VITAL RECORDS - DALLAS COUNTY, TX - DEATHS 1974 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Chuck H. Mahaffey - August 21st, 2001 ************************************************************************ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. ************************************************************************ Date of Marital Name Death Sex Status Wimberly, Mac W, JR 27-Feb-1974 M Single Winborn, Margaret M 28-Nov-1974 F Married Winchester, Hoyle F 09-Sep-1974 M Separ/divorced Winder, Josephine 30-Oct-1974 F Single Windham, Yolanda 29-Jan-1974 F Married Windham, Damarcus D 19-Oct-1974 M Married Windsor, Estelle F 27-Feb-1974 F Widowed Winegeart, Annie J 02-Oct-1974 M Single Winfield, Johnny R 24-Jul-1974 M Married Winfrey, Amanda 06-Apr-1974 F Widowed Wingfield, Roy, JR 08-Jun-1974 M Married Wingo, Altha M 26-Apr-1974 F Widowed Winkel, Anna M 23-Feb-1974 F Widowed Winkle, Aaron D 17-Jun-1974 M Single Winkler, Lela F 17-Oct-1974 F Single Winkles, Jesse 26-Jun-1974 M Single Winn, Samuel M 04-Feb-1974 M Separ/divorced Winn, Curtis 08-Sep-1974 M Married Winn, Mary V 06-Oct-1974 F Single Winsel, Adolph 27-Sep-1974 M Single Winsett, Tinye S 20-Jun-1974 F Widowed Winston, Mose W 07-Jun-1974 M Widowed Winter, John T 13-Feb-1974 M Widowed Wisely, Cam F, SR 13-Apr-1974 M Single Wiseman, Ralph E 20-Jun-1974 M Single Wisseman, Charles L 24-May-1974 M Widowed Witherspoon, Albert L 25-Jan-1974 M Widowed Witherspoon, Horace T 23-Nov-1974 M Single Witherspoon, Joel 28-Nov-1974 M Single Wittenmyer, Pearl 05-Nov-1974 F Widowed Wlezien, Casimir J 26-Nov-1974 M Widowed Woerner, Alton M, SR 30-Mar-1974 M Single Wofford, Pearl 08-Jan-1974 F Widowed Wohlberg, Harry 13-Sep-1974 M Single Wojcik, Donald E, JR 15-Jul-1974 M Married Wolf, Samuel C, SR 26-May-1974 M Widowed Wolfe, Betty D 24-Jun-1974 F Single Wolff, Paul M 20-Feb-1974 M Single Womack, William F 11-Feb-1974 M Single Womack, Jack I 25-Jul-1974 M Single Womack, Earl E 14-Nov-1974 M Single Womack, Melville P 13-Dec-1974 M Separ/divorced Womble, Susan E 24-Apr-1974 F Married Wong, Sang 09-Mar-1974 M Widowed Wood, James M, JR 16-Jan-1974 M Married Wood, Mary K 25-Jan-1974 F Married Wood, Joe L, SR 07-Feb-1974 M Single Wood, Robert A 16-Feb-1974 M Single Wood, Beulah M 04-Apr-1974 F Separ/divorced Wood, William R 05-Apr-1974 M Single Wood, Golda I 01-May-1974 F Widowed Wood, George B 03-May-1974 M Married Wood, Wilson E 10-Jun-1974 M Married Wood, Roxanne C 05-Jul-1974 F Single Wood, James H 25-Jul-1974 M Single Wood, Doris E 25-Jul-1974 F Single Wood, Mary B 24-Aug-1974 F Widowed Wood, John B 04-Sep-1974 M Widowed Wood, Paul E 16-Sep-1974 M Single Wood, Grady B 30-Sep-1974 M Single Wood, Charles R 10-Nov-1974 M Single Wood, Thomas G 16-Nov-1974 M Single Wood, George B 22-Nov-1974 M Widowed Woodall, Danny F 08-Dec-1974 M Separ/divorced Woodall, Earl J 22-Dec-1974 M Single Woodard, Melvin O 06-Mar-1974 M Single Woodard, Ora D 11-Jun-1974 F Widowed Woodard, Jessie E 26-Jun-1974 F Single Woodard, Harlie 21-Nov-1974 M Separ/divorced Woodards, Leroy 22-Nov-1974 M Separ/divorced Woodberry, Willie F 06-Oct-1974 M Married Woodcock, Ernest 28-Feb-1974 M Widowed Woodford, Norma I 02-Apr-1974 F Single Woodfork, Elvies 11-Feb-1974 F Widowed Woodham, Randal M 14-Apr-1974 M Married Woodhull, Thomas S 18-Dec-1974 M Single Woodruff, Bertha M 16-Sep-1974 F Separ/divorced Woodruff, Charles R 29-Oct-1974 M Single Woodrum, Arline N 07-Apr-1974 F Widowed Woods, Lenard L 03-Jan-1974 M Single Woods, Dorothy O 08-Jan-1974 F Widowed Woods, Willie 14-Jan-1974 M Single Woods, Jack 24-Jan-1974 M Separ/divorced Woods, Roy C 13-Feb-1974 M Separ/divorced Woods, Neva E 20-Feb-1974 F Widowed Woods, Doris M 25-Feb-1974 F Widowed Woods, Bertha L 14-Mar-1974 F Widowed Woods, Milton L 15-May-1974 M Married Woods, Daisy E 16-Jun-1974 F Widowed Woods, Robert, III 12-Jul-1974 M Married Woods, Travis L 14-Jul-1974 M Separ/divorced Woods, Helen W 27-Jul-1974 F Separ/divorced Woods, Jeannette D 29-Jul-1974 F Widowed Woods, Vertical D 21-Aug-1974 M Separ/divorced Woods, Leonard F 05-Sep-1974 M Single Woods, Therecia 16-Sep-1974 F Widowed Woods, Emma 11-Nov-1974 F Widowed Woods, Ida M 26-Nov-1974 F Widowed Woods, Johnny L Inf Of 23-Dec-1974 M Married Woodul, John E 11-Sep-1974 M Single Woolbright, Lekendrick D 17-Jan-1974 M Married Wooster, Mary F 19-Oct-1974 F Single Wooten, Birdie L 12-Jan-1974 F Widowed Wooten, Leonard 12-Jul-1974 M Single Wooten, Wanda J 22-Oct-1974 F Single Wooton, Annie R 08-Apr-1974 F Widowed Wootton, Ophelia S 26-Nov-1974 F Widowed Worden, Redith 04-Nov-1974 F Single Workman, Robbie E 17-Jul-1974 M Widowed Works, Bennie J 15-Nov-1974 M Single Worley, Henry C 05-Feb-1974 M Single Worley, Vada 21-Mar-1974 F Separ/divorced Worley, Mary I 23-May-1974 F Married Worley, William J 04-Jun-1974 M Single Worley, John M 04-Jul-1974 M Single Worley, Flora S 28-Dec-1974 F Widowed Wortham, Tressie W 20-Apr-1974 F Single Wortham, Ernest 24-Apr-1974 M Widowed Wortham, Charles A 29-Jul-1974 M Single Wortham, Billy R 26-Sep-1974 M Separ/divorced Wortham, Betty J 04-Dec-1974 F Single Worthen, William A 16-Mar-1974 M Single Worthen, Beulah L 22-May-1974 F Separ/divorced Wotherspoon, John W 19-Oct-1974 M Single Wotkyns, Alfred W 28-Oct-1974 M Widowed Wray, Richard, SR 16-Aug-1974 M Single Wray, Leona E 05-Sep-1974 F Widowed Wray, Revion H 06-Sep-1974 M Single Wren, Mildred E 10-Aug-1974 F Single Wren, Mamie 16-Sep-1974 F Widowed Wren, Willie 25-Oct-1974 M Single Wren, Derrah C 31-Oct-1974 M Single Wright, Paul 08-Jan-1974 M Single Wright, Laura L 09-Feb-1974 F Widowed Wright, William 22-Feb-1974 M Widowed Wright, Calvin W 20-Mar-1974 M Single Wright, Otis P 22-Mar-1974 M Single Wright, Mary O 14-Apr-1974 F Single Wright, John W 28-Apr-1974 M Widowed Wright, Lewis E 29-Apr-1974 M Separ/divorced Wright, Margaret E 24-Jun-1974 F Widowed Wright, Mary E 30-Jun-1974 F Single Wright, Jim D 07-Jul-1974 M Single Wright, Jenna F 07-Jul-1974 F Single Wright, Benny B 17-Jul-1974 M Single Wright, James L 25-Jul-1974 M Separ/divorced Wright, Tom L 03-Aug-1974 M Single Wright, Robert W 23-Aug-1974 M Single Wright, Elouise 02-Sep-1974 F Separ/divorced Wright, Rosa E 18-Sep-1974 F Widowed Wright, Pearl 22-Oct-1974 F Single Wright, Charley M, SR 26-Nov-1974 M Single Wright, Beula V 26-Nov-1974 F Single Wright, Charles L 07-Dec-1974 M Single Wright, Edgar D 28-Dec-1974 M Single Wrighter, Robert B 14-Apr-1974 M Single Wrigley, Willie M 27-May-1974 M Married Wunderlich, Mildred M 18-Jul-1974 F Widowed Wunderlick, George F, SR 17-Sep-1974 M Single Wyatt, Kenneth R 05-Jan-1974 M Married Wyatt, Betty L 28-Feb-1974 F Separ/divorced Wyatt, Mary C 19-May-1974 F Separ/divorced Wyatt, Dempsey L, SR 22-Jul-1974 M Single Wyatt, Jesse L 07-Oct-1974 M Widowed Wychopen, Lynn L 04-Jun-1974 F Single Wyles, Grace M 13-Jun-1974 F Separ/divorced Wylie, Earnest V 31-Jul-1974 M Single Wylie, Mary A 11-Oct-1974 F Single Wylie, Lee D 10-Dec-1974 M Single Wyman, Ethel I 22-Jul-1974 F Widowed Wyner, Gerald E 25-May-1974 M Single Wynn, Ida 06-Apr-1974 F Widowed Wynne, J C 31-Oct-1974 M Single Wynne, Imogen 23-Nov-1974 F Single Wynne, Angus G, SR 17-Dec-1974 M Single Yancey, Clyde 30-Mar-1974 M Single Yancey, Bill C 21-Jul-1974 M Single Yancey, Julian G 26-Aug-1974 M Single Yancey, Sylvia M 26-Dec-1974 F Single Yancy, Nettie T 25-Jun-1974 F Single Yandel, Harry A 30-Dec-1974 M Single Yandell, Pallie 15-Apr-1974 F Widowed Yanez, Rufino O 23-Aug-1974 M Single Yarborough, Grace M 03-Jan-1974 F Single Yarborough, Mary M 27-Jul-1974 F Widowed Yarbrough, Avery C 27-Jan-1974 M Single Yarbrough, Anna B 14-Sep-1974 F Single Yarnall, Virna M 01-Mar-1974 F Single Yaryan, Charles L 28-May-1974 M Separ/divorced Yates, Lynda C 02-May-1974 F Married Yates, Minnie P 23-Jun-1974 F Widowed Yates, Richard V 28-Jun-1974 M Separ/divorced Yazell, Shirley J 21-Sep-1974 F Single Ybarra, Manuel 11-Nov-1974 M Single Yeager, Lucy F 08-Jul-1974 F Widowed Yeargan, Henry D 08-Aug-1974 M Single Yeiser, Margaret M 30-Nov-1974 F Widowed Yoakum, Hal O 14-Sep-1974 M Single Yoder, Rose M 19-May-1974 F Separ/divorced York, Wylie H 06-Apr-1974 M Single York, Lillie P 25-Jun-1974 F Widowed York, George 15-Jul-1974 M Single York, Ethel M 06-Nov-1974 F Widowed Young, Bernice A 04-Jan-1974 F Single Young, Roy A 11-Feb-1974 M Single Young, Robert 20-Feb-1974 M Unknown Young, Joseph A 21-Feb-1974 M Single Young, Frank L 21-Mar-1974 M Single Young, Samuel W 03-Apr-1974 M Widowed Young, James L, JR 09-Apr-1974 M Widowed Young, Mildred L 12-Apr-1974 F Married Young, Mary 18-Apr-1974 F Widowed Young, Robert 27-May-1974 M Single Young, Alberta I 31-May-1974 F Widowed Young, L A 06-Jun-1974 M Single Young, Clay H 19-Jun-1974 M Widowed Young, Robert L 16-Jul-1974 M Separ/divorced Young, Gwendolyn 16-Jul-1974 F Widowed Young, Minnie G 31-Jul-1974 F Separ/divorced Young, Otho L 02-Aug-1974 M Single Young, Willis 10-Sep-1974 M Single Young, Jewel W 14-Sep-1974 F Separ/divorced Young, James A 04-Oct-1974 M Single Young, Robert L 04-Oct-1974 M Single Young, Katy P 22-Oct-1974 F Widowed Young, Lakethia S 27-Oct-1974 F Married Young, Jackie W Inf Of 27-Oct-1974 F Married Young, Robert W 30-Oct-1974 M Single Young, Elizabeth W 30-Oct-1974 F Married Young, Roberta 06-Nov-1974 F Widowed Young, James 27-Nov-1974 M Single Young, Theodore R 07-Dec-1974 M Single Young, Charles M 21-Dec-1974 M Married Young, Thresa C 29-Dec-1974 F Separ/divorced Young, John H 30-Dec-1974 M Single Youngblood, Cecil L 01-May-1974 M Single Youngblood, Kevin M 04-May-1974 M Married Youngblood, Zella P 02-Jul-1974 F Widowed Youngblood, Letha R 10-Aug-1974 F Widowed Youngblood, Marie M 15-Dec-1974 F Single Younger, Knox D 19-Mar-1974 M Single Youngkin, Concepcion 21-Jan-1974 F Widowed Zacharias, Martha F 20-Nov-1974 F Widowed Zachary, Wayne R 10-Oct-1974 M Single Zachery, Jimmie N 07-May-1974 M Single Zachry, Carmel D 18-Jul-1974 F Single Zachry, Don R 12-Aug-1974 M Single Zastoupil, Rose B 23-Feb-1974 F Single Zeigler, Willie 20-Nov-1974 F Widowed Zelazny, Pamela L 31-Mar-1974 F Single Zelden, Marge M 11-Jul-1974 F Single Zelfel, Virginia J 31-Aug-1974 F Widowed Zeliff, Victor A 04-May-1974 M Single Zenkner, Walter J 21-Mar-1974 M Single Zepernick, Donald E 08-Jun-1974 M Widowed Ziegelmeyer, Carrie H 21-Oct-1974 F Single Ziegler, Leona W 19-Mar-1974 F Single Ziegler, Walter L 31-Dec-1974 M Single Zilem, Annie M 30-Oct-1974 F Widowed Zimmerhanzel, Kimberly M 17-Jun-1974 F Married Zimmerhanzel, Heather M 19-Jun-1974 F Married Zimmerman, Olin H 29-Mar-1974 M Widowed Zimmerman, Randall M 10-Sep-1974 M Married Zimmerman, Annie L 25-Nov-1974 F Widowed Zipper, Francis A 22-Jan-1974 F Widowed Zollicoffer, Frances M 13-Jun-1974 F Widowed Zoppe, Diana M 22-May-1974 F Widowed Zuetell, William R 13-Jul-1974 M Single Zuniga, Enrique R 27-Oct-1974 M Single Zweig, Fannie C 19-Dec-1974 F Widowed