafer, Dorothy Elizabeth 4-23-1931 F Alma Turner Edwin S. Schafer Schafer, Opal Anna 5-7-1931 F Lillian Vivian Smith Charles Sebastian Schafer Schafer, Patricia Eleanor 8-10-1931 F Eva Littman Fritz William Schafer Schell, Richard Bernard 3-11-1931 M Cora Lee Boyd Frank Mathias Schell Schenk, Johanna Louise 3-5-1931 F Emilie Kesslaw Otto W. Schenk Schepps, Abraham Gursyn Inf Of 1-16-1931 M Libbie Friedman Abraham Gursyn Schepps Schepps, Doris Ina 3-5-1931 F Emma Greenberg Louis Schepps Scherzer, William Oliver Inf Of 4-26-1931 M Mary Neetie Wilkerson William Oliver Scherzer Schindler, Charles Joseph 2-20-1931 M Winnie Barlow Charles Schindler Schindoff, Paul 12-1-1931 M Allie May Scarbrough George Ernest Schindoff Schmidt, Duglas Marvin Ray 2-27-1931 M Carrie Lee Bray F. C. Schmidt Schmidt, Julia Murlene Fay 2-27-1931 F Carrie Lee Bray F. C. Schmidt Schneider, Evelyn June 2-7-1931 F Ethge Glenn Slagle Alfred Charles Schneider Schnelle, John B. 3-20-1931 M Elizabeth B. Jessick Will J. Schnelle Scholl, Edith Helen 10-1-1931 F Lela Sutton John M. Scholl Schoonover, Carl John 1-15-1931 M Ella May Morrison Robert Schoonover Schrauwn, George Allen 9-4-1931 M Emma Stahuke H C Schrauwn Schreiner, Max Pettit 10-11-1931 M Marie Pettit Sam Johnathan Schreiner Schroeder, Warrenn Winston 5-27-1931 M Billie Merle Howard Frank Henry Schroeder Schulenburg, Lorraine 2-13-1931 F Marie Mccain Herman Schulenburg Schultz, August Fredrick 8-11-1931 M Ruby Lee Sweeney William Otto Schultz Schultze, Ernestine Laverne 6-11-1931 F Gertrude Helen Klempin Ernest Walter Schultze Schwanbeck, Robert Ray 2-13-1931 M Victoria Adem Charles F. Schwanbeck Schwarz, Robert Arthur 9-8-1931 M Nina Mae Thornhill Richard Joseph Schwarz Schweinefus, Betty Joyce 9-27-1931 F Elsie Claire Boberg Arnold Elmer Schweinefus Scirrott, James Edwin 7-20-1931 M Mattie King James C. Scirrott Scoggin, Patricia Adeline 8-13-1931 F Mamie Morris Scott James L. Scoggin Scogins, Nead Willie 12-8-1931 M Lydie Bell Scogins Scollard, Grigsby 5-21-1931 M Roma D. Grigsby T Walter Scollard Scott, Betty Joyce 9-19-1931 F Frances Elizabeth Kilpatrick George Washington Scott Scott, Billie Raye 7-1-1931 M Ermine Beatrice Mimms William Alexanda Scott Scott, Clotiel 7-13-1931 F Elrena Scott Scott, George Walter Jr. 3-12-1931 M Violet Pearl Smallwood George Walter Scott Scott, James Inf Of 12-28-1931 M Mae Morrison James Scott Scott, Jere Mac 5-28-1931 M Mamie Mcclary J. E. Scott Scott, Jessie Janette 12-15-1931 F Jessie Gumm Leo Scott Scott, John Michael 3-9-1931 M Elizabeth Ward Oswald Virgil Scott Scott, Patricia Ann 5-31-1931 F Kathleen Mary Oconnell William Winfield Scott Scott, Richard Bonner 8-20-1931 M Allie Bonner Clay C. Scott Scott, Rosie May 2-1-1931 F Ruby May Bishop Omer Kim Scott Scott, Valentino John Houston 2-14-1931 M Minnie Pearl Waldrap James Alexander Scott Scott, William N. Inf Of 5-7-1931 M Eadie Bellows William N. Scott Scott, Willie D. 3-7-1931 M Daisey Mcwilliams Edward Scott Scott, Zeffa Mae 4-3-1931 F May Catherine Allen Zeffie Scott Scribner, Mildred Edwina 7-30-1931 F Willie Florence Six Marvin F Scribner Scurlock, Harry Gilson 4-22-1931 M Mary Gilson Olin Wellborn Scurlock Scurlock, James Marvin 7-1-1931 M Gladys Holliday Frank J. Scurlock Scurlock, Jan 6-12-1931 F Gladys Holliday Franklin James Scurlock Seabolt, Doris Vanette 10-30-1931 F Lula Moore Henry Day Seabolt Seale, Daniel Riley 12-29-1931 M Bennie Lee Cook Roy Olen Seale Seale, Dorothy Ann 7-8-1931 F Sarah Williams Howard Orin Seale Sealey, Alford Elmer Jr. 4-23-1931 M Helen Marie Hilton Alford Elmer Sealey Searle, Betty Jo 8-16-1931 F Nadine Margaret Parrling James S Searle Sears, Rene Doyle 3-30-1931 M Lucile Faye Collis R J Sears Sears, Wylie Fred Jr. 8-20-1931 M Mary Erma Collier Wylie Fred Sears Seeker, Harold Walz 11-2-1931 M Emma March Zimmerman Harry Gottlieb Seeker Seeley, Richard Earl 12-8-1931 M Hattie Mae Ledlow L. E. Seeley Seely, Jimmie Nell 1-9-1931 F Nell Francis Young Elmo James Seely Segovia, Felix Jr. 11-14-1931 M Elizabeth Estobedo Felix F. Segovia Seiber, Anna Marie 10-5-1931 F Mabel Mcclure Clifford Seiber Seitzler, Ernestine 7-23-1931 F Eva Fay Sargent Ernest Lee Seitzler Self, Elmo Bender 1-29-1931 M Ella Lynette Walters Elmo Self Sellman, Nancy Claire 10-13-1931 F Mary Ellen Walker John Howard Sellman Selman, Perry Lee Inf Of 2-9-1931 M Colistia Bell Slayton Perry Lee Selman Senn, Edward Orren Inf Of 4-1-1931 M Annie Gertrude Shipp Edward Orren Senn Seward, Merritt Elmer Inf Of 2-16-1931 M Mary Marie Moriarty Merritt Elmer Seward Sewell, Mildred Louise 12-18-1931 F Sarah E West J. C. Sewell Sewell, Wanda Joan 4-6-1931 F Isabel Nolon R. F. Sewell Sexton, Hirschel Albertus Jr. 6-3-1931 M Angie Lue Mcfarland Hirschel Albertus Sexton Shackelford, Ralph Jr 10-29-1931 M Annie Barnett W. A. Shackelford Shaddox, Robert Julius 4-16-1931 M Jimmy Gibson Julius James Shaddox Shafford, William Scurry 10-9-1931 M Corine Shafford Shamblin, Julia Odel 1-23-1931 F Elnora Reedy J T Shamblin Shanahan, Ralph Leon 8-7-1931 M Lois Jean Medley Manley William Shanahan Shands, Mary Elizabeth 7-7-1931 F Lucy Cory John Richard Shands Shannon, William Orville Inf Of 9-5-1931 M Helen Ruth Parker William Orville Shannon Sharber, Wayne Jamison 2-8-1931 M Bertie Jaggears Reuben P. Sharber Sharp, Billy Lavon 11-26-1931 M Onie Bordner V. E. Sharp Sharrock, Ralph Neal 10-23-1931 M Stella Gladys Starnes **Death File Number Exists** Shavers, J. R. Inf Of 9-13-1931 F Dortha Josephine Smith J. R. Shavers Shaw, John Jr 10-6-1931 M Ophelia Henson John Shaw Shaw, Katty Pearl 6-1-1931 F Mary Lee Shaw Shaw, William Sutherland 1-7-1931 M Marian Spencer Roberts C. W. Shaw Shea, Sara Elizabeth 1-21-1931 F Sara Elizabeth Crofford Joseph Jacob Shea Sheets, Joan Ray 9-20-1931 F Jewell Ray George C. Sheets Sheid, John Willis 8-3-1931 M Mamie Geen ***Stillborn*** Sheldon, Hazel Laverne 10-16-1931 F Hazel Tanner Edward Laverne Sheldon Shelton, Carrie Sue 11-18-1931 F Earnestine Mc Elroy Odell Shelton Shelton, Ella Sue 2-5-1931 F Ila Mae Swaitwood Grady Jerome Shelton Shelton, Harold Clark 12-20-1931 M Reba Wright Henry Jones Shelton Shelton, John Elmer 6-11-1931 M Annie Bell Bivins Elmer Haywood Shelton Shelton, M. A. Inf Of 2-8-1931 M Jessie Lee Snyder M. A. Shelton Shephard, Lonzo 10-22-1931 M Estellas Williams Roy Shephard Shepherd, Henry 2-21-1931 M Verginia Opal Hutcheson Robert Henry Eli Shepherd Shepherd, James Jeffries 3-3-1931 M Nettie Shelton James Jeffries Shepherd Sheppard, Gladis 4-8-1931 F Winnie Ora Williamson Thomas Sheppard Sherman, Ronald Maurice 7-7-1931 M Allie Mae Bourland John Cecil Sherman Sherrin, Daniel Robert 4-23-1931 M Dorthy Allen Burruss Fredrick Wryon Sherrin Shewbirt, Betty Jean 2-14-1931 F Estelle Blurton Johnie Shewbirt Shewbirt, Ruby Helen 9-25-1931 F Odessa Robinson William Evans Shewbirt Shields, Edward 10-30-1931 M Dora Morgan Lennie Shields Shindoll, Ervena Mae 10-27-1931 F Bertha Eichenburger Louis Warren Shindoll Ship, Tom Inf Of 6-14-1931 M Nellie Norton Tom Ship Shipley, Tony Marvin 4-22-1931 M Maudie Crow Howard Marvin Shipley Shipman, David Leon 4-18-1931 M Bessie Margaret King Herbert Lyle Shipman Shipp, Doyle Kenneth 10-21-1931 M Mae Elizabeth Hines Jessie James Shipp Shipp, Edith Laverne 1-17-1931 F Lilly Mae Faught Ira Benton Shipp Shirley, Ralph William 7-23-1931 M Vesta Fay Warren A. V. Shirley Shirrell, Fred Thomas Inf Of 9-18-1931 M Grace Helen Sarber Fred Thomas Shirrell Shirta, Shige Hicko 12-26-1931 M Shidzuko Itami Shige Aton Shirta Shockley, Billie Ruth 1-11-1931 F Louise Crosby Cleo Shockley Shoddox, John Riley Jr. 2-3-1931 M Nannie Pearl White John Riley Shoddox Shoemaker, Leroy Jr. 9-24-1931 M Frankye Lodyne Moore Leroy Shoemaker Shofer, Edward Robert 5-12-1931 M Lillie Mae Story Robert Shofer Short, Clifford Thomas 9-30-1931 M Pearl Elizabeth Moore Neadham Jonathan Short Short, Millard Donald 3-2-1931 M Martha Juanita Christensen Millard Clemont Short Shortnacy, Freddie Eugine 11-4-1931 M Marie Ganges A. L. Shortnacy Shults, Grady Jr. 11-27-1931 M Iola Jane Reynolds Grady Shults Shultz, Sylvia 7-24-1931 F Will Nelle Norman Frank Mallicotte Shultz Shumate, Patsy Jean 2-3-1931 F Madelene Lane James C Shumate Shurley, Jack Ray 5-12-1931 M Petas Elizabeth Shurley Shutter, William Donald 11-12-1931 M Nina Brundage H. L. Shutter Shwarts, Malcolm Charles 5-6-1931 M Lena Elizabeth Utay Aaron Harold Shwarts Sibley, Patricia Ann 6-21-1931 F Gladys Mealer William David Sibley Siddons, Albert Edward Inf Of 4-16-1931 M Lavada Gaither Albert Edward Siddons Sides, Hermon Ray 7-14-1931 M Jolla Mcalister Benjam H Sides Sidle, Randolph 8-29-1931 M Juanita Maridan James Sidle Sierk, Carroll Henry 5-3-1931 M Florence Clyde Chalk Herbert Sierk Sifuentes, Felix Inf Of 2-22-1931 M Benita Mendez Felix Sifuentes Sigler, Emory Alvin Jr 11-29-1931 M Mary Pearl Blaine Emory Alvin Sigler Sigler, George Paul 3-9-1931 M Edith Westlake Albert Sigler Sikes, Clinton Thomas 5-23-1931 M Carrah Belle Farrell Irving Thomas Sikes Silverburg, Mattie Lee 9-22-1931 F Lillie Mae Harris J. C. Silverburg Simmons, Alivia 3-17-1931 F Gertrude Taylor James Simmons Simmons, Betty Joan 10-22-1931 F Bertie Brewer W Henry Simmons Simmons, Charles Vincent 2-1-1931 M Jonnie Pauline Taylor Garlous Grady Simmons Simmons, Georgia Joan 10-23-1931 F Velma Mae Flynn Willie Clyde Simmons Simmons, Homer Rex 12-8-1931 M Tommie Hall William Doyle Simmons Simmons, Melvin 12-11-1931 M Christine Yarbrough Lemuel Simmons Simmons, Nancy Jane 1-26-1931 F Virginia Belle Blakely Heywood Gaston Simmons Simmons, Robert George 6-22-1931 M Karl Allye Lightfoot J. C. Simmons Simms, Dorothy Marie 9-4-1931 F Myrtle Drakes Henry Simms Simms, Maxine Juanita 11-8-1931 F Mattie Pipkins Wade Simms Simonds, Robert Hugh 11-8-1931 M Lona Cobb E R Simonds Simonds, William Thomas 10-24-1931 M Willie Mae Westbrook William Theodor Simonds Simons, Freddie Martin 11-13-1931 M Ada Greene C. D. Simons Simons, J. L. 2-5-1931 M Pearl Willie Bell Johnnie Lee Simons Simons, Robert Lee 9-26-1931 M Mattie Francis Turner J. G. Simons Simpson, Hall Baker Inf Of 8-24-1931 M Mildred Hendrix Hall Baker Simpson Simpson, Thomas Joel 1-15-1931 M Tinnie Garner Jack Marshall Simpson Simpson, Virginia Claire 5-7-1931 F Jewel Hoffman Walter Beneaux Simpson Simpson, William Clark 2-5-1931 M Lillian Gladys Gultone Augustus Irian Simpson Sims, Betty Jean 4-8-1931 F Emma Rhodes William Sims Sims, Bobby Leon 10-30-1931 M Lucy E. Garner Roy Sims Sims, Fred 11-24-1931 M Marie Driver Will Sims Sims, Harry Thomas 4-16-1931 M Anna Mae Seubaling Harry Thomas Sims Sims, James Maurice 5-18-1931 M Lura Murrell Herman Maurice Sims Sims, Susie Lee 11-9-1931 F Marie Clark Luton Sims Sims, W. C. 8-20-1931 M Willie Sims Sinatra, Mary Ann 11-9-1931 F Pauline Depuma Tony Sinatra Sinches, J. Oneals 3-3-1931 M Mary Griffin Joe Sinches Singleton, Anita Lois 9-26-1931 F Ethel Puckett W. M. Singleton Singleton, Margaret Ann 5-27-1931 F Lucile Veazer Russell Adam Singleton Sipert, Willie Inf Of 9-7-1931 M Nanie Mae West Willie Sipert Sitton, Edna Mae 10-10-1931 F Ruby Francis English Archie Sitton Sive, Alfred 6-26-1931 M Hattie Sive Skaines, James Marion 7-10-1931 M Ethel Bardie Crawford James Aaron Skaines Skannil, Alfred L. Jr. 5-26-1931 M Geneva Sterling Alfred L. Skannil Skidmore, Robert Isaiah 11-3-1931 M Mary Loraine Ross Gaylon S. Skidmore Skinner, Harry Owen 1-6-1931 M Eunice M. Moore Wade O. Skinner Skinner, Jacqueline Claire 3-28-1931 F Hazel Bell Mickey John William Skinner Skinner, Sadie Lavone 11-15-1931 F Audry Fuguate James S. Skinner Skipwith, Jerry Poyntz 2-5-1931 M Jerry D. Carver Oscar E. Skipwith Skorepa, Frank E. 12-11-1931 M Myrtie Martin Frank Skorepa Slack, Jim Marshall 3-11-1931 M Ethele Hubbard Bob A. Slack Slakey, Larry Lee 11-9-1931 M Eloise Mc Knight Barney L. Slakey Slater, Denys Russell Jr. 8-17-1931 M Myra Rodes Denys Russell Slater Slater, Marialice 8-6-1931 F Alla Bee Lawler Percy Turner Slater Slawson, Albert Leo 5-27-1931 M Annie Mae Fairchild Henry Slawson Jr. Slawson, Joan Adelle 11-6-1931 F Bernice Adelle Stewart George Willard Slawson Slay, John Daniel 11-5-1931 M Esther Ophelia Henderson Frank Conley Slay Slaymaker, Sally Sue 10-21-1931 F Frances Erma Dawson Robert Ridgley Slaymaker Slayton, Ethel Marie 9-2-1931 F Louise Bond Jack Slayton Slider, Ophelia 6-8-1931 F Ophelia Walker Allie Slider Sloan, Gus Jr. 2-3-1931 M Augusta Daniels Gus Sloan Sloan, Joanne 11-19-1931 F Margaret Elizabeth Brunit Elmer Cline Sloan Slocum, Joanne Elizabeth 3-11-1931 F Nora Mae Acklin Joseph Hoyt Slocum Slocum, Norma Jeaneen 7-27-1931 F Maudie Jewell Wright John Henry Slocum Slovacek, Helen Hermina 3-24-1931 F Albina Janosec Jerry Slovacek Small, Robert James 9-10-1931 M Gertrude Thompson James Small Smalley, Yenema Jean 6-16-1931 F Hazel Reynolds Charles Ray Smalley Smiley, Dolores Ann 7-29-1931 F Ida Kathleen Wallace Frank Andrew Smiley Smith, ,Mary Elizabeth 12-1-1931 F Mary Elizabeth Maloney Eugene Pitt Smith Smith, Albert James 10-7-1931 M Mabel Smith Smith, Albert Lee 8-24-1931 M Vera Florence Dunn James Luin Smith Smith, Anita Evon 8-15-1931 F Era Bernice Dry Edward Lewis Smith Smith, Ben Stanley 1-19-1931 M Nettie Lee Jenkins George Edgar Smith Smith, Benjamin Mccommas Inf Of 10-14-1931 M Alice Taylor Benjamin Mccommas Smith Smith, Bert Dallas Inf Of 10-24-1931 M Beula Inez Brecheen Bert Dallas Smith Smith, Bettie Jearld 3-20-1931 F Altie Leona Neuroth Henry Edward Smith Smith, Betty Louise 5-1-1931 F Mary Lurline Dohoney Noble Aaron Smith Smith, Betty Ray 3-8-1931 F Gladys Brooks M. R. Smith Smith, Betty Sue 2-1-1931 F Sadie Harris Oscar B. Smith Smith, Billie Jean 8-1-1931 F Minerva Dora Sudderth Bill T Smith Smith, Billie Jean Justice 9-26-1931 M Alma Smith Smith, Billy Joyce 1-26-1931 F Inez Semanda Smith Fred F. Wadner Smith, Billy Ray 7-4-1931 M Lucile Ashley Jolly Odd Smith Smith, Billy William 10-2-1931 M Virlen Cecil Massey Joseph Cullen Smith Smith, Boneta Dawne 2-11-1931 F Nora Hand Robert L Smith Smith, C. Drumright Inf Of 11-14-1931 M Lena Chidester C. Drumright Smith Smith, Cecil Edward 5-13-1931 M Nancy Viola Davis Edward Smith Smith, Charlyne 4-6-1931 F Winnie V. Davis Charles E. Smith Smith, Cicero Inf Of 9-21-1931 M Pearl Land Smalley Cicero Smith Smith, Clarence Lee 7-23-1931 M Kathrene Beatrice Dandridge Edgar Thornton Smith Smith, Don Wesley 11-1-1931 M Anna Blanche Jenkins Claude Alexander Smith Smith, Donald Oland 3-15-1931 M Viola Mae Reed Chesley Winfred Smith Smith, Dorothy Ann 1-16-1931 F Ellen Edna Wimberly William Houston Smith Smith, Dorothy Jean 4-27-1931 F Lillie Belle Mayes Charles Eldon Smith Smith, Dorothy Mae 10-5-1931 F Mamie Marie Bell Melba Lee Smith Smith, Earl William Inf Of 9-8-1931 F Gracie Evelyn Parrott Earl William Smith Smith, Edna Mae 11-27-1931 F Lillian Callicoatte Clyde Smith Smith, Elizabeth Lucile 1-30-1931 F Elizabeth Lucile Smith Richard Mays Smith Smith, Ernest Taylor 4-17-1931 M Albert Conner Thad Smith Smith, Ester Ruth 12-2-1931 F Lillian Hawkins Rudolph Smith Smith, Ethel Fay 12-30-1931 F Emma Mae Walden William Horace Smith Smith, Eva Amelia 6-23-1931 F Willie Ange Taylor Woody Smith Smith, Evelyn Louise 3-31-1931 F Alma Varnell Griffin Hendrix Arnold Smith Smith, Fay Lanelle 8-10-1931 F Nettie Ellen Brackenridge Darrell E. Smith Smith, Foster Jr. 1-4-1931 M Lurenia Turner Foster Smith Smith, Freddie Mae 11-15-1931 F Keziah Coker Travis Turner Smith Smith, Garland Earl 3-13-1931 M Helen Madge Cole Garland Cecil Smith Smith, George Allen 6-24-1931 M Delma Montrue Phillips Lester Milton Smith Smith, Gerald David 2-27-1931 M Mollie Peterson Oscar Percy Smith Smith, Gwendolyne 3-18-1931 F Eula Mae King James E. Smith Smith, Henslee Stover 12-3-1931 M Alice Olivia Schmucker E. Vance Smith Smith, Herman H. Inf Of 9-27-1931 F Mattie E. Enson Herman H. Smith Smith, Horace Darlison 4-11-1931 M Marie Darlison Horace G. Smith Smith, Irene Aneta 12-16-1931 F Irene Aneta Morgan Louis Leon Smith Smith, J C Inf Of 3-2-1931 F Elvia Mcdonald J C Smith Smith, J F Inf Of 12-4-1931 F Charlie Thorn J F Smith Smith, Jack Lewis 12-20-1931 M Louise Smith Smith, James A 1-26-1931 M Fay Proctor W. H. Smith Smith, James Russell 10-11-1931 M Claudia Barrett R. A. Smith Smith, Jerry Mack 7-2-1931 M Mary Lou Christensen George Smith Smith, Jessie Inf Of 9-10-1931 F Ida Taylor Jessie Smith Smith, Johie William 3-13-1931 M Vada Louise Key John Willie Smith Smith, John Edward 2-2-1931 M Leta Mae Hamilton John Samuel Smith Smith, John Lawrence 3-6-1931 M Mildred Arneson Richard Haley Smith Smith, John Monroe Jr. 8-12-1931 M Lillian Emma Winn John Monroe Smith Smith, John Osvil Inf Of 10-20-1931 M Mattie Lou Barron John Osvil Smith Smith, Joseph Noel 5-5-1931 M Irene Noel Eddie Smith Smith, Katherine Caroline 9-9-1931 F Daisy Lee Taylor Cecil Byron Smith Smith, Kathryn 3-2-1931 F Margaret Coke Howard John Allen Higgins Smith Smith, Kathyn Fayritt 2-7-1931 F Kathyn Brown Charles Edward Smith Smith, Lee 8-27-1931 M Martha Dillard J. H. Smith Smith, Leroy Jr. 3-7-1931 M Brooksie James Leroy Smith Smith, Lou Ann 12-4-1931 F Charlie Thorn J. F. Smith Smith, Margaret Yvonne 9-14-1931 F Edna Cecil Wright Roy Alviene Smith Smith, Mary Jane 7-23-1931 F Lula Rose Cantrell Emmett Harvey Smith Smith, Melvin Eugene 12-15-1931 M Minnie Ourings Melvin Lee Smith Smith, Milton Riley 11-29-1931 M Madrus Delene Sturgeon Milton Leon Smith Smith, Monroe 10-28-1931 M Louella Johnson Frank Smith Smith, Nathanuel 12-23-1931 M Birdie Mosly Milton Smith Smith, Norma Ruth 4-27-1931 F Lucile Grace Tom Smith Smith, Ogden 8-9-1931 M Francis Russel Jake Smith Smith, Patricia Ann 1-3-1931 F Lillie Simmons Kenneth F Smith Smith, Pauline Joy 12-10-1931 F Maedelle Johnson Robert Radford Smith Smith, Peggy Jean 6-19-1931 F Inez Thredgill Floyd M. Smith Smith, Peggy Yvonne 3-16-1931 F Ardath Regina Stevenson Cyrus Edgar Smith Smith, Phena Elizabeth 1-10-1931 F Velma Jane Foster Henry Smith Smith, Richard Carroll 6-3-1931 M Floy Iola Lewis J. Carroll Smith Smith, Richard Mcdonald 5-22-1931 M Marie Dobbins William Weston Smith Smith, Ruby Inf Of 10-7-1931 F Ruby Smith Smith, Rudolph 3-9-1931 M Rosa Grice Will Smith Smith, Russell Dexter 12-4-1931 M Nelbert Cupers Ernest Tommie Smith Smith, Russell Edgar Jr. 12-20-1931 M Durrell Francis Russell E. Smith Smith, Sallie Berl Inf Of 2-7-1931 M Callie Zelna Page Sallie Berl Smith Smith, Samuel Earl 5-16-1931 M Kathy Jackson Earl Smith Smith, William Claude Inf Of 5-5-1931 M Mamie Ethel Mcdade William Claude Smith Smith, William Lafayette 10-5-1931 M Etta Mae Jenkins W. D. Smith Smith, William Weston Jr. 5-22-1931 M Marie Dobbins William Weston Smith Smotherman, Leonard Inf Of 12-18-1931 F Thelma Cunningham Leonard Smotherman Smotherman, T Haskell Inf Of 12-27-1931 M May Jeannette Woodward T Haskell Smotherman Snead, Mary Lou 12-26-1931 F Annie Louise De Steigner Edwin Brazelton Snead Sneed, Leon 1-27-1931 M Odessa Carroll Mckindley Sneed Snodgrass, Carl Dewitt 8-25-1931 M Winiford Aileen Weeks Dundee Winfield Snodgrass Snow, David George 9-27-1931 M Johnnie Lucille Brown Floyd Wilmer Snow Snow, Shirley Gene 5-4-1931 F Ethel Ganell Bray James Napoleon Snow Snowden, Maria Jo. Ann 5-8-1931 F Lillian Marie Sanders William L. Snowden Sole, Richard Hugh 10-12-1931 M Ethel Clark Reuben W. Sole Solis, Oscar 10-28-1931 M Beatriz Mejia Leon Solis Somer, Shirley Mae 8-31-1931 F Katie Seltzer Marcus Somer Soontag, Willie Paul 7-12-1931 M Hazel Aline Norris Rogers Cline Soontag Soria, Francisco Perez 2-19-1931 M Aurora Perez Jesus Soria Sorrells, Dee Inf Of 5-12-1931 F Mary Marggret Hughes Dee Sorrells Sorrells, Don Marcus 10-28-1931 M Martha Jackson Clarence Sorrells Sosa, Helen 4-8-1931 F Ygnacia Montes John Sosa Soto, Bennie Jr. 4-13-1931 M Gaudelupe Lerma Bennie Soto Soto, Josephine 10-22-1931 F Josephine Mary Dankel Philip Soto Souder, Maxine Doris 4-28-1931 F Grace Geneva Keith Hiram Curtis Souder Soules, Claudene June 4-2-1931 F Belle Murphy Claude Soules South, Thelma Lorine 10-30-1931 F Blanche Virgiana Townson Charles Franklin South Southall, Willie Junior 7-18-1931 M Agnes Jackson Willie Southall Southerland, Jacqueline 12-6-1931 F Elsie Louise Wolfram Charley Box Southerland Southerland, Naoma 12-31-1931 F Martha Holeman J A Southerland Southerland, Veda Inf Of 10-13-1931 F Veda Southerland Southerland, William Tho Inf Of 8-30-1931 M Bertha Lilly Mcmillan William Thomas Southerland Southworth, Mary Francis 10-6-1931 F Dena Bell Newton William Andrew Southworth Sowell, Norma Ruth 4-9-1931 F Thelma Estelle Priddy Dennie Carlisle Sowell Spain, Elzie Gene 2-12-1931 F Mary Featherston C. R. Spain Spain, Wanda June 9-3-1931 F Clara Dixon Hoyt A Spain Spain, Yvonne Anne 2-15-1931 F Julia Buckner Archie Lee Spain Spangenburger, Nancy 7-21-1931 F Clara Emma Kells Carl Conard Spangenburger Spangler, Gloria Jean 8-2-1931 F Madelle Ray Jacob Maxwell Spangler Spann, Betsy Nell 11-3-1931 F Bessie Barta Frank Spann Sparkman, Billy Morris 5-9-1931 M Winnie Dowdy Lawrence Luke Sparkman Sparkman, Dorothy Lee 11-28-1931 F Jessie Lee Denney Robert Lee Sparkman Sparks, Ella Joe 4-26-1931 F Katie B. Smith Archie Alford Sparks Sparks, Gwyndolyn Maree 9-11-1931 F Evelyn Edwards James Reed Sparks Sparks, Peggy Joy 4-12-1931 F Verna Hardin J W Sparks Spears, Iva Joe [Walter] 8-30-1931 M Tilla Collins Henry Spears Spellacy, Mary Katherine 2-12-1931 F Lura Mary Deshazo Jack Rothchild Spellacy Spence, Bobbie James 11-8-1931 M Opal Frances Foster Horace J Spence Spence, Thomas Cicero Jr. 5-30-1931 M Alma Lorene Hatcher Thomas Cicero Spence Spencer, Barbara Trude 12-7-1931 F Beulah Turner W. T. Spencer Spencer, J. C. Jr. 12-12-1931 M Pauline Hawkins J. C. Spencer Spencer, Peggy Ellen Elizabeth 9-24-1931 F Elizabeth Mcdonald Earl Edgar Spencer Spencer, Willie Lou 10-11-1931 F Lydia Ethney Pittman Jesse G. Spencer Spigel, Carrol Louise 11-12-1931 F Rose Feldman Charles Spigel Spillman, John Milton 2-1-1931 M Manda Allen Joe Shelby Spillman Spivey, Paul Jones 5-17-1931 M Mary Louise Spivey Splawn, James Dural 1-28-1931 M Viola Watkins Charles Alexander Splawn Spornitz, Peggy June 6-18-1931 F Jewell Celine Rone Carl Julius Spornitz Spradley, Jewell Dean 5-7-1931 F Jacquett Momson T D Spradley Springer, Peggy Joyce 5-31-1931 F Mable Ora Boaz Raymond D. Springer Springer, Thomas Weldon 11-18-1931 M Lois Marie Wages Willie Thomas Springer Spruce, Weldon Aubrey 9-11-1931 M Myrtle Iona Diddle Luther Melki Spruce Spruill, Barbara Jean 12-30-1931 F Cleo Marie Hansen Vasol Leon Spruill Spurling, William Gene 6-29-1931 M Tura Whittaker Alonzo Spurling St George, Billy Jean 5-30-1931 F Ida B. Cole Charles St George St John, Rosa Lee 4-20-1931 F Rosie Lee Mcmillan Anderson St John Stacy, Luther Jr. 10-28-1931 M Tiney Bell Clemonts Luther Stacy Stafford, Betty Jean 9-26-1931 F Louise Curtin Earnest Harris Stafford Stafford, Billie Maurice 4-25-1931 M Leavelle Akers Stafford, David Tarlton Jr. 6-5-1931 M Florence Nell Naylor David Tarlton Stafford Stafford, Emerson Edward 5-7-1931 M Alice Rheams Fred Luther Stafford Stafford, John Edward Jr. 11-19-1931 M Edna Francis Green John Edward Stafford Staggs, J. B. Jr. 12-22-1931 M Pearl Staggs Staggs, Thomas Henry Ii 9-3-1931 M Hattie Clara Bubenzer Horace Mitchell Staggs Stahl, Charles Donald 5-26-1931 M Sarah Cohen Isadore Louis Stahl Stallings, James Edwin 6-17-1931 M Dessie Patrick L. A. Stallings Stalter, William Butler 11-19-1931 M Lucille Butler Allen F. Stalter Stammore, Ella Mae 11-10-1931 F Ethel Hight Buck Stammore Stampes, Jack Clarence Jr. 7-26-1931 M Mildred Lee Burke Jack Clarence Stampes Stanberry, Roger Paul 1-16-1931 M Lucille Cheek John M. Stanberry Standberry, Paul Lee 7-24-1931 M Beatrice Nelson Clyde Lewis Standberry Stanford, Donald Dean 1-28-1931 M Annie Mae Chenoweth Otis W. Stanford Stanford, Jimmie Lee 8-16-1931 M Winnie Rollins James William Stanford Stanford, Mary Elizabeth 5-24-1931 F Rosa Lee Eidson Richard H Stanford Stanford, Paul H. Jr. 5-30-1931 M Lula Mae Crawford Paul H. Stanford Stanford, Peggy Yvonne 12-30-1931 F Jewell Vail Travis Stanford Stanford, Retta Belle 2-15-1931 F Sarah Ester Miller Gordon Boyd Stanford Stanisci, Michael Jr. 9-30-1931 M May Manfredo Michael Stanisci Stankis, Bettye Louise 5-30-1931 F Eunice Edna Adams William Thomas Stankis Stanley, Jacqueline Marie 3-31-1931 F Vera Peal Perryman Bennie Marshall Stanley Staples, Robert Bruce Jr 5-17-1931 M Esther Shannon Robert Bruce Staples Staples, Stanley Norman 7-2-1931 M Essie May Turnbow William Earl Staples Stapleton, Betty Jo 11-4-1931 F Rosa Mae Lucker Charles Thurman Stapleton Starbreck, Mac Hayden 11-11-1931 M Sudie Dills Daniel Eugene Starbreck Starbuck, Mack Acyden 11-11-1931 M Sudie Villio ***Stillborn*** Starkey, Carolyn Beth 4-18-1931 F Julia Mettie Sampler Malcolm Charles Starkey Starnes, Mary Louise 4-19-1931 F Georgia B. Carpenter J. V. Starnes Starnes, Wallace Alvin 7-26-1931 M Johnnie Eskridge Wallace Starnes Starr, Frank Leland Jr. 3-14-1931 M Aline Campbell Frank Leland Starr Sr. Starr, Jacqueline Marie 11-27-1931 F Marie Louise Allard Earl Joseph Starr Statman, Jerome Maurice 10-3-1931 M Lillian Tolmich Joseph Statman Statman, Max L. 12-27-1931 M Monia Goldberg Charles Statman Staton, Mary Francis 5-6-1931 F Irine Christopher James Samuel Staton Steadman, Norman Wallace 4-2-1931 M Francis Lucile Hoover Grady William Steadman Steadman, Zane La Mond 3-17-1931 M Mary Josephine Haynes Arthur Jack Steadman Steck, Marvin Edward Jr 12-7-1931 M Derie Lee Wideman Marvin Edward Steck Steed, Patsy Ruth 8-31-1931 F Patsy Gillespie L. M. Steed Steele, Charles Edward 4-13-1931 M Flora Smith Paul Steele Steele, Helen Louise 12-5-1931 F Ivey Myrtle Shelton Edgar Leslie Steele Steele, Omar Henry Jr. 8-4-1931 M Mae Arms Omar H. Steele Steele, Roy Lee 8-8-1931 M Flora Rice Lee Roy Steele Steele, William James Inf Of 5-28-1931 F Ola Mae Sandlin William James Steele Steely, Georgia Marie 12-23-1931 F Rosie Virgie Jones James Franklin Steely Steen, Bobbie Kenneth 11-15-1931 M Odessa Smith Isaac Steen Stefano, Julia 1-23-1931 F Rachel Kenward Antonio Master Stefano Stegall, John Seale Inf Of 1-4-1931 F Harriet Opal Beaty John Seale Stegall Stegall, Marie Loraine 1-4-1931 F Harriet Opal Beaty John Seale Stegall Stell, Joe Sidney Jr. 9-6-1931 M Jewell Irene Roper Joe Sidney Stell Stem, Don Marshal 10-3-1931 M Ada Mae Jones Herbert M. Stem Stemple, Jacqueline Dexter 3-2-1931 F Emma May Childers John Davidson Stemple Stephens, Alonzo 3-6-1931 M Bertha Evens Eligh Stephens Stephens, Barbara Jean 9-1-1931 F Data Mae Hubbard Laurence Stephens Stephens, Mose Inf Of 12-11-1931 F Oleta Brown Mose Stephens Stephens, Patsy Jean 9-19-1931 F Ethel Debord Kelly Stephens Stephens, Paul Jerry 11-30-1931 M Corinne Hayes Paul Stephens Stephens, Wayne Orlin 6-14-1931 M Ruth Otts Jewel R. Stephens Stephens, Wendell Allen 6-14-1931 M Ruth Otts Jewel R. Stephens Stephenson, Charles Agus Inf Of 10-6-1931 M Nellie May Harris Charles Agustus Stephenson Stephenson, Doris Morlene 6-26-1931 F Ruth Esther Diamond J. B. Stephenson Stephenson, Mickey Jo 4-10-1931 F Jewell Faye Reaves John Derrel Stephenson Steptae, Joanne 2-16-1931 F Rosalee Langston Sam Steptoe Steptoe, Charlie Mae 8-4-1931 F Willie Steptoe Sterling, Earl Faulkner Inf Of 12-29-1931 F Virginia Jewel Akers Earl Faulkner Sterling Sterling, William Hayden Jr 10-14-1931 M Lida Nance William Hayden Sterling Stern, Edward Jacob Inf Of 5-20-1931 F Verniece Mae Frierson Edward Jacob Stern Sternes, Jerrald William 9-25-1931 M Essie May Fagons Frank Sternes Stetler, Marvin Mayfield Jr. 2-2-1931 M Rose Louise Hill Marvin Mayfield Stetler Stevens, Diane 1-17-1931 F Era May Thomas Wellington A. Stevens Stevens, James 12-25-1931 M Jewel Gooden Elbert Stevens Stevensen, Eddie Jr. 8-12-1931 M Eulathe White Eddie Stevensen Stevenson, Evelyn Ouida 3-7-1931 F Linnie Luteola Barham Howard Service Stevenson Stevenson, Robert Lee Floyd Jr. 6-11-1931 M Perneata Corine Kinnard Robert Lee Floyd Stevenson Stewart, Cecil Lowell 6-22-1931 M Wallace Maupin Howard Lowell Stewart Stewart, Dolly Merle 6-24-1931 F Nova Lee Newton Roy Lee Stewart Stewart, Elizabeth Ann 12-20-1931 F Nina Viola Parter Robert Leith Stewart Stewart, Grady Jean 12-26-1931 M Ruby Peacock Sam Earle Stewart Stewart, Joan 2-14-1931 F Roxie Wright Roy B. Stewart Stewart, John Hayne Jr. 2-14-1931 M Erna Beatrice Patterson John Hayne Stewart Stewart, Patrick James 6-19-1931 M Maxene Smith Morris Patrick Stewart Stewart, V. C. 2-19-1931 M Millie Pearl Smith Vernon Childs Stewart Sticksel, Donald Rae 8-24-1931 M Katherine Mayo Shivers John Christy Sticksel Stiglin, Earl Inf Of 1-21-1931 M Mary E Robson Earl Stiglin Still, Charles Pat 11-2-1931 M Charlie Dee Thomas Houston Pat Still Stillman, Shirley Ann 9-17-1931 F Celia Corinne Glickman Morris Nison Stillman Stinson, Addie Joyce 4-14-1931 F Ella Underwood Marvin Roosevelt Stinson Stinson, Barbara Darlin 6-30-1931 F Josiphene Holveck D. H. Stinson Stockdale, Ernest Eugene 6-16-1931 M Mildred Stevens Alfred Ernest Stockdale Stockton, John Nelson Jr 9-24-1931 M Dorothy Thomas John N. Stockton Stockton, Marjorie Marie 6-3-1931 F Grace Nonnamaker Harold Maynard Stockton Stokes, Jimmy Carrol 12-21-1931 M Leola Cozart Arthur H. Stokes Stone, Billy Max 7-15-1931 M Mabel Peavler Henry K. Stone Stone, Edna 7-10-1931 F Mandy Tillison L. S. Stone Stone, Edward 7-10-1931 M Mandy Tillison L. S. Stone Stone, Elbert Homer Jr. 5-24-1931 M Lavena Crouch Elbert Homer Stone Stone, H. P. Jr. 6-27-1931 M Opal Lee Hoover H. P. Stone Stone, Nancy Lee 8-19-1931 F Mildred Lorene Anderson Arthur Wood Stone Stone, Wilton Rodger 9-18-1931 M Dorothy Mae Hope G. L. Stone Storey, Allen Edward Inf Of 9-24-1931 M Elma Eve Low Allen Edward Storey Storm, Richard Ream 6-28-1931 M Lee Ona Ream William Willis Storm Story, Grover Inf Of 4-4-1931 F Violet Willie Mae Wright Grover Story Story, John Marcus 8-24-1931 M Hazel Story Story, Luther Melvin 1-18-1931 M Beulah Etta Jessie Anderson Elbert C. Story Stoughton, Barbara Jean Marion 10-12-1931 F Mary Alice Brandenburg Kenneth Allen Stoughton Stougliton, Milton S. 7-6-1931 M Lillian Eva Jones Richard M. Stougliton Stout, Kenneth Ray 5-30-1931 M Ethel Singleton H. D. Stout Stout, Louis Edward Jr 12-11-1931 M Mildred Haulkins Louis Edward Stout Stout, Wanda Fay 1-7-1931 F Gussie Dee Mathews Raymond S. Stout Stovall, James Allen 9-4-1931 M Mattie Mc Queen Robert Stovall Stover, George William Jr 2-4-1931 M Francis Catherine Coats George William Stover Stradley, Frederick Sill 4-22-1931 M Elva Gray Catto Edward Connor Stradley Strain, Charles Edwards 12-4-1931 M Clara Williams Horace Strain Strangi, Thomas Inf Of 5-6-1931 F Roslia Di Silvestro Thomas Strangi Stratman, Bernard Emil Inf Of 3-15-1931 M Velma Alyne Murray Bernard Emil Stratman Stratton, J. R. Jr. 3-18-1931 M Grace Lee Skeen J. R. Stratton Strawn, Lee Dewitt Inf Of 8-18-1931 M Annabelle Richardson Lee Dewitt Strawn Streeter, Donald Lavelle 1-3-1931 M Eva Mildred Pollard H. L. Streeter Streeter, Patsy Ruth 12-27-1931 F Roberta Stevens Curtis Streeter Stribling, Billie Nell 6-19-1931 F Edna Bates Fulton Stribling Strickel, D. L. 11-13-1931 M Madia Lee Patterson David Lewis Strickel Strickland, Barbara Elizabeth 9-28-1931 F Odah Blanche Horton Hugh Herbert Strickland Strode, Dorothy Christine 7-5-1931 F Alice Mcmenamy Lester Owen Strode Strong, Charles Edward 12-10-1931 M Theo Gladys Davis Jesse Monroe Strong Strong, Melvin Lane Jr. 10-9-1931 M Ruby Manila Clark Melvin Lane Strong Strother, James Houston Inf Of 3-9-1931 F Lucile Lee James Houston Strother Stroud, Jerome C. Inf Of 2-10-1931 M Fannie Jones Jerome C. Stroud Stroud, Martin A Inf Of 8-21-1931 F Bertha E Selzer Martin A Stroud Strube, Ellen Fay 11-12-1931 F Vivian Alice Pearson Herman L. Strube Struck, Henry Carl Jr. 5-20-1931 M Helen Hazel Heyst Henry Carl Struck Struckmyer, Hilda Lucy 11-1-1931 F Othelia Franzka Fritz Struckmyer Stuart, Mary Frances 2-5-1931 F Carrie Ethel Johnson William Waverly Stuart Stubblefield, Joe Louis Emanuel 8-3-1931 M Mary Ella Kersh Louis Emanuel Stubblefield Stubbs, Coy Thomas Inf Of 2-28-1931 F Lydia Earl Richardson Coy Thomas Stubbs Stubbs, Mary Allene 4-25-1931 F Marguerite Willie Parks Harold Alonzo Stubbs Stucker, Ed Inf Of 7-19-1931 M Irene Mazie Mabrey Ed Stucker Stuffelbean, Nina Otis Inf Of 4-5-1931 F Ether Shockley Nina Otis Stuffelbean Stults, David Gerald 10-5-1931 M Ada Pearl Prewitt Ross Earl Stults Stults, Wesley Ray 3-12-1931 M Vallie H. Howell Wallace Newton Stults Sturch, Jackie Edward 4-6-1931 M Dollie Arlena Looper Jessie Edward Sturch Suber, Jewel 11-20-1931 F Elnora Bonner Elmo Suber Sudduth, Billy Hoyt 1-28-1931 M Ella Virginia Barlow William Hoyt Sudduth Sudduth, Mary Catherine 5-12-1931 F Johnnie Mae Simpson Willis Zona Sudduth Suiter, Irma Claudine 9-17-1931 F Wilma Verice Cheek J D Suiter Sullivan, Henry Lee 5-20-1931 M Ruth Wright Oscar Lee Sullivan Sullivan, Patsy Jane 3-8-1931 F Ellen Cramps Arthur Sullivan Sullivan, William Pat 6-5-1931 M Laura Huckaby Frank Sullivan Summey, Orville Morrison 5-24-1931 M Mary Hellen Moore Walter William Summey Sumner, Barbara Marlene 12-6-1931 F Lucille Brodnax Malcolm F. Sumner Sunkel, Katherine Beatrice 11-24-1931 F Lillie Frances Dowling Joseph D. Sunkel Surber, Patricia Lee 1-12-1931 F Hazle Florence Kerr Fred Womack Surber Suttle, Dorothy June 4-8-1931 F Dorothy Witherspoon June Royal Suttle Sutton, Daisy Vera 11-10-1931 F Rosey Jones Joe Sutton Sutton, Kenneth Ray 12-16-1931 M Evelyn E. Weaver George W. Sutton Swafford, Clinton Inf Of 5-2-1931 M Essie Levine Dockery Clinton Swafford Swaim, Rozanna Joy 7-1-1931 F Lillie Dorthey Etgen Orian C Swaim Swales, Norman Howard 2-12-1931 M Hazel Marie Palmer Harry Ralph Swales Swearengen, Kenneth Joe 8-27-1931 M Alda Ethel Sneed Earl Emmett Swearengen Sweet, Bobie Rosine Levern 8-29-1931 F Mae Ollie Watson William Albert Sweet Swift, Loyd Sing Inf Of 8-25-1931 F Caroline Marie Edwards Loyd Sing Swift Swindell, Betty June 6-3-1931 F Effie Hollingsworth Ridley William Swindell Swindell, Jo Anne 2-12-1931 F Ruth Elaine Morris W. C. Swindell Swindle, Marcella Josephine 9-24-1931 F Dolorose Brownfield Marvin M Swindle Switzer, Alice Estelle 6-7-1931 F Alice Gertrude Bolton J. Howard Switzer Jr. Switzer, Howard Ozelle 6-7-1931 M Alice Gertrude Bolton J. Howard Switzer Jr. Swofford, Joe Bailey 4-30-1931 M Stella Mae Elmore Edgar Allen Swofford Sy, Jeanette Marie 10-12-1931 F Catherine Dooley Paul Emil Adolphe Sy Sykes, Beatrice Nancy 7-3-1931 F Minnie Bell James Charlie Sykes Sylva, Pedro 10-19-1931 M Gaudalupe Sylva Joe Sylva