Title: Dallas County, Texas: Marriages Book O (06 August 1895 through 26 November 1896)
Description: Searchable MySQL database includes 1,232 records of marriages transcribed from marriage record books of Dallas County. Each record contains the following fields: LastName_Groom, FirstName_Groom, LastName_Bride, FirstName_Bride, Date_Marriage, Book, Page, FullName_Officiate.
Date Created: 1978
Creator: Lu, Helen Mason
Contributor(s): Neumann, Gwen Blomquist; Smith, Margaret Gilmore;
Publisher: Dallas Genealogical Society
Coverage: United States – Texas – Dallas County;
Subject: Marriage Records
Key Words: Texas — Genealogy;
Language: English
Resource Type: Text
Format: Electronic File Format: SQL; Number of Records: 1232
Relation: Transcription of Dallas County, Texas: Marriages Book O (06 August 1895 through 26 November 1896);
Rights Holder: Copyright – Dallas Genealogical Society

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