DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS - MARRIAGES 1946 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. The information in this file is in the public domain, as set forth by the TX State Legislature. However, we respect your right to privacy. If you find your name on this list and want it to be removed,please send a message to the county coordinator. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - ginagale@bigfoot.com December 20, 2000 These files should only be used as guides, transcription and typographical errors are possible. http://www.usgwarchives.net// ************************************************************************ Taken from "The Dallas Morning News" Thursday, June 20, 1946 page 11 BILLY JEAN SHIVERS, B. A. GATES ENGAGED The Rev. and Mrs. L. W. Shivers, Lewisville, announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Betty Jean Shivers, to Byron A. Butes Jr. at a tea party Saturday in their home. The Wedding will take place June 28 at 8 p.m. in the Christ Episcopal Church. HAROLD H. HELM, ANITA COOK WED AT BRIDE'S HOME The Rev. Charlie Cluck officiated at the marriage ceremony of Miss Anita Cook, daughter of Mrs. W. B. Cook, 824 Parkview and Harold H. Helm, son of Mrs. Florence Helm, 5202 Terry. The wedding took place Saturday evening at the home of the bride's mother. James F. Cook gave his sister in marriage. She wore a white linen street- length dress with an embroidered yoke. Her picture hat was of white milan straw and her other accessories were white. She carried red rosebuds on a white Bible. Miss Ola Cook, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and Gerald Helm attended his brother as best man. Ushers were Marshal L. Cook, and William B. Cook. Mrs. Sam Loveless, pianist, and Mrs. Parker L. Jackson, soloist, gave the wedding music. At a reception after the ceremony, Mrs. Earl Dawson served the ring wedding cake and Mrs. Hilton Folkes presided at the punch bowl. Mrs. L. C. Tiller was in charge of the bride's book. After a wedding trip, the couple will live at 3914 Bowser. Mrs. Helm is a graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School and her husband was graduated from Buckner High School. He served in the Army for almost five years, two years of which were spent in the Pacific theater of war. DAVID ROBERTS, MARY B. BUNDRICK TO WED JUNE 27 Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bundrick, 235 South Ewing, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary Ruth Bundrick, to David Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Roberts, Kansas City, Mo. The wedding will take place June 27 at the Oak Cliff Methodist Church, with the Rev. Harrison Baker officiating. Miss Marjorie Lacy will attend the bride as maid of honor and Mrs. J. M. Harris Jr. will be matron of honor. Bridesmaids will be Miss Laura Ann Roberts of Kansas City, cousin of the bridegroom, and Miss Betty Washington of Waco. Gordon Roberts will attend his brother as best man, and groomsmen will be David Bundrick, brother of the bride-elect; Melvin Charles and Walter Duncan. Miss Bundrick is a graduate of W. H. Adamson High School and attended NTAC. She is a member of the Rainbow Girls. Her fiancee attended Westport High School in Kansas City and Maryville State Teachers College, Maryville, Mo. He served in the Army three and a half years, one year of which was spent in the European theater of operations. Hostesses planning parties for Miss Bundrick are Mmes. Jack Gilmer, Robert King, J. M. Harris Jr., R. Lynn Crockett and Wilson L. Peters. JIMMIE E. POPE, SUE PETERSON'S BETROTHAL TOLD Mrs. LeRoy Napier and Mrs. Robert H. Hancock will entertain with a luncheon Thursday at the Napier home, 1006 Lausanne, to announce the approaching marriage of their niece, Miss Sue Peterson, to Jimmie E. Pope. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mrs. Lida S. Peterson, 303 North Winnetka, and Mr. Pope is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pope, 916 South Marlborough. The wedding will take place Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Folsom, aunt and uncle of the bride-elect, 1518 West Colorado. Places will be marked at the luncheon for fifteen guests. Mr. Pope has just returned from Panama and has received a discharge after two and a half years' service in the Navy. JULIANNA MARTINEZ, H. D. WILLIAMS MARRY The marriage of Miss Julianna Martinez to Herbert D. Williams took place June 15 at the Munger Place Methodist Church, with the Rev. Francis Buddin officiating at the double-ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Martinez, Los Angeles, Calif., and Mr. Williams is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Williams, 3230 Jerome. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a pale-yellow suit with white accessories and a corsage of lavender orchids. She was attended by Miss Alice Gilbreath as maid of honor and the bridegroom was attended by Marvin King as best man. Mr. Williams has been discharged after twenty-five months in the Navy, fifteen months having been spent in the South Pacific theater of operations. After a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Williams will live in Dallas. J. P. SIMMONS TO WED WANDA MCLEOD SOON Mr. and Mrs. V. E. McLeod, Teague, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Wanda McLeod, Red Oak, formerly of Dallas, to Jack P. Timmons, nephew of Mrs. C. E. Powell, Waxahachie. The wedding will take place June 30 at 8 p.m. at the Methodist Church, Red Oak. Miss McLeod is a graduate of the Waxahachie High School and is a member of Nu Phi Mu Sorority. The bridegroom-to-be was graduated from the Red Oak High School and attended Texas A. & M. College. He was recently discharged after two years' service with the Navy, more than a year having been spent in overseas duty.