Eastland Chronicle
August 7, 1902
This newspaper was transcribed by Tami Ramsey from microfilm
obtained from the Center for American History at the University
of Texas
Religious Revival is in progress at Rising star
J.C. RICHARDSON of Ranger was in town yesterday
Eugene DAY returned from his trip to the territory Sunday
Roger CONNELLEE is visiting his Uncle C.U. CONNELLEE
E.P. DAVENPORT and wife visited relatives at Ranger Sunday
W.L. WILSON of the Apert called on the Chronicle Monday
Hon. J.R. FROST made a business trip to Rising Star Thursday
KNIGHT left Tuesday to visit relatives at Murkel
A number of land trades are being made and more are on the
R.W. EDDIEMAN of Cisco spent Sunday with Treasurer W.B. CLEGG
H.C. PELFRY and son from near Cisco were in Eastland Thursday
Mrs. Rosa GRAVES and children left for Dublin last week to
take in the Re-Union
Lee RICKMAN of Graham is visiting the family of his Aunt Mrs.
Misses Wiltie STEWART and Callie HAGUE left Tuesday for Grandbury
and Cleburne
Miss Lucy CONNELLEE, from Kentucky is visiting friends and
relatives in Eastland
County Attorney DAVENPORT attended justice Court at Rising
Star the first of the week.
Weaver HAGUE is officiating as "central" operator
during the absence of Miss Neal RAWLS
John WALKERS cash drawer was touched for over fifty dollars
a few nights ago - Apert
Jack WILLIAMS, H.C. POOLE and Esq. J.E. BARNES had business
in the County seat Saturday
Berry WALKER, of Breckenridge, a brother of Lee WALKER of
Ranger, is reported very sick with slow fever
Jack PHILLIPS, the "old reliable", made his monthly
pilgrimage to the county's capital Wednesday
Esq. S.M. HOLLAND and wife spent several days this week at
their farm near Deleon in Comanche County
R.L. RAMSAY has been transferred to Dallas by the Pacific
Express Company and Mr. HARBISON will be his successor in Cisco
D.G. HUNT, Esq., attended the meeting of the Republican State
Executive Committee last week and is at Comanche on professional
business this week
J.H. LATHAM of Dublin is expected here today to close arrangements
for locating a $25,000 stock of general merchandise in Eastland
Prof. Paul CHASTAIN invested in one of Mayes Bros. Elegant
new buggies last week. Paul came all the way from Weatherford.
Letters received from Lon WILLARD, who has been at Wichita,
Kansas, having his leg treated, state that he has had three operations
preformed since leaving home with but little relief as yet
Mrs. W.H. PARVIN recently received the sad news of the death
of her aged mother Mrs. Adeie FINK at Philadelphia, Pa. She was
over 80 years of age. A few days later she also learned of the
death of her brother in law, Mr. Frank NAGLE, an old citizen of
Reading, Pa.
E. MARCHALL, assistant cashier of the Eastland Bank, returned
from his territory and Missouri trip Wednesday. He is warbling
"Just tell them that I saw her."
C.W. JOHNSON who has been foreman and business manager of
the Chronicle for a year past left Monday for San Angelo. He was
accompanied by his brother Richard JOHNSON.
Will WASHINGTON is erecting a modern residence on his farm
east of Eastland. Messrs Sam DAY, Van GEEN, STEWART, and Luther
MILLER are doing the work.
Mr. And Mrs. J.B. SKINNER are entertaining this week their
daughter and husband, Mr. And Mrs. KENNEDY from Archer County
and Mrs. COOK from Weatherford.
E.E. WOOD and family will leave Monday for a trip into the
Pan Handle
Monday was Eastland Day at Cisco. W.B. CLEGG, D.E. JONES,
I.B. DAVIDSON, Luther DAVENPORT, and W.C. MOORE were a few of
those who visited the railroad hub.
Considerable excitement was caused at Ranger Tuesday morning
by a fire at the Baptist Church an hour or two after midnight.
A lady living nearby discovered the fire and gave the alarm and
it was soon extinguished. Many thought the fire to have been of
inconcindiary origin but the Sheriff inclines to the opinion that
it was the work of a cigarette fiend.
The Eastland gin has been repaired and renovated from top
to bottom and Eastland is now said to have the largest and best
gin in the County. Another new boiler and several new gins have
been added to the equipment.
Edgar WELCH and Lois WARREN
Joe HENRY and Nannie STOCKER
Joe FOX and Nettie PERKINS