VITAL RECORDS - DALLAS COUNTY, TX - DEATHS 1984 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Chuck H. Mahaffey - August 25th, 2001 ************************************************************************ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. ************************************************************************ Date of Marital Name Death Sex Status Kunofsky, Bennie 28-Nov-1984 M Kurtz, Seymour 12-Nov-1984 M Kurz, Alice Erna 06-Jan-1984 F Kurzius, Karl Adolf 22-Jun-1984 M Kuser, Elizabeth Jean 06-Dec-1984 F Kuykendall, Christopher Lee 15-Jun-1984 M Kuykendall, Leslie Jacob 27-Dec-1984 M Kyles, Jeffery Lee 15-Mar-1984 M La Barba, Sherman 07-Jul-1984 M La Phuong, Tuyet 09-Jul-1984 F Labor, Mary Ellen 28-Aug-1984 F Laborice, Julia Monroy 20-Jun-1984 F Labrato, Norge Antonio 09-Mar-1984 M Lacey, Arthur Leroy 03-Dec-1984 M Lackey, Albert Richard 19-Apr-1984 M Lacy, Edward 16-Jan-1984 M Lacy, Ray Charles 12-Mar-1984 M Lacy, Gene 27-Apr-1984 M Lacy, Ryan Alan 28-May-1984 M Lacy, Willie 17-Jul-1984 M Lacy, Boyd B 01-Aug-1984 M Lacy, Arizona J 15-Aug-1984 F Lacy, Jerry Douglas 11-Nov-1984 M Ladd, Harvey Eugene 01-Feb-1984 M Lafferty, David Allen 29-Jan-1984 M Lagershausen, William 21-Jul-1984 M Lagow, Reginald Lance 07-Aug-1984 M Lagrone, James Ferrel 20-Aug-1984 M Lahtinen, Douglas Kenneth 17-May-1984 M Lair, Matthew Dale 25-Mar-1984 M Laird, Helen Ruth 22-Mar-1984 F Lake, Margaret Jordan 30-Jun-1984 F Lake, Jack E 21-Jul-1984 M Lake, Birdie Margaret 18-Oct-1984 F Lamache, Maria 16-Jul-1984 F Laman, Thomas Franklin 28-Nov-1984 M Lamb, Jess H 06-Feb-1984 M Lamb, Ernest Lee 02-Jun-1984 M Lambe, Patrick J 25-Feb-1984 M Lambert, Ruby Marie 01-Jan-1984 F Lambert, Donald Hugh 26-Feb-1984 M Lambert, Mildred Marie 12-Apr-1984 F Lambert, Nestor Herbert 03-Jun-1984 M Lambert, Timothy D 02-Oct-1984 M Lamberth, Minnie Belle 23-Dec-1984 F Lamberty, Mildred Catherine 17-Sep-1984 F Lamere, Edward Gerald 03-Oct-1984 M Laminack, Beulah Carlisle 22-Sep-1984 F Lamkin, William Clayton 31-Jan-1984 M Lamkin, Helen 15-May-1984 F Lamm, Dorothy Jean Decker 02-Jun-1984 F Lampkins, Lola J 12-Sep-1984 F Lampo, Tony 12-Jul-1984 M Lancaster, Joe Gordon 29-Jan-1984 M Lancaster, Lucille F 22-Feb-1984 F Lance, Elbert H 15-May-1984 M Land, Willard Lee 20-Jan-1984 M Land, Rufus Franklin 14-Feb-1984 M Land, Donald Melvin 25-Feb-1984 M Land, Willie Taylor 20-Mar-1984 M Land, Henry Lee 11-May-1984 M Land, Leyla Alberta 05-Sep-1984 F Land, John Paul, II 21-Sep-1984 M Landers, Roy Gene 21-Mar-1984 M Landess, Jack Fenley 16-Mar-1984 M Landon, Ruth Helen 30-Jan-1984 F Landrum, Rosemary 10-Jun-1984 F Landrum, George Stewart 03-Oct-1984 M Landrum, Armitta S 13-Oct-1984 F Landry, Willie 06-Sep-1984 M Landwermeyer, Joseph Matthew, 26-Jun-1984 M Lane, Less B 17-Feb-1984 M Lane, Thomas Roy 22-Feb-1984 M Lane, Thomas Roy 22-Feb-1984 M Lane, Franziska Christianna 05-Apr-1984 F Lang, Emma 30-Jan-1984 F Lang, Erwin Henry 14-May-1984 M Lang, Ruth Marion Everett 28-Jun-1984 F Lang, Gene P 26-Oct-1984 M Langbart, Jewell Frances 21-Feb-1984 F Lange, Roy C 22-Jan-1984 M Lange, Blanche Swanzy 23-Nov-1984 F Langford, Ruddell Judson 08-Feb-1984 M Langford, Carl Ray 06-Apr-1984 M Langham, Julia Geraldine 09-Feb-1984 F Langham, Joe Thomas 31-Aug-1984 M Langhorne, Joe Henry, JR 07-Mar-1984 M Langley, Bobby Lee 28-Oct-1984 M Langston, Walter Ray 10-Apr-1984 M Langston, Robert E Lee 28-Apr-1984 M Lanier, Laura Ethel 06-Mar-1984 F Lankford, Lillie Mae 17-Feb-1984 F Lankford, Mary Magdalene 12-Sep-1984 F Lansdon, Lolita Lorena 04-Jun-1984 F Lanston, Mindy 23-Feb-1984 F Lantz, Robert Ray 27-Jul-1984 M Lanyon, Winnie Lee 26-Jan-1984 F Lapointe, James Lee 03-Jan-1984 M Laquey, Lester Lee 14-Apr-1984 M Lara, Edgar 16-Mar-1984 M Largent, Dora Etta 13-Apr-1984 F Laroche, Ollie Estelle 22-Mar-1984 F Laroe, Mary Belle 30-Jan-1984 F Larouche, Paul Emile 10-Jul-1984 M Larr, Vivian Elizabeth 14-Jun-1984 F Larrosa, Maria Nelida 19-Jun-1984 F Larry, Lewis C 22-Jan-1984 M Larsen, Evelyn Lena C 27-Sep-1984 F Larson, Margaret Annabel Melch01-Mar-1984 F Larson, Gabriel E 09-Aug-1984 M Larson, Wendall Q 15-Sep-1984 M Larue, Russell R 10-Dec-1984 M Lasley, Mary Catherine 14-Sep-1984 F Lassiter, Samuel Edward, SR 27-Jan-1984 M Lassiter, James E 29-Jun-1984 M Last, Robert Henry 09-Jun-1984 M Latham, Perry Lee 27-Jul-1984 M Latham, Willard Leroy 04-Oct-1984 M Lathan, Margraete Ann 25-Feb-1984 F Latin, Elzia 06-Oct-1984 F Lattimore, Cornelia Anna 22-Jun-1984 F Laturno, Inez Hicks 21-May-1984 F Laun, John S 07-May-1984 M Laurence, Jeanne Louise 09-Jan-1984 F Lauriano, Rogelio 30-Sep-1984 M Lavender, James, JR 18-May-1984 M Laveson, Charlotte 16-Aug-1984 F Lavett, John Mastrogany 23-Jul-1984 M Laviolette, Richard Allen 05-Oct-1984 M Law, Sammie 10-Jul-1984 M Lawhon, Lida Mae 13-Sep-1984 F Lawley, Lloyd Dennis 01-Oct-1984 M Lawrence, Imogene D 28-Mar-1984 F Lawrence, Mace Larry 08-Apr-1984 M Lawrence, Dewitt 13-May-1984 M Lawrence, Carmen Lenore 23-May-1984 F Lawrence, Catherine Virginia 12-Jun-1984 F Lawrence, Rita Renaee 26-Jun-1984 F Lawrence, Fesler Emmett 08-Jul-1984 M Lawrence, Gwendolyn G 17-Jul-1984 F Lawrence, Vertis Melba 22-Oct-1984 F Lawrence, William E 16-Nov-1984 M Laws, Ramon Newton 25-Mar-1984 M Lawson, Oliver Smith 04-Jan-1984 M Lawson, Dessie Marion 14-Jan-1984 F Lawson, Roy 07-May-1984 M Lawson, Gladys Adrion 23-Jun-1984 F Lawson, Olmer Ray 10-Oct-1984 M Lawson, Beatrice Jane 24-Dec-1984 F Lay, Herman Warden, III 25-Jun-1984 M Lay, Kenneth C 17-Nov-1984 M Layman, Roy E 16-Nov-1984 M Layton, Addie Lee 16-Jun-1984 F Layton, Mary Bess 23-Dec-1984 F Le Noir, Ella Storer 25-May-1984 F Lea, Claudell 22-Feb-1984 F Leach, Lyndell Don 19-Mar-1984 M Leach, Forrest Allen 28-Mar-1984 M Leach, Derek Ray 03-Aug-1984 M Leachman, Mary Camp 01-Sep-1984 F Leal, Ruben S, SR 06-Feb-1984 M Leal, Gilbert Leon 07-Apr-1984 M Leary, Eddie 02-Feb-1984 M Leatch, Everine 03-Feb-1984 F Leath, James Travis 18-Oct-1984 M Leathers, John Terrys 06-May-1984 M Leatherwood, James Edward, JR 30-Aug-1984 M Leaver, Lebaron Wilmont (barry21-Mar-1984 M Lebel, Gracieuse Exilda Dery 14-Aug-1984 F Lebel, Elsie Etoyle 03-Sep-1984 F Lebowitz, Henry 11-Mar-1984 M Lebowitz, Lillian Silik 15-Dec-1984 F Lecroy, Mildred Monez 25-Oct-1984 F Ledbetter, Robert Wayne 10-Jan-1984 M Ledbetter, Eva Omega 17-May-1984 F Ledford, Jonathan Denton 31-May-1984 M Lee, Bobbye Jean Doran 13-Jan-1984 F Lee, Thelma Onita 19-Jan-1984 F Lee, Willie Mae 14-Feb-1984 F Lee, Edwin Theodore 11-Mar-1984 M Lee, Tashara Nicole 22-Mar-1984 F Lee, Jimmie 27-Mar-1984 M Lee, Barbara Helen 04-May-1984 F Lee, Elmo Murry 05-May-1984 M Lee, Welch A 08-Jun-1984 M Lee, James Seibert 16-Jul-1984 M Lee, Ira James 21-Jul-1984 M Lee, Herbert C 25-Jul-1984 M Lee, Jessie Mae 25-Jul-1984 F Lee, Quinon 24-Aug-1984 M Lee, Leon 05-Sep-1984 M Lee, Claude 09-Sep-1984 M Lee, Norman Joe 17-Nov-1984 M Lee, Elihue 23-Nov-1984 M Lee, Henry 09-Dec-1984 M Lee, Myrle L 22-Dec-1984 M Lee, Cornelius 25-Dec-1984 M Lee, Minnie Izore 27-Dec-1984 F Lee, Robert E 30-Dec-1984 M Lee, Minnie L 31-Dec-1984 F Leech, Elda Leota 29-Apr-1984 F Leeds, William Latham 26-Sep-1984 M Leek, Robert V 21-Jan-1984 M Leek, Marie M 25-Feb-1984 F Leeth, Kenneth Edgar 03-Mar-1984 M Lefevre, Arnold B 18-Mar-1984 M Leffall, Burlon, SR 24-Sep-1984 M Lefton, William Scott 09-Jan-1984 M Leftwich, Emma Lou 14-Aug-1984 F Leggett, Wendell H 10-Mar-1984 M Leggett, Norma L 24-Apr-1984 F Leggett, Ronald Eugene 27-Sep-1984 M Leggett, Kasi Wes 03-Nov-1984 F Legrand, Pauline Fitzgerald 21-Jan-1984 F Legrand, Lillian 15-Apr-1984 F Lehew, James Robert, SR 24-Dec-1984 M Leichliter, Braden Boyd, JR 31-Oct-1984 M Leichtman, Rose Jacobs 20-Jun-1984 F Leighton, Alice Monroe 12-Aug-1984 F Leimer, John Herman 09-Nov-1984 M Leitch, Benjamin Bryan 21-Aug-1984 M Lelly, Anna Elizabeth 27-Dec-1984 F Lemaire, Theodore George 09-Aug-1984 M Lemmel, Marjorie Kane 06-Dec-1984 F Lemmer, Werner Walter 18-Dec-1984 M Lemmon, Marguerite C 16-Sep-1984 F Lemmons, Judith Ella 02-Dec-1984 F Lemoine, Ashley Elizabeth 02-Oct-1984 F Lemons, John Eddie 02-Feb-1984 M Lemons, Jesse None 07-Dec-1984 M Lenamond, Amilee 18-Jul-1984 F Lendvay, Anna Catherine 30-Jul-1984 F Lenehan, Margaret Elizabeth 01-Nov-1984 F Leneveu, Barret Spencer 13-Jun-1984 M Lenz, Velma C 17-Apr-1984 F Leonard, Virgie Mae 23-Jan-1984 F Leonard, Harry 05-Apr-1984 M Leonard, Stephen Knox 28-Apr-1984 M Leonard, Robert Wayne 16-Jul-1984 M Leonard, Harry Lee 06-Sep-1984 M Leonard, Kate Belle 27-Oct-1984 F Leshe, Brooks Talton 26-Aug-1984 M Leshikar, T'odon Charles 28-Feb-1984 M Leslie, Helen Louise 14-Apr-1984 F Lessner, Cecilia R Aka Sr M 05-Feb-1984 F Lester, Claude, JR 19-Feb-1984 M Lester, Sidney Darrell 03-Apr-1984 M Lester, Ezra 07-Apr-1984 M Lester, Janie Mae 24-Apr-1984 F Lester, Jettie Crutchfield 12-Aug-1984 F Lester, Louis George 13-Dec-1984 M Lester, Karl Ray 20-Dec-1984 M Levene, Philip 12-Sep-1984 M Levene, Ida 11-Nov-1984 F Lever, Lillian Marian 16-Dec-1984 F Levin, Frederick, SR 16-Nov-1984 M Levin, Shirley Jean 09-Dec-1984 F Levin, Abe 22-Dec-1984 M Levine, Nathan 29-Aug-1984 M Levine, Ida W 10-Sep-1984 F Levinson, Joe 02-Mar-1984 M Levy, Corinne Letha 06-Jan-1984 F Levy, Georgia White 13-Jan-1984 F Levy, Minnie Lee 10-Aug-1984 F Lewellen, Florence 15-Dec-1984 F Lewis, Bruce Felton 13-Jan-1984 M Lewis, Gregory Joe 23-Jan-1984 M Lewis, James Gregory 23-Jan-1984 M Lewis, Roberta 26-Jan-1984 F Lewis, Ingeborg 01-Feb-1984 F Lewis, Alice May 06-Feb-1984 F Lewis, Bianca Rashun 10-Feb-1984 F Lewis, Minnie M 11-Feb-1984 F Lewis, Ruth Mahala 17-Feb-1984 F Lewis, Ollie Jane 22-Feb-1984 F Lewis, Virgil Glen 28-Feb-1984 M Lewis, Egbert Emanuel 09-Mar-1984 M Lewis, Ed 19-Mar-1984 M Lewis, Daniel Scott 23-Mar-1984 M Lewis, Alvin Kent 24-Apr-1984 M Lewis, Walter 29-Apr-1984 M Lewis, Raleigh 13-May-1984 M Lewis, Willie 17-May-1984 M Lewis, Orie Lester 19-May-1984 M Lewis, Geneva S 26-May-1984 F Lewis, Mable B 14-Jun-1984 F Lewis, Katherine Georgia 15-Jun-1984 F Lewis, Alvin 16-Jun-1984 M Lewis, Amos Hage 25-Jun-1984 M Lewis, Eugene Joseph, JR 28-Jun-1984 M Lewis, Nettie 05-Jul-1984 F Lewis, Lula T 18-Jul-1984 F Lewis, Ira Albert 04-Aug-1984 M Lewis, Susie F 04-Aug-1984 F Lewis, Lexie 14-Aug-1984 F Lewis, Esther 19-Aug-1984 F Lewis, Nathaniel 04-Sep-1984 M Lewis, Omer I 06-Sep-1984 M Lewis, James L Inf Of 19-Sep-1984 M Lewis, Frank J 23-Sep-1984 M Lewis, Raymond 30-Sep-1984 M Lewis, Hubert 04-Oct-1984 M Lewis, Clarence Ephrim 19-Oct-1984 M Lewis, James David 25-Oct-1984 M Lewis, Walter Crawford 26-Oct-1984 M Lewis, Christell 26-Oct-1984 F Lewis, Threca Beck 10-Nov-1984 F Lewis, Nada Kay 17-Nov-1984 F Lewis, Paul 19-Nov-1984 M Lewis, Emma Jean 20-Nov-1984 F Lewis, Betty Mae 24-Nov-1984 F Lewis, Margaret Louise 26-Nov-1984 F Lewis, Carol Mae 28-Nov-1984 F Lewis, Onether B 28-Nov-1984 F Lewis, Junie Blonde 29-Nov-1984 F Lewis, Effie Mae 12-Dec-1984 F Lewis, William 13-Dec-1984 M Lewis, Leon Patman 13-Dec-1984 M Lewis, Ruth 20-Dec-1984 F Lewis, Alice Fuselier 21-Dec-1984 F Lewis, Ernest 24-Dec-1984 M Ley, Leota Lucille 20-Dec-1984 F Leyva, Juan 05-Jan-1984 M Libby, Louis 01-Sep-1984 M Lichlyter, James Walter Lee 12-Mar-1984 M Lieberman, Jack 20-Aug-1984 M Lievsay, Stella Penry 18-Jun-1984 F Lifshits, Aron 28-Feb-1984 M Ligon, Betty 22-Apr-1984 F Ligon, Condy 29-Jun-1984 M Liles, Ruth Lillian 07-Feb-1984 F Liles, Edith Pride 17-Jul-1984 F Liles, Clifton L 05-Oct-1984 M Lillard, Horace 11-Sep-1984 M Lilly, Marilyn 03-Dec-1984 F Lim, Beck Suk 09-May-1984 M Lim, Tae Wong 01-Nov-1984 M Lima, Rita Albert 12-May-1984 F Limacher, Joyce Ann Mcgrath 22-Dec-1984 F Limbaugh, Ronald Lynn, SR 17-Dec-1984 M Linarez, Jesse V 29-Nov-1984 M Linberg, Clifford Charles 19-Feb-1984 M Lincecum, Lydia Ida 12-Mar-1984 F Lincoln, Lillie Ora 03-Apr-1984 F Lincoln, Tequial Mesheall 02-May-1984 F Lincoln, Karen Noreen 23-Sep-1984 F Lindberg, Patricia Atla 29-Feb-1984 F Linder, Michael Anthony 18-Nov-1984 M Linderoth, Albert 30-Apr-1984 M Lindholm, Jack Titus 27-Apr-1984 M Lindsay, Kathy 23-Dec-1984 F Lindsay, Mary Amelia 27-Dec-1984 F Lindsey, Mary Pauline 13-Feb-1984 F Lindsey, Justin Yancy 01-Apr-1984 M Lindsey, Ethylene Bernice 27-Apr-1984 F Lindsey, Ketta B 28-Oct-1984 F Lindsey, Burl Robert 13-Dec-1984 M Lindsley, Robert Porter, SR 06-Jun-1984 M Ling, James Ira 27-Apr-1984 M Linkous, John Washington 23-Nov-1984 M Linquist, Margaret Pascoe 18-Dec-1984 F Lipscomb, Norris Ivy 21-Apr-1984 M Lipscomb, Tommy Adron 11-May-1984 M Lipsky, Claire 04-Jan-1984 F Liscano, Tiburcio 05-Sep-1984 M Lisenby, Leota Craige 05-Oct-1984 F Lister, Lillie Mae 16-Apr-1984 F Liston, Thelma Nona 15-Aug-1984 F Little, Flora Ellen 10-Mar-1984 F Little, Victoria Elizabeth 19-Apr-1984 F Little, Azor Harmon 23-Apr-1984 M Little, Curtis Dale, JR 22-Jun-1984 M Little, Geraldine Ann 20-Nov-1984 F Little, Dortha Belle 30-Dec-1984 F Littlefield, Charles W 22-Mar-1984 M Littleton, Jesse Lee 18-Jul-1984 M Lively, Erna Lazda 11-Oct-1984 F Livingston, Wilhelmina M 01-Apr-1984 F Livingston, Evelyne 16-Jul-1984 F Livingston, Edna Ray 07-Nov-1984 F Livsley, William S 09-Nov-1984 M Lizama, Clara 23-May-1984 F Llewellyn, Harry Glenn 06-Dec-1984 M Lloyd, Roberta L 09-Jan-1984 F Lloyd, Doris Wynona 01-Mar-1984 F Lloyd, Dorothy Olive Perkins 03-Oct-1984 F Lobello, Kola Paul 09-Aug-1984 M Locke, Henry Doyle 13-Apr-1984 M Locke, Allie W 06-Aug-1984 F Lockhart, Leon 17-Sep-1984 M Lockhart, Mednesia 09-Oct-1984 F Locsos, James Steven 01-Oct-1984 M Locus, Bessie M 12-Apr-1984 F Locus, Sallie 21-Oct-1984 F Loewe, John Winston 30-Nov-1984 M Loftice, Charlie E 26-Nov-1984 M Loftin, Gladys 16-Mar-1984 F Loftin, Vallie 18-May-1984 F Loftiss, Hillman D 01-Dec-1984 M Lofton, Blanche Lee 13-Aug-1984 F Lofton, Beulah 21-Oct-1984 F Lofton, Theodore R, JR 28-Dec-1984 M Logan, Ralph Ambrose 08-May-1984 M Logan, Naomi Jewell 13-Aug-1984 F Lomas, Emma Stiff 03-Mar-1984 F Lomas, Goldie Gertrude 03-Jul-1984 F London, Ennis 06-Mar-1984 M London, Jack C 12-May-1984 M London, Jack 26-Jun-1984 M Long, Mary Inf Of 01-Jan-1984 M Long, Sarah Melvina 18-Jan-1984 F Long, Nelson R 19-Jan-1984 M Long, Herschel Leonard 21-Jan-1984 M Long, Elvis Agy 31-Jan-1984 M Long, Edna 05-Feb-1984 F Long, Bernice M 09-Mar-1984 F Long, Howard Blaine 27-Mar-1984 M Long, Jesse Brown 16-Jul-1984 M Long, Eva Bell 26-Aug-1984 F Long, Maurice Wayne 08-Nov-1984 M Long, Jules Heywood, SR 17-Nov-1984 M Long, Wayne Pettit 22-Dec-1984 F Longbotham, Lola 23-Jul-1984 F Longtin, Louis C 15-Aug-1984 M Lookingbill, Celia Florence 02-Oct-1984 F Loome, Mary Ellen 16-Sep-1984 F Looney, Lula May 22-Aug-1984 F Looney, Nora Anne 24-Sep-1984 F Looney, Myrtle Lagow 05-Oct-1984 F Lopez, Jesus 09-Jan-1984 M Lopez, Joe 25-Mar-1984 M Lopez, Atilano 03-May-1984 M Lopez, Roberto 07-May-1984 M Lopez, Josue 19-May-1984 M Lopez, Manuel 29-May-1984 M Lopez, Vicenta Brisenio 30-May-1984 F Lopez, Juan Espinoza Aka Lop 31-May-1984 M Lopez, Joe Gonzales 16-Aug-1984 M Lopez, Martin 18-Aug-1984 M Lopez, Maria 06-Nov-1984 F Lopez, Manuela Garcia 21-Nov-1984 F Lopez, Trinidad Morales 20-Dec-1984 M Lord, Dewey Clayton 22-Jan-1984 M Lord, Sharon Kay 27-Oct-1984 F Lord, Samuel Randall 27-Nov-1984 M Loredo, Gumaro 05-Aug-1984 M Lott, Johnnie Vandriver 20-Apr-1984 M Lott, Elizabeth Ann 11-Jul-1984 F Lott, Wilford Roland 24-Jul-1984 M Lott, Sadilia Blassingill 20-Oct-1984 F Lott, Sara Lane 15-Dec-1984 F Loud, Autry 28-Mar-1984 F Loud, Ira Benjamin 19-Dec-1984 M Louden, Josephine 20-Apr-1984 F Love, Marvin F 31-Mar-1984 M Love, Sallie 31-Mar-1984 F Love, Josie M 05-May-1984 F Love, Mary Susie 06-Jul-1984 F Love, Sarah Virginia 01-Nov-1984 F Love, Darryl Wayne 02-Dec-1984 M Loveday, Cecil Roy 28-Oct-1984 M Lovell, Billy Burk 17-Mar-1984 M Lovell, William Lee 25-May-1984 M Lovell, Helen Yvonne 25-Oct-1984 F Lovett, Donald Eugene 26-Jul-1984 M Lovik, Margaret Delphine 14-Apr-1984 F Loving, Howard 22-Aug-1984 M Lovitt, Ethel Delora 14-Oct-1984 F Low, Lizzie Veneila 18-Sep-1984 F Low, Robert 19-Dec-1984 M Lowe, Helen N 03-May-1984 F Lowe, Edna 05-May-1984 F Lowe, Kenneth Warren 09-Jun-1984 M Lowe, Linda Margaret 29-Jun-1984 F Lowe, June 13-Aug-1984 F Lowe, Beulah Love 13-Sep-1984 F Lowe, Arra Louise 14-Oct-1984 F Lowe, Henry Alvin 23-Oct-1984 M Lowenstein, Julia Ann 07-Jul-1984 F Lowery, Ann Xavier Aka Mcphe 16-Jul-1984 F Lowery, Oren Eugene 15-Dec-1984 M Lowrance, Cecil J 20-Jun-1984 M Lowrance, Fay Norine 12-Nov-1984 F Lowrey, Seth Harvey 22-Aug-1984 M Lowrey, Christine B 09-Sep-1984 F Lowrie, Clyde Stanford 24-Oct-1984 M Lowry, Dorothy S 14-Feb-1984 F Lowry, Jimmie Harold 28-Feb-1984 M Loyd, Ralph C 30-Apr-1984 M Lozano, Juanita 12-Jan-1984 F Lozano, Josefina 25-Apr-1984 F Lucas, Faye 31-Jan-1984 F Lucas, Alberta Nixon 15-Feb-1984 F Lucas, Ileen Morris 17-Feb-1984 F Lucas, Ruth Rebecca 19-Feb-1984 F Lucas, Sarah Elizabeth (libbi 09-Mar-1984 F Lucas, Lonzo 15-Jul-1984 M Luce, Thomas Warren, JR 08-Nov-1984 M Luck, John Henry 02-May-1984 M Lucke, Emily Anne 29-Feb-1984 F Luckow, Gerald Wayne 24-Sep-1984 M Lucky, George Dewery 09-Feb-1984 M Lueck, Mellie Tennessee 08-Nov-1984 F Luke, Alberta Caroline 31-Mar-1984 F Lumbreras, Juan Carlos Rodrigu21-Oct-1984 M Lumley, Ersie Estelle 16-Jan-1984 F Lumpkin, Houston Force, JR 08-Jul-1984 M Lumpkin, William Hamlin 22-Nov-1984 M Luna, White 02-Oct-1984 M Luna, Amado 03-Oct-1984 M Luna, Alex, SR 19-Oct-1984 M Luna, Victoria Inf Of Twin A 01-Nov-1984 M Luna, Victoria Inf Of Twin B 01-Nov-1984 M Lunney, James Patrick 28-Jun-1984 M Lupton, Lela Ray 10-Jan-1984 F Lurye, Leonard Louis 02-May-1984 M Lusk, W J 21-Feb-1984 M Lusk, Estes Rosie 07-Apr-1984 F Lusk, Thomas Edgar 22-Jun-1984 M Luttrell, George A 22-Feb-1984 M Luttrell, Edward Edgar, JR 22-Sep-1984 M Lybrand, Don B 27-Jan-1984 M Lyles, Alfred Gene 05-Mar-1984 M Lynch, Patrick Michael, SR 07-Jan-1984 M Lynch, William Glen 13-Jun-1984 M Lynch, Louise Ann 07-Jul-1984 F Lynch, Douglas Valdean 25-Oct-1984 M Lynch, Elton William 01-Nov-1984 M Lynch, Sybilla Lester 20-Nov-1984 F Lynn, Barry Mike, JR 28-Mar-1984 M Lynn, Kasey Ann 05-Apr-1984 F Lynn, Leo Daniel 12-Oct-1984 M Lyon, Pearlie Lee 13-Apr-1984 F Lyons, Sadie 13-Jan-1984 F Lyons, John Wesley, JR 22-May-1984 M Lyons, A C, SR 01-Jun-1984 M Lyons, Holly Marie 09-Aug-1984 F Lyons, Sara Agnes Cecelia Hu 19-Aug-1984 F Lyons, James Leslie 21-Sep-1984 M Lyons, Marvin Cagle 31-Dec-1984 F Lytle, Eunice Elygia 18-Jul-1984 F Maberry, Tiny Lorene Aka Lorai06-Sep-1984 F Mabey, John Ross 29-Feb-1984 M Mabry, Pryce E 11-Apr-1984 F Mabry, James Forrest 14-Aug-1984 M Mabry, Martha R 23-Sep-1984 F Mabry, Albert V, JR 17-Oct-1984 M Mabry, Julia Elizabeth 12-Nov-1984 F Macdonald, Paul Arnold 06-Mar-1984 M Macdonald, Alexander 23-Mar-1984 M Macdonald, Dennis 11-Sep-1984 M Mace, Robert 18-Oct-1984 M Macfadyen, Geraldine Demotte 09-Nov-1984 F Mach, Georgia B 25-Feb-1984 F Machado, Alcadio Castillo 20-Jul-1984 M Macintyre, Flora Lee 01-Nov-1984 F Mackenzie, Douglas, JR 08-May-1984 M Mackey, Velma Vay 25-Feb-1984 F Mackey, Barrett Dennis 20-Mar-1984 M Mackey, Robert Humphrey 07-Jun-1984 M Mackey, Ransom 15-Aug-1984 M Mackey, Virginia L 15-Oct-1984 F Mackey, Erna Lena 22-Oct-1984 F Mackey, Gwendolyn Jennette 02-Nov-1984 F Mackie, Leon 07-May-1984 M Mackie, Frankie Jo 16-Oct-1984 F Maclean, Margurite Louise 29-Jan-1984 F Maclennan, Lucy Luella 21-May-1984 F Macmaster, Thelma Marguerite 31-Dec-1984 F Macon, Jewell Mary 22-May-1984 F Madden, Albert B 24-Jun-1984 M Maddin, Mattie B 10-May-1984 F Maddox, Vera M 28-Jan-1984 F Maddox, R L 08-Mar-1984 M Maddox, Virginia R 02-Sep-1984 F Maddox, William Patrick 05-Sep-1984 M Maddox, Celesta Bell 18-Nov-1984 F Madison, Willie Thopus 13-May-1984 M Madison, Edward Sherman 23-Aug-1984 M Madison, Jordan Douglas 19-Dec-1984 M Madkins, Lachundrea M 20-Apr-1984 F Madra, Jane E 11-Jan-1984 F Madrid, Isabel 14-Jan-1984 F Maez, Alfonso Leo 11-Jan-1984 M Magargal, Fietta 16-Jan-1984 F Magee, Alva Belle 12-Feb-1984 F Magee, Bertha 25-Feb-1984 F Magee, Ollie 17-Nov-1984 F Magers, Betty Jo 03-Sep-1984 F Maggard, Lloyd Haskell 27-Jul-1984 M Magnani, Ethel 15-Mar-1984 F Magner, Louise Meinert 17-Feb-1984 F Magness, Lonie La Rue 14-Jun-1984 M Magno, Alfredo Cacatian 18-Mar-1984 M Mahan, Virgil Houston 17-Apr-1984 M Mahon, James Samuel 10-Mar-1984 M Mahoney, Luther 12-Feb-1984 M Mahoney, Robert Michael 20-Apr-1984 M Mahony, Gilbert Joseph 17-Apr-1984 M Mahony, Letha Arzella 09-Dec-1984 F Mai, Mary Louise 07-Feb-1984 F Maiden, Boyd 04-Nov-1984 M Mailer, Julia Hanks 24-Sep-1984 F Main, Eleanor Louise 26-Oct-1984 F Majesko, Raymond Thomas 29-Mar-1984 M Majors, Lorine (loraine) Thoma20-Oct-1984 F Makkieh, Khadejah 02-Aug-1984 F Makuskie, Geneva Pearl 03-Dec-1984 F Malavear, Joe 12-Jun-1984 M Malcolm, James 01-Sep-1984 M Maldonado, Alberto Garcia 12-Aug-1984 M Mallas, Cora Effie 11-Oct-1984 F Malley, Katherine 22-Mar-1984 F Malley, Randolph Eugene 12-Dec-1984 M Malone, Linda Inf Of 08-Feb-1984 F Malone, Ebb 24-Feb-1984 M Malone, Devaughn Melton 09-Apr-1984 M Malone, Marjorie T 20-May-1984 F Malone, Rickey Ray 27-Jun-1984 M Malone, Gayle Irene 08-Sep-1984 F Malone, Michael Ware 31-Oct-1984 M Malone, Mildred Irene 22-Dec-1984 F Maloney, James Joseph 21-Apr-1984 M Maloney, Gary Alan 07-Jul-1984 M Maltzman, Birdie 01-Mar-1984 F Manasco, John 13-Nov-1984 M Mancill, Maurice Claudia 04-Sep-1984 M Mancino, Elizabeth Bertha 17-Sep-1984 F Mandani, Ramzan 06-Mar-1984 M Mandeville, Samuel Vernon 16-Dec-1984 M Manes, Cleveland 09-Mar-1984 M Manes, Allie I 09-Jun-1984 F Mangum, Raymond William 24-Mar-1984 M Mangum, Gladys I 27-Apr-1984 F Manhard, Willaim Paul 25-Dec-1984 M Manke, Hilda Ida Emma 30-Nov-1984 F Mankins, Ernest Gordon, SR 23-Nov-1984 M Mankovsky, Annie 16-Aug-1984 F Manley, Donald J 23-Jun-1984 M Manley, Everett Lee 07-Nov-1984 M Manlove, Annie Kathryn 26-Mar-1984 F Mann, Gary 23-Feb-1984 M Mann, Joseph Hanson 10-May-1984 M Mann, Kenneth L 01-Jun-1984 M Mann, Nell Angeline 10-Jun-1984 F Mann, Dennis Gill 18-Sep-1984 M Mannan, Lyle Harris 05-Nov-1984 M Manning, Margaret Miller 20-Feb-1984 F Manning, Mary Frank 28-Feb-1984 F Manning, Oscar Cleveland 22-Apr-1984 M Manning, Melvin Joy, SR 24-Apr-1984 M Manning, Joyce 06-Jul-1984 F Manning, Jewell Evelyn 15-Jul-1984 F Manning, Myrtle Mcquerter 09-Aug-1984 F Manning, Raymond Louis 06-Dec-1984 M Mansfield, Verda Louise 14-Feb-1984 F Mansfield, Elizabeth A 28-Nov-1984 F Manson, Robbie Lee Aka Robinso17-May-1984 M Maples, Alvin Lloyd 20-Jul-1984 M Maples, Doyle Francis 14-Dec-1984 M Marable, Hallie Payne 23-Jan-1984 F Marbach, Jeffery Neil 14-Dec-1984 M Marbles, Lena 14-Nov-1984 F Marchant, Eva Inez 10-Jul-1984 F Marchbanks, Thomas Joe 22-Sep-1984 M Marchman, Clifford Dowdy 14-Dec-1984 M Marcus, Betty Blum 09-Sep-1984 F Mare, Antoninia 12-Mar-1984 F Marical, April Dawn 01-Apr-1984 F Marino, John Joseph 07-Feb-1984 M Marion, Eligha 28-Dec-1984 M Markham, Eddy Ray 28-May-1984 M Markle, Margaret Fausett 28-Sep-1984 F Markley, Howard Naylor 23-Apr-1984 M Marks, Leah 16-Apr-1984 F Marler, Sudie Lawrence 01-Aug-1984 F Marlowe, Jesse Owen 19-Jun-1984 M Maroney, Earl Leverne 02-Sep-1984 M Marquette, Roland Connor 26-May-1984 M Marquez, Pedro 09-Jul-1984 M Marquez, Francisco Zagal 29-Sep-1984 M Marquez, Inez Rodriguez 06-Nov-1984 F Marquez, Florencio Rodriquez, 13-Dec-1984 M Marriot, Dorothy Lucille 20-Jun-1984 F Marroquin, Elvia S 12-Nov-1984 F Marrs, Gladys Inez 19-Jan-1984 F Marsh, Gertrude 28-Feb-1984 F Marsh, Ada 06-May-1984 F Marsh, Zollie Pennington 21-Dec-1984 F Marshall, Leah Z 04-Jan-1984 F Marshall, Joe Henry 04-Feb-1984 M Marshall, Alice Katherine Reyn06-Apr-1984 F Marshall, Ida Elizabeth 06-Jul-1984 F Marshall, Billy Clark 11-Jul-1984 M Marshall, Fairy Alberta 13-Jul-1984 F Marshall, Myrtle Laverne 19-Jul-1984 F Marshall, Estella Lee 22-Aug-1984 F Marshall, Kiri Desalme 05-Oct-1984 F Marshall, Melinda Nell 20-Oct-1984 F Marshall, Helen Clare 25-Oct-1984 F Marshall, Robert Howell 10-Dec-1984 M Marshburn, Luther Monroe 17-May-1984 M Marshello, David Joseph 03-Mar-1984 M Martel, Jose Angel 08-Oct-1984 M Martens, Melvin Wayne 14-Mar-1984 M Martin, John Scott 03-Jan-1984 M Martin, Birdie E 09-Jan-1984 F Martin, Luther Aaron 12-Jan-1984 M Martin, Oscar Eugene 14-Feb-1984 M Martin, Ruby 14-Feb-1984 F Martin, Douglas Wayne 16-Feb-1984 M Martin, Freddie L 23-Feb-1984 M Martin, Emily Vincent 24-Feb-1984 M Martin, Thomas Earl 11-Mar-1984 M Martin, Bernard A 26-Mar-1984 M Martin, Cecil Linington 06-Apr-1984 F Martin, Nola Agnes 16-Apr-1984 F Martin, Margaret Elizabeth 18-Apr-1984 F Martin, Thomas L 26-Apr-1984 M Martin, Wayne Avon 19-May-1984 M Martin, Jennie 25-May-1984 F Martin, Wendell A 26-May-1984 M Martin, Jonathon Dawson 26-May-1984 M Martin, Addie Lou 03-Jun-1984 F Martin, Logan Meredith, JR 04-Jul-1984 M Martin, Howard Horace 07-Jul-1984 M Martin, Joyce L 13-Jul-1984 F Martin, Osward P 16-Jul-1984 M Martin, Mabelle Ober 22-Jul-1984 F Martin, Ruth Anne 09-Aug-1984 F Martin, Millie Ann 13-Aug-1984 F Martin, Iva Lee 05-Sep-1984 F Martin, William Greer 03-Oct-1984 M Martin, Glenney Dial, III 13-Oct-1984 M Martin, Mattie Lou 27-Oct-1984 F Martin, John Jourdon 29-Oct-1984 M Martin, Opal Alice 31-Oct-1984 F Martin, Richard Paul 11-Nov-1984 M Martin, Roger Dale 14-Nov-1984 M Martin, Roland Dewayne 23-Nov-1984 M Martin, Dolores Irene 02-Dec-1984 F Martin, William Everett 05-Dec-1984 M Martin, Edwin Bryan 18-Dec-1984 M Martindale, Elna 21-Feb-1984 F Martindale, George Kelsey 21-Aug-1984 M Martindale, Whitney Alexandra 15-Nov-1984 F Martinez, Josefa M 02-Jan-1984 F Martinez, Felipa 03-Jan-1984 F Martinez, Ygnacia A 02-Feb-1984 F Martinez, Maximiano Vega 04-Feb-1984 M Martinez, Lazaro 13-Feb-1984 M Martinez, Marshall Thomas 22-Feb-1984 M Martinez, Tomasa 29-Feb-1984 F Martinez, Melecio 05-Mar-1984 M Martinez, Bentura Manrriquez 23-Mar-1984 F Martinez, Emilia G 28-Mar-1984 F Martinez, Guadalupe 04-Apr-1984 F Martinez, Steve 01-May-1984 M Martinez, Perfecto Jesus 06-May-1984 M Martinez, Victor Garcia 19-May-1984 M Martinez, Emilio 27-Jun-1984 M Martinez, Catarino Silva 28-Jun-1984 M Martinez, Guadalupe 12-Jul-1984 M Martinez, Guadalupe, JR 28-Jul-1984 M Martinez, Bonnie Andrew 29-Aug-1984 M Martinez, Pablo Hernandez 02-Sep-1984 M Martinez, Ralph, JR 04-Oct-1984 M Martinez, Jesus Martinez 27-Nov-1984 M Martinez, Maria V 27-Dec-1984 F Martinolich, Esther Louise 07-Apr-1984 F Martinsen, Sheren Kay 11-Oct-1984 F Martinson, Dottie Jean 17-Dec-1984 F Masengale, Doyle 22-Jan-1984 M Mashburn, Eunice H 12-Feb-1984 F Mashburn, Eva Nell 01-Apr-1984 F Mason, O D 20-Jan-1984 M Mason, Benjamin Harris 20-Jan-1984 M Mason, Harry Lee 24-Jan-1984 M Mason, Clayton 26-Jan-1984 M Mason, Mary Elizabeth 07-Feb-1984 F Mason, Lloyd 24-Jun-1984 M Mason, Zonia Elizabeth 02-Jul-1984 F Mason, Edwin P 14-Jul-1984 M Mason, Randall Jack 30-Jul-1984 M Mason, David Zachriah 29-Oct-1984 M Massack, Marie Clara Elizabeth29-Apr-1984 F Massengale, James Woodson, JR 15-Mar-1984 M Massey, James Anthony, JR 17-Feb-1984 M Massey, Herbalyn S 08-Apr-1984 F Massey, Joe Weldon 15-May-1984 M Massey, Kenneth 24-May-1984 M Massey, Gertie Mae 25-Oct-1984 F Massey, Emma Alleen 18-Dec-1984 F Massheder, Jimmie Frances 14-Oct-1984 F Massie, Roy 04-Jun-1984 M Massingill, Alvin Roderick 29-Mar-1984 M Massingill, Earnest A 16-Nov-1984 M Masten, David Dryden 25-Apr-1984 M Masters, Martha Jones 20-Mar-1984 F Masters, Ethel Evelyn 12-Aug-1984 F Masters, Daisy Bernice 16-Nov-1984 F Masters, Cecil Vanoy 06-Dec-1984 M Mata, Antonio 14-Aug-1984 M Mata, Jose Moreno Aka Garci 03-Oct-1984 M Mata, Manuel 10-Nov-1984 M Materka, William J 23-Feb-1984 M Mathers, Dora 23-Mar-1984 F Mathers, Truby Lee 28-May-1984 F Mathews, Addie 20-Feb-1984 F Mathews, Rosa Lee 23-Aug-1984 F Mathews, Grover Cleveland, JR 08-Sep-1984 M Mathias, Lillian Alnora 07-Jun-1984 F Mathis, Marie Ernestine 02-Feb-1984 F Mathis, Edna Earl 31-May-1984 F Mathis, Gloria 21-Jul-1984 F Mathis, Inez Lazell 03-Aug-1984 F Mathis, Cleo 02-Nov-1984 F Mathonican, Jim 25-Jan-1984 M Mathonican, Byron 04-Feb-1984 M Matkins, Flossie Brayton 22-Nov-1984 F Matlock, Bob Lee 20-Jan-1984 M Matlock, Eugene Charles 24-Feb-1984 M Matlock, Emma Jean 07-Jul-1984 F Matlock, Gladys Bartlett 28-Nov-1984 F Matney, William T 18-Apr-1984 M Matney, William D 16-Aug-1984 M Mattes, Betty L 28-Jan-1984 F Matteson, Iva 29-Jul-1984 F Matthews, Marie Alberta 23-Jan-1984 F Matthews, William Harris 12-Feb-1984 M Matthews, Lawrence 29-Mar-1984 M Matthews, Homer Albert 13-May-1984 M Matthews, Mearl Chuck 10-Jul-1984 M Matthews, William Andrew 31-Aug-1984 M Matthews, James L 26-Oct-1984 M Maturana, Humberto 02-Oct-1984 M Matz, Raymond Frank 29-Nov-1984 M Mauk, Frances Louise 11-Aug-1984 F Maurer, Nellie Suppes 22-Jun-1984 F Mauri, Frank, SR 01-Dec-1984 M Maurizard, Agnes 12-Apr-1984 F Maury, Grace Cleo 27-Aug-1984 F Maus, Emmett Lorenzo 04-Jun-1984 M Mauser, Edwin E 14-Jan-1984 M Mavis, Michael John 08-Oct-1984 M Maxey, Ethelyn Belle 14-Jun-1984 F Maxey, Elsie Dolly 09-Jul-1984 F Maxey, Arthur Lee 18-Jul-1984 M Maxie, Kenneth Charles 09-Jun-1984 M Maxwell, Ernest Taylor 24-Mar-1984 M Maxwell, Douglas Irving, SR 24-Apr-1984 M May, Minnie Myrtle 09-Feb-1984 F May, Wayland D 24-May-1984 M May, William I 23-Jun-1984 M May, John Raymond 20-Jul-1984 M May, Lillian Demaris 05-Sep-1984 F May, Gladys Virginia 18-Sep-1984 F May, Chrystal Abby 19-Nov-1984 F May, Royce Wayne 30-Nov-1984 M Mayben, Sarah Shelley 27-Aug-1984 F Mayberry, Lewis 19-Oct-1984 M Mayers, (jerry) Gerald Claude 08-Dec-1984 M Mayes, Viola Ellen 09-Apr-1984 F Mayes, Colleen 01-Jun-1984 F Mayes, Malcolm O 23-Oct-1984 M Mayes, Ethel Clara 26-Dec-1984 F Mayfield, Mary 27-Mar-1984 F Mayfield, Roy 04-Apr-1984 M Mayfield, Florence L 03-Jul-1984 F Mayfield, Dorothy Inf Of 26-Jul-1984 F Mayfield, Lottie Gertrude 22-Sep-1984 F Mayfield, Lessie 23-Nov-1984 F Mayhall, Edythe Louise Sanders04-Apr-1984 F Mayhall, Blanche Brown 02-Jul-1984 F Mayhar, Thomas E 14-Jan-1984 M Maynard, Clarence Shade 21-Jan-1984 M Mayo, Dorothy Jane 29-Aug-1984 F Mayo, Robert Thomas 22-Sep-1984 M Mayo, John D 19-Nov-1984 M Mayott, Brian Loren 17-Apr-1984 M Mays, James Kelly 13-Feb-1984 M Mays, Lela 04-Oct-1984 F Mays, Quinton Albert 13-Oct-1984 M Mays, Minnie Effie 25-Nov-1984 F Maytas, Irene Cecelia 02-Oct-1984 F Mc Adoo, Walter H 30-Nov-1984 M Mc Anally, Lloyd C 08-Apr-1984 M Mc Clendon, Early Lue 10-Jun-1984 F Mc Coin, Artie Mae 29-Sep-1984 F Mc Coy, Calvin Arthur 19-Dec-1984 M Mc Donald, Sidney Odell 11-Dec-1984 M Mc Gahan, Hollis E 12-Feb-1984 M Mc Gee, Mary Ann 15-Oct-1984 F Mc Gettigan, Joseph C 27-Feb-1984 M Mc Gowan, Reuben Alford 16-Jul-1984 M Mc Gowan, Charles 25-Nov-1984 M Mc Kinnon, Leo 11-Dec-1984 F Mc Kissic, Raymond 09-Aug-1984 M Mcada, Norma Jeanne 07-Jul-1984 F Mcadams, Floyd A 07-Jan-1984 M Mcadams, Opal Louise 23-Sep-1984 F Mcadams, Charles B 03-Oct-1984 M Mcadams, Rollins T, SR 22-Dec-1984 M Mcaleer, William Arthur 19-Feb-1984 M Mcalister, Peggy Ailean Aka Sp15-Nov-1984 F Mcalpin, Mark Steven 09-Jan-1984 M Mcalpin, William Thomas 07-May-1984 M Mcalpin, John T 25-May-1984 M Mcalpin, Roderick 29-Sep-1984 M Mcanally, Durward Monroe 29-Nov-1984 M Mcaree, Lillie Mae 23-Dec-1984 F Mcaway, Walter 17-Nov-1984 M Mcbride, Mamie Lou 02-Jan-1984 F Mcbride, Morgan Adam Delane 06-Feb-1984 M Mcbride, Velma Katy 10-Mar-1984 F Mcbride, Beverly L 08-Apr-1984 F Mcbride, Jesse T 24-Apr-1984 M Mcbride, Pierce Zeni 14-Sep-1984 M Mcbride, Harry Daniel 10-Dec-1984 M Mcbride, Kimberly Rena 23-Dec-1984 F Mcburnett, Phyllis May 17-Oct-1984 F Mccabe, Daniel Ulysses 13-Oct-1984 M Mccaffity, William Boyd 23-Sep-1984 M Mccain, Lekishie 03-Jan-1984 F Mccain, Lee Roy 17-Feb-1984 M Mccain, Dewey 05-Mar-1984 F Mccain, Mary Bouve 11-Mar-1984 F Mccaleb, Jacqueline Ruth 30-Apr-1984 F Mccalister, George W 05-Mar-1984 M Mccall, Bethany Ann 30-Jul-1984 F Mccalley, Alice Marie Gipson 17-Mar-1984 F Mccallum, Ida Mae 05-Apr-1984 F Mccallum, Herman Wilks 11-Jun-1984 M Mccallum, Roland Pape 31-Jul-1984 M Mccallum, Giralda Compton 26-Sep-1984 F Mccamey, Douglas Benard 08-Apr-1984 M Mccandless, Rebecca 17-Apr-1984 F Mccane, Sedalia 11-Jan-1984 F Mccannon, Ruth Ann 05-Aug-1984 F Mccarley, Florence Cora 10-Jun-1984 F Mccart, Bonnie Laverne 03-Sep-1984 F Mccartan, Jonathan Mark 01-Dec-1984 M Mccarthy, Helen Faye Reeves 03-Mar-1984 F Mccarthy, Hallie 17-Sep-1984 F Mccarthy, William Edward 23-Nov-1984 M Mccarty, Madeleine Delia 01-May-1984 F Mccary, Jimmie B 12-Feb-1984 M Mccaskill, Clara Myrtle 16-Sep-1984 F Mccasland, Mildred Jane 17-Oct-1984 F Mccauley, Nina Allyne 10-Jan-1984 F Mccelvey, Dorothy Elizabeth 01-Feb-1984 F Mcclain, J W 04-Feb-1984 M Mcclain, Josiah Scott, JR 20-Oct-1984 M Mcclain, James D 08-Dec-1984 M Mcclanahan, Charles C 21-Jan-1984 M Mcclary, Joseph Leslie 11-May-1984 M Mcclary, Kay S 06-Jun-1984 F Mcclary, Maudie Marie 20-Oct-1984 F Mcclatchey, Silas G 03-Apr-1984 M Mcclay, Ralph Gordon 07-Aug-1984 M Mccleary, Pauline Mae 31-Jan-1984 F Mccleary, Clyde 15-Mar-1984 M Mcclellan, Ina Mae 05-Sep-1984 F Mcclellan, Margaret Ann 01-Dec-1984 F Mcclendon, Evelyn J 09-Mar-1984 F Mcclendon, Benny Ray 15-Jul-1984 M Mccleskey, Gladie Ola 02-May-1984 F Mccloskey, James Bruce 15-Feb-1984 M Mcclure, Mary Eugenia 24-Dec-1984 F Mcclurg, Kenneth Ray 21-Mar-1984 M Mcclusky, William Leander 24-Nov-1984 M Mccollom, Pearl Irene 20-Aug-1984 F Mccollough, Gloria Marie 07-Dec-1984 F Mccollums, Savannah Isabell 02-Apr-1984 F Mccomb, Lee 17-Nov-1984 M Mccommas, Winefred Jack 20-Jan-1984 M Mccommas, Dorothy Pimm 23-Jul-1984 F Mcconathy, Agnes Kelly 21-May-1984 F Mcconnell, Minnie Ole 26-Jan-1984 F Mcconnell, Eugene Gibson 29-Mar-1984 M Mccord, Florence Lorayne 10-Dec-1984 F Mccormick, Nancy Stephens 24-Apr-1984 F Mccormick, Dora Faye 26-Jun-1984 F Mccoy, Joe T 28-Feb-1984 M Mccoy, Lovie Lavana 20-Mar-1984 F Mccoy, Daniel Lee 28-Mar-1984 M Mccoy, Minnie Lee 17-Sep-1984 F Mccoy, Estelle 28-Sep-1984 F Mccoy, Fannie Mae 01-Dec-1984 F Mccoy, Julian F 04-Dec-1984 M Mccrary, Cheryl Larnae Inf Of 22-Feb-1984 F Mccrary, Emily C 29-Nov-1984 F Mccrea, Joan Marie 14-Mar-1984 F Mccreary, Lucille Lorene 13-Feb-1984 F Mccreight, Bessie 02-Oct-1984 F Mccririck, William 10-Jun-1984 M Mccroan, Whitney Dawn 25-May-1984 F Mccrory, Bertha Helen 10-Mar-1984 F Mccrory, Charles James 24-Mar-1984 M Mcculloch, Billy Joe 26-Apr-1984 M Mccullough, Edgar D 27-Jul-1984 M Mccullough, Bunyan Byran 02-Nov-1984 M Mccullough, Leroy 13-Dec-1984 M Mccurry, Preston Isom 08-Mar-1984 M Mcdade, Georgia 21-Aug-1984 F Mcdade, James E 07-Oct-1984 M Mcdaniel, Keegan Patrick 23-Jan-1984 M Mcdaniel, Alberta Lee 10-Feb-1984 F Mcdaniel, Floyd 05-Mar-1984 F Mcdaniel, Carrie Francis 18-Mar-1984 F Mcdaniel, Frank 03-Aug-1984 M Mcdaniel, Curtis 11-Nov-1984 M Mcdaniel, Anna Lee 29-Dec-1984 F Mcdannald, Kenneth Edward 15-Mar-1984 M Mcdermott, John Vincent 12-Aug-1984 M Mcdermott, Edward James 26-Aug-1984 M Mcdermott, Maude Lester 13-Sep-1984 F Mcdermott, Leah Caroline 15-Sep-1984 F Mcdermott, Arthur 03-Dec-1984 M Mcdonald, Ethel Avalene 30-Jan-1984 F Mcdonald, Pauline Johnson 25-Feb-1984 F Mcdonald, Kenneth Robert 01-Mar-1984 M Mcdonald, Charles, JR 02-Mar-1984 M Mcdonald, Virgil 05-Mar-1984 M Mcdonald, Hubert Pope 04-Apr-1984 M Mcdonald, Ella Ree 18-Apr-1984 F Mcdonald, Orloff Buck 22-Apr-1984 M Mcdonald, Verne H 24-Apr-1984 M Mcdonald, Rosa Lee 27-May-1984 F Mcdonald, Laurie Jill 28-Jul-1984 F Mcdonald, Douglas Leroy 23-Aug-1984 M Mcdonald, Katherine Henderson 10-Sep-1984 F Mcdonald, Violette Aline 11-Sep-1984 F Mcdonald, John Daniel 12-Sep-1984 M Mcdonald, Marie 14-Sep-1984 F Mcdonald, Duncan Daniel, JR 06-Oct-1984 M Mcdonald, Sharon 11-Oct-1984 F Mcdonald, Josephine 24-Dec-1984 F Mcdowell, Opal Laverne 28-Feb-1984 F Mcdowell, Marion Monroe 18-Mar-1984 M Mcdowell, Charlotte Ann 26-Jun-1984 F Mcdowell, Daniel Hiram 01-Sep-1984 M Mcdowell, Martha Virginia 06-Dec-1984 F Mcdowell, Saradene Smith 16-Dec-1984 F Mcelroy, Hazel 08-Jan-1984 F Mcelroy, Clifton Glenn 31-Mar-1984 M Mcelroy, Tilda Ada 04-May-1984 F Mcelyea, Logan William 10-May-1984 M Mcelyea, Ira C 19-May-1984 M Mcentee, Patrick W 28-Oct-1984 M Mcentire, Nancy Ruth 27-Nov-1984 F Mcentyre, Perry, JR 29-Jan-1984 M Mceuen, Ester L 06-Mar-1984 F Mcewen, Benjamin 09-Mar-1984 M Mcfadden, Roland Wayne 28-Apr-1984 M Mcfadden, John Everett 02-Jun-1984 M Mcfarland, Helen Joyce 19-Oct-1984 F Mcfarland, Willie Mae 12-Dec-1984 F Mcfarling, Jody Scott 06-Nov-1984 M Mcferrin, Richard Jack 24-May-1984 M Mcgahey, L B, JR 06-Feb-1984 M Mcgahey, Willie Edna 16-Feb-1984 F Mcgarity, Clara Beulah 07-Aug-1984 F Mcgaugh, Marvin E 15-Mar-1984 M Mcgaughey, Mydena Maude 24-Apr-1984 F Mcgee, James 15-Jul-1984 M Mcgee, Larry Gene 04-Sep-1984 M Mcgee, Tressie Mae 08-Oct-1984 F Mcgee, Loise Mitchell 12-Oct-1984 M Mcgee, Dwight Lawson 26-Dec-1984 M Mcghee, Magnolia Spruce 18-Mar-1984 F Mcgibboney, Juanita Elizabeth 01-Nov-1984 F Mcgilbra, Wiley 28-Jan-1984 M Mcgill, Hugh Eric 01-Sep-1984 M Mcglathery, Nathan 13-Aug-1984 M Mcglothlin, Amye Lee 24-May-1984 F Mcgowan, Sybil Rae 17-Mar-1984 F Mcgowan, Alma 27-May-1984 F Mcgowan, Patrick Thomas Ii Dr 27-Jun-1984 M Mcgowan, Frank Edward 04-Oct-1984 M Mcgowan, Beulah 28-Oct-1984 F Mcgraw, Doris Ann Gibbs 25-Aug-1984 F Mcgregor, Ruth Marie 17-Feb-1984 F Mcgregor, Richard Warren 19-Apr-1984 M Mcgrew, George Russell 14-Feb-1984 M Mcgriff, William Lawrence 28-Jun-1984 M Mcgruder, John L 14-Jan-1984 M Mcguffin, Valton H 07-Feb-1984 M Mcguire, Ruth Vistal 02-May-1984 F Mcguire, John Christopher, JR 14-Sep-1984 M Mcguire, Devlin Casey 21-Dec-1984 M Mcguirt, Thomas Broadus 26-Jan-1984 M Mcgwier, Velma Lee 18-Apr-1984 F Mcilveen, Annie Lee 19-Feb-1984 F Mcintire, Lottie Spencer 08-Sep-1984 F Mcinturff, Mary J 27-Aug-1984 F Mcintyre, John F, JR 12-Jun-1984 M Mcintyre, Michael Patrick Aka 15-Sep-1984 M Mciver, Allen Lorenzo, JR 21-Sep-1984 M Mcjilton, Lucille Francis 04-Jun-1984 F Mcjunkins, Ollie Mae 31-Mar-1984 F Mckay, John Perry, JR 04-Aug-1984 M Mckay, Marjory Eileen 04-Dec-1984 F Mckay, Schley Harold 06-Dec-1984 M Mckee, Leo Fern 10-Mar-1984 F Mckee, Richard Wayne 21-Jul-1984 M Mckee, Nina Dee 14-Sep-1984 F Mckee, Daniele 04-Nov-1984 F Mckee, Steven Patrick 11-Nov-1984 M Mckeever, Arlene Ethel 12-Nov-1984 F Mckeller, Creassie 09-Jan-1984 F Mckenna, Isabel Pauline 01-Feb-1984 F Mckenna, Margaret 21-Mar-1984 F Mckenzie, Lelia 02-Feb-1984 F Mckenzie, Louis 10-Mar-1984 M Mckenzie, James Harold 19-Jun-1984 M Mckenzie, Lee Marlin 24-Oct-1984 M Mckenzie, Lionel Hugh 27-Oct-1984 M Mckey, Minnie Marve 07-Nov-1984 F Mckinley, Kellye Nichole 24-Nov-1984 F Mckinney, William Burt 03-Jan-1984 M Mckinney, Jeremiah 05-Jan-1984 M Mckinney, Amber Leigh 06-Jan-1984 F Mckinney, Ella Catherine 18-Jan-1984 F Mckinney, Ruth Mae Thomas 05-Apr-1984 F Mckinney, Liddie Lue 06-Apr-1984 F Mckinney, Lloyd 07-Jun-1984 M Mckinney, Imogene Potts 04-Jul-1984 F Mckinney, Ruby 07-Sep-1984 F Mckinney, Homer L 16-Sep-1984 M Mckinney, Ida Kathryn 20-Sep-1984 F Mckinney, Armyn Odell 27-Sep-1984 M Mckinney, Marcus 17-Oct-1984 M Mckinney, Hughie Lemanus, SR 09-Nov-1984 M Mckinney, Eugene Victor 28-Nov-1984 M Mckinzie, Nicole 19-Dec-1984 F Mckissack, Robert Lee, JR 12-Feb-1984 M Mckissic, Marie 09-Sep-1984 F Mclachlan, Charles Frederick A18-Jun-1984 M Mclane, Dorothy Ann 30-Jan-1984 F Mclauchlan, William 25-May-1984 M Mclaughlin, Jack Erwin 15-Jan-1984 M Mclaughlin, William Thomas, II29-Feb-1984 M Mclaughlin, Clyde Adam 06-Aug-1984 M Mclaughlin, Ruth Jones 02-Sep-1984 F Mclean, John Cleveland, JR 28-May-1984 M Mclean, Donald 13-Sep-1984 M Mclemore, Robert, JR 03-Nov-1984 M Mclemore, Dolly R 10-Nov-1984 F Mclemore, Velma Pauline 23-Nov-1984 F Mclemore, Mae 27-Dec-1984 F Mcleod, Leona 10-Aug-1984 F Mcleod, Clover Nell 29-Nov-1984 F Mcleod, Vera Arminta 30-Dec-1984 F Mcleroy, Milton F 21-Mar-1984 M Mclilly, Vernice Inf Of 31-Jul-1984 M Mcloughlin, Isobel Louise 04-Mar-1984 F Mcmahan, Lillie Darthulia 24-Nov-1984 F Mcmahon, Whitney John 09-Aug-1984 M Mcmaster, Archie Vinable, SR 08-Jan-1984 M Mcmaster, Frances Patricia 25-Feb-1984 F Mcmennamy, Jimmy Dexter 05-Jul-1984 M Mcmichael, Raven Ashley 10-Nov-1984 F Mcmichiel, Christine Arena 14-Jul-1984 F Mcmillan, Annie 19-Jan-1984 F Mcmillan, Willie Mae Dubose 10-Sep-1984 F Mcmillan, Robert F 06-Nov-1984 M Mcmillian, Carrie Lucille 14-Dec-1984 F Mcminn, George L 23-Nov-1984 M Mcmorris, Elnita 05-Mar-1984 F Mcmullen, Delia 28-Apr-1984 F Mcmullen, Fay Hemstead 19-Jun-1984 M Mcmullen, Eugene Anderson 23-Dec-1984 M Mcmurry, Dennis Keith 10-Sep-1984 M Mcnabb, Laura Catherine 25-Jan-1984 F Mcnally, Donald Jack 29-May-1984 M Mcnamara, Robert Vincent 31-Jul-1984 M Mcnatt, Norma Lee 31-Jul-1984 F Mcneal, Carl A 25-Feb-1984 M Mcneal, Madge Alice 25-Aug-1984 F Mcneely, David Lee 27-May-1984 M Mcneff, Elsie Maurine 25-Aug-1984 F Mcneill, Margaret Kathryn 13-Sep-1984 F Mcneill, William Gowin 08-Dec-1984 M Mcnew, Vera Jean 22-Apr-1984 F Mcnichols, Mary Katherine 07-Aug-1984 F Mcnulty, Nina Eugenia 19-Aug-1984 F Mcpeak, Mary 26-Mar-1984 F Mcphail, Vivian Cleo 19-Dec-1984 F Mcpherson, Garal Brune 27-Jul-1984 M Mcqueary, Cora 28-Jan-1984 F Mcqueary, De Elva 07-Sep-1984 F Mcqueen, Allier Hope 18-Jan-1984 F Mcqueen, Marcia Jean 08-Jul-1984 F Mcquilkin, Robert James, JR 27-Oct-1984 M Mcrae, Murdock Overstreet 03-Jan-1984 M Mcshane, Earl 31-Mar-1984 M Mcshane, Raymond Vincent 02-May-1984 M Mcswain, William Jennings 25-Jul-1984 M Mctaggart, James Arthur 12-May-1984 M Mcvoy, Alexander Robinson 01-Aug-1984 M Mcwherter, Katie Lee 06-Aug-1984 F Mcwhirter, Virginia A 30-Apr-1984 F Mcwhorter, Carl Otho 20-Feb-1984 M Mcwhorter, Isabelle Chaplin 30-Nov-1984 F Mcwilliams, Melanie Dawn 12-Feb-1984 F Mcwilliams, Minnie Eula 14-Dec-1984 F Mcwright, Thelma Inf Of 12-Aug-1984 M Meacham, Mildred Westyl 22-Aug-1984 F Meade, Jimmy Mac 07-Jan-1984 M Meador, Archie Melvin, SR 13-Oct-1984 M Meadows, Artis Coye 15-Jan-1984 M Meadows, Shelbie Louise 13-Feb-1984 F Meadows, Jim Thomas 10-Sep-1984 M Mealer, Noel Lawrence 02-Jul-1984 M Meals, Jane Ann Ellis 26-Oct-1984 F Means, Edna Mae 08-Nov-1984 F Mears, Wonder Faye Downs 24-Jan-1984 F Medcafe, Clinton Henry 23-Sep-1984 M Medcalf, George E 16-Mar-1984 M Medcalf, Buddy Ray 10-Aug-1984 M Medders, Margret Elizabeth 16-Nov-1984 F Medellin, Lucas 15-Jul-1984 M Medeoris, Jerry Lofton 28-May-1984 M Medford, Ruby Rae 02-Feb-1984 F Medina, Ponciano 15-Jun-1984 M Medina, Noel 27-Jun-1984 M Medina, Sabas Canales 27-Jul-1984 M Medlin, Eugene Pierce 13-Nov-1984 M Medlock, Ella 12-Mar-1984 F Medlock, Charles Clayton 22-Apr-1984 M Medlock, Richard 21-Oct-1984 M Medrano, Margarita C 07-Jun-1984 F Meeder, Martha Carrell 13-May-1984 F Meek, Edward Thomas 09-Jun-1984 M Meek, Charles Eugene 31-Oct-1984 M Meeker, Tannie Maye 05-Feb-1984 F Meeks, Marie 28-Jun-1984 F Mefford, Jerry Wayne 25-Feb-1984 M Mehaffey, William Bash 28-Mar-1984 M Mehlhoff, Martin Lewis 22-Feb-1984 M Mehta, Shiv Lal 01-Jan-1984 M Meisenheimer, Mildred 31-Aug-1984 F Melcher, William Lee 14-May-1984 M Melendez, Hiram 12-Nov-1984 M Mell, Harold D 17-May-1984 M Mellor, Alfred, SR 12-Jul-1984 M Melton, Bobbie Ann 19-Mar-1984 F Melton, Lucille Denny 07-Jul-1984 F Melton, Beulah Beatrice 29-Aug-1984 F Melton, Thomas Murray 26-Oct-1984 M Mendez, Matilda 11-Jan-1984 F Mendez, Refugio Valencia Mrs 14-Jul-1984 F Mendez, Nicolas Temores 22-Aug-1984 M Mendoza, Anselmo Sausedo 19-Jul-1984 M Mendoza, Sergio 22-Jul-1984 M Mendoza, Leo Tegario Inf Of 11-Aug-1984 M Mendoza, Juan Marcos Aka Salaz03-Sep-1984 M Meneses, Josefina 07-May-1984 F Menge, Howard J 15-May-1984 M Mentesana, Frances Kathryn 25-Dec-1984 F Menth, Walburga 20-Oct-1984 F Mentzel, Raymond Lester 09-Feb-1984 M Mentzer, Ann Laura 19-Sep-1984 F Mercado, Jaime 15-Jun-1984 M Mercer, Reba Annette 16-Aug-1984 F Merdinger, Jacob Peter 19-Apr-1984 M Meredith, Guy Eugene 30-Apr-1984 M Meredith, Lois M 03-Nov-1984 F Meredith, Cecil 26-Dec-1984 M Merica, Torri Elizabeth 02-Aug-1984 F Merimon, Ada Lee 28-Dec-1984 F Merriam, Clarence Frederick 28-Sep-1984 M Merrill, Florence Nicholson 11-Dec-1984 F Merriman, Harold Frederick 11-Apr-1984 M Merrithew, Nancy J 11-Jan-1984 F Merritt, Lindsey Adolphus 29-Jan-1984 M Merritt, Clay Lloyd 10-Aug-1984 M Mertes, Anna Matilda 28-May-1984 F Merton, Lavern Buell 05-Jan-1984 M Merton, Edward Lee 11-Dec-1984 M Mervicker, Wayne Gary 17-Mar-1984 M Meserole, Catherine Anne 20-May-1984 F Messina, Joe S, SR 21-Jan-1984 M Messina, Louis 16-Sep-1984 M Messina, Bette Jean 30-Sep-1984 F Messmer, Margaret Marie 01-Feb-1984 F Metcalf, John Calvin 08-Dec-1984 M Metcalfe, Joseph Nicholas 08-Dec-1984 M Metje, William Edward 08-Jul-1984 M Metz, Dorothy Jeane 05-Oct-1984 F Metze, Mabel J 17-Dec-1984 F Metzger, James Wesley 30-Jun-1984 M Meyer, Annie Rooney 16-Jan-1984 F Meyer, Clarence Michael 25-Feb-1984 M Meyer, Stanley E 20-Mar-1984 M Meyer, Gilbert H 11-May-1984 M Meyer, Johanna 19-Aug-1984 F Meyer, Elizabeth Fastabend 19-Sep-1984 F Meyer, Cornelius Charles 07-Dec-1984 M Meyers, Jean Katherine 06-May-1984 F